Accused of stalking
>Be me, loser
>Want to try to be more social
>At grocery store, see girl that lives in my apartment building
>Force myself to go up to her and say hi.
>Just a quick hi, nothing more.
>"Hey, how's it going?" I ask
>"Uhh, fine." she pushes he cart away.
>And that's why I never talk to anyone
>Pay for my shit, get in car, drive home
>Trying not to think about what a total loser I am
>Just as I'm pulling into parking lot, cop car is there, lights blarring
>Must be something going on
>Car pulls right behind me as I get to my spot
>Oh shit.
>Literally pulled out through the passenger side of car
>Thrown to the ground, cuffed
>No clue what is going on
>Cops asking me if I have weapons in the car, on my person
>Seen enough youtube vids, know to just keep my mouth shut
>Just say I want to see a lawyer
>Hauled to police station
>Cops start telling me I'm a sick fuck, gonna lock me up for years for stalking
>"Stalking who?"
>More berating from them, just keep my mouth shut
>After about 3 hours, some senior cop comes in
>"Miss Stacey said you were harassing her at the store today"
>"I just said hello to her."
>"But then you followed her home? Why?"
>"I wasn't following her, I was driving home!"
>"You mean to her home, right? You don't live with her."
>"I live in the same goddamn building as her!"
>Cop gets weird look on his face. "You do?"
>"Hang on a second."
>Fifteen minutes later, that senior cop is driving me home, apologizing for the confusion
>Says it would still be better if I just stayed away from her.
>Tried to get me to sign some shit saying I wouldn't sue
>Told him to go fuck himself
>Too poor for a lawyer anyway, but they don't know that.
How's your 4th weekend going?