Accused of stalking

Accused of stalking

>Be me, loser
>Want to try to be more social
>At grocery store, see girl that lives in my apartment building
>Force myself to go up to her and say hi.
>Just a quick hi, nothing more.
>"Hey, how's it going?" I ask
>"Uhh, fine." she pushes he cart away.
>And that's why I never talk to anyone
>Pay for my shit, get in car, drive home
>Trying not to think about what a total loser I am
>Just as I'm pulling into parking lot, cop car is there, lights blarring
>Must be something going on
>Car pulls right behind me as I get to my spot
>Oh shit.
>Literally pulled out through the passenger side of car
>Thrown to the ground, cuffed
>No clue what is going on
>Cops asking me if I have weapons in the car, on my person
>Seen enough youtube vids, know to just keep my mouth shut
>Just say I want to see a lawyer
>Hauled to police station
>Cops start telling me I'm a sick fuck, gonna lock me up for years for stalking
>"Stalking who?"
>More berating from them, just keep my mouth shut
>After about 3 hours, some senior cop comes in
>"Miss Stacey said you were harassing her at the store today"
>"I just said hello to her."
>"But then you followed her home? Why?"
>"I wasn't following her, I was driving home!"
>"You mean to her home, right? You don't live with her."
>"I live in the same goddamn building as her!"
>Cop gets weird look on his face. "You do?"
>"Hang on a second."
>Fifteen minutes later, that senior cop is driving me home, apologizing for the confusion
>Says it would still be better if I just stayed away from her.
>Tried to get me to sign some shit saying I wouldn't sue
>Told him to go fuck himself
>Too poor for a lawyer anyway, but they don't know that.

How's your 4th weekend going?

Attached: stalker-stock.jpg (800x534, 29K)

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I don't know how, but sue her, and sue them.

You'll be set for life.

Jesus Christ. It's tough out there for a robot. Maybe the police will give you some sort of compensation. Or maybe you can sue them.

I talked to a few lawyers, they all want thousands up front. I have no fucking money. But they don't know that, so they can all at least fucking sweat for a couple days.

>not just actually stalking high school girls and striking fear into their hearts

how in the fucking fuck

IMHO sounds like this could be fake. propaganda type stuff. I posted a thread in Jow Forums about this kind of stuff, people sounded like they knew what they were talking about, said that making bullshit claims (like stacy did) doesn't have as much power as is most commonly said to have.

OP can you prove that this happened in any way? Can you post your location? Can you post the police department? You have nothing to lose.

If it's true then, well, it's not creepy if he's hot. lift weights.

That's hilarious if true
Time to get rich a lawyer will take the case and take their pay out the settlement

You need to unironically fuck with her. If there are no cameras in your building I would recommend by just buying a bunch of bait insects and just showing them under her door
Smear shit under her car door handle
Whatever you do, you really need to do something

Czeched and keked, OP needs to follow through with this

Attached: Hitler.png (543x489, 506K)