How do you bulk your arms up Jow Forums...

How do you bulk your arms up Jow Forums? It seems whenever i eat to bulk up it just makes my stomach bigger which hides my abs

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eat more.

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Specific arms training. Stop with "80% compound 20% iso" memery ; you want Big arms, work on your arms. Put on 2 arms day/w for 6-8 weeks; start with heavy excersise, and work your way down with supersets. Don't be afraid of heavy weight nor calories.

pullups, dips pushups?

>Muh calisthenics for mass

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Two things:

1. Bulking works... if you're on roids. Roids increases protein synthesis, TDEE and a host of other things that are still undiscovered - all of which allows you to overeat and primarily put on muscle. As someone who isn't on roids you will simply put on belly fat - as you have found.
2. Your idea of what 'big arms' means may need reevaluating. Go back and study BBers pre-1950s. 20+ inch arms were only heard of in those rocking 38 inch+ waists. Roid use obviously skews this today.
3. Curls are the obvious go to. While completely out of vogue I have found cheat curls work wonders for the arm. Do your sets than do 3 more while adding 5kg+ each following set.

Not him but I have 16” arms at 5’8, 160lbs from calisthenics only.

8-hour arm workout

With how many years of training ? I'm not saying calisthenics don't build some mass, i'm saying it's extremly subpar

So its about doing more consistent arm exercises rather than eating more? Im not on roids. I do pushups and standing bicep curls now, i guess ill just have to keep going before i see some results

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Around 2 years on and off because of work.

Eyh, what do I know
But the vast majority of cali boïs I personally know have very subpar muscular dev for their training experience ; sure, they are lean, but not swole for shit, even tho they've been lifting for 5,6 years
With power kekking i'm around the 17 bar , but i'm a bit taller than you and fat af, so I shouldn't show of too much

But I can curl 2 pl8, wich is nice

she's a big brapper

Somehow my arms respond well to training, while my chest is shit. My back looks nice though. Traps and delts are on point. Thing is, I do everything in high volume and sometimes superset. So if I have a pull day I go 1 set of pull ups, 1 of rows, one of ring curls and 1 of face pulls. Usually I aim for 6 sets per exercise. More if I’m well rested. On top of this I practice some skill work also. That’s why my results are better than expected, although not that impressive compared to a bodybuilder.

You actually have to lift user

I always start with heavy compounds (bench & DL). 5x7. Fuck the numbers, go for what´s heavy for you. Then, I do a shit ton of either pyramid or drop sets of bicep Curls. x20 reps on the higher weights, xFailure on the light weights. Take rest pauses between the failure sets with the light weight. Then I switch for something completely different (legs or core) and let my arms recuperate for a bit. After that I come back and do chin ups till failure in 3 sets. Before I leave the gym I do some light weight preacher curls xFailure for dat dere pump. I always make sure I leave the gym drained. Been doin that for 2 weeks now, only 3 rest days in between so far. Been seeing some recent results.
There are days where I could only do the compounds and the light weight work, which is still better than doing nothing. Get the pump and the blood flowing, flush out the lactic acid n shit.
And yeah, eat more. Couldn´t be more true. I´m eating like a gravid pig, both clean and dirty bulking.

But you're still 'over-fat' at 5'8/160 and this is why you have 16 inch arms. Get down to lean a lean weight (30 inch waist) and that measurement is dropping considerably.

The calisthenics-only and pre-steroids Rocky Marciano (5'11, extremely big bones and wrists, 183lbs, and low bodyweight lean) didn't even have bicceps that topped out at 16 inches. Why? Because you don't when you're lean, doing calisthenics and not on gear.

>But you're still 'over-fat' at 5'8/160 and this is why you have 16 inch arms

By the way, you're also probably topping out at 5'6 and 170lbs.

Brah, my waist is exactly 78cm completely relaxed. I’m not shredded but I’m pretty lean. I don’t want to cut more because I have no reason to. Although yeah, I’m sure that if I cut a few pounds more my arms will go under 15 but again, I have no reason to do that. I don’t like the auschwitz survivor look.

>what are weighted pull ups, dips, push ups

Yeah you won't be that strong, but you will look better to normies. There's a ton of jacked looking college kids at my gym that can't bench lmao 2pl8 and have bird legs, cuz they do isolations 24/7.

So my question hasnt really been answered clearly... oh well

A shitty meme for people who wont just admit bench, cg-bench and rows are superior

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Train arms space nigger. That's all. If you want I can give you detailled training, but you gotta be able to read for that; wich ,given the fact that you think no one answered you problematic, isn't assured

>Rocky Marciano
>extremely big bones and wrists

Thats what i wanted to know, do i have to eat loads of shit or just train my arms more. Simple question, you can go more detailed but im new to Jow Forums so youd have to explain as if im 5 years old

For the sake of argument
Allright, I agree weighted push ups aren't very practical. However, they do work your core whereas the bench doesn't really. Also, weighted push ups shouldn't eliminate the bench from your routine.
>cg bench
Idk how they compare to weighted dips honestly, but I like doing weighted dips.
Rows are horizontal, pull ups are mostly vertical if your form is on point. You could substitute with lateral pulldown, but that's a shitty sub imo.

Your biceps can handle high frequency. I've hit them 6 times a week without much trouble. High frequency tricep work will lead to tendonitis in my experience.

Also do stuff that involves bicep stretching like incline bench curls.

Also try doing your lower back extensions while holding weight in a closed bicep curl position.

Also don't forget that your forearms are half your arms so you need to isolate them.

not true, doing heavy biceps+triceps then isolating forearms just overworks the forearms, I tried it and had to take a few weeks off

idk what the fuck you're doing but I work forearms literally every day of the week without problem.

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I just want her to sit on my face

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I have to agree to an extent, especially on the core engagement. However, once you've attained some serious weight, bench press should and will engage your core; even if it's nowhere comparable to the engagement weighted push ups generate
>>CG bench
Most of the people who use dips do it to have a good alternative movement to pushups to target tri and shoulder more, wich is exactly the aim of a CG bench. Furthermore, bench and CG bench are usually seen associated, as are pushups and dips; overall, I think the bench association is superior for strenght and mass to the dips and pushup one
>> Rows
As shown by many studies, rows are actually extremely proficient at targeting the lats and rombhoids, thus being, surprisingly, a good "vertical pull" movement, as well as the Ultimate "horizontal pull" one ; but one should associate both rows and pull-up imo

Calisthenics movements are the go to for mobility and relative strenght, and can even be efficient for mass and absolute strenght to some extent; yet, I think there exists superior alternatives for the latters.
However, I respect your choices and opinion ; after all, working out is about finding what work best for you

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