20 minutes of dick in pussy will dramatically improve your lives and general health

20 minutes of dick in pussy will dramatically improve your lives and general health

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It will for a lot of us, since our lack of self esteem is tied to the fact that no woman found us attractive enough to have sex with us

True. I find it hard to get interested in things when the only thing I want to do is pound a cute girl. Like nothing ever matters why should I care about the latest movie or video game? I just want to fuck for once in my life.

I think sex with a stranger would be traumatic for me i just want a gf

thats where you're wrong. I lowered my standards to hamplanet and got put off sex. It's been a month but I'm recovering. I never thought I could be so repulsed by a female and was dissapointed in my horny self

Why the fuck are we tolerating this burger king manager faggot fuck avatarfag Jow Forums? Can someone explain this to me? It's been going on for over a month and it's getting more and more aggravating as he pushes the limits of his baiting more and more.

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Shut up sperg. kill yourself

It's the fucking wagie chink, fuck off you slanty eyed fag we'll blow up Nagasaki again or something or Invade China bloody gook go spook

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>Protecting the shit anime poster
Oh boy we got another fag here lads

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It's the fag with the who likes Viet Cong Asian birches

That poster always posts under Hajimete No Gal Terriblesubs filename. And only says racist shit. This poster just took his pic. Trust me I know, I like posting with the same pics and acting like a cock hungry slut on discord. The actual avatarfag is this asian twink too, embarrassing desu

Pfft, as if the virgins on this board could last that long. They'll probably let it out within 1 minute lmao, along with all their spaghetti.

Kys stupid chink

You all gross and nasty. I aintletting you weirdos near my vahooha

>actually tolerating the presence of a subhuman fatty
>going so far as to sleep with a subhuman fatty

you're as bad as those things are, don't enable them.

Shut the fuck up, dumb NEET.

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The gook is getting angry begone you Ching Chong faggot and I dare you to eat my cat I'll hang your twinkle low t Asian body from a telephone pole

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You should assume any woman that lets you fuck her is doing it out of pity and that you're just as worthless without your virginity as you were with it.

i get to pound this every night. jealous gay neet?

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Niggerlover nigger nigger

Insectoid chink women with bulbous noses no thanks son

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the absolute state of nu-r9k
fuck off normie

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u mad bro? lololol lel

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