Which waifu would you willfully wife?
Which waifu would you willfully wife?
aggie or ken
We would have intelligent children.
Muffy because she is KHV
everyone else are sullied trollops
which is most fertile?
which one's body most craves my seed?
Crispy ofcurse my main mane
are they all russian?!
all of these are ugly 4/10 pieces of shit, please stop orbiting these retards and calling them "queens of r9k"
The last one is kind of cute but I'm not into white or Asian girls
Kennedi, with Ciara a close second.
So are crispy and aggie
they're homos with known female partners who have appeared in their videos and have probably had lesbo sex. I guess cleaner than being penetrated by a male but not really the same
>3D attention whores
>known female partners
hmmm literally no?
she friendzoned the wheelchair dyke a long time ago
i would wife kennedi or rose an they are the best choices
only muffy
>3D waifu
these girls are 2.5D.
None of them because 85% of them are horribly ugly and I'm not an orbiting faggot
brooke brooke brooke
They're all 7/10 or above save for maybe Rose (which she makes up for in intelligence and personality), Ciara, and Sunny.
>3d garbage
none of them
ciara crispy kelly only
I would suck katya everyday
crispy only but forever
any/all of them. WHY SO CUTE?
russians are subhumans with heavy kike dna
She looks like a goblin these days
Muffy is homo too
>Which waifu would you willfully wife?
Fritz is the only possible choice.
Reminder that agatha is a dyke.
That's not how it works you ironic idiot.
Press x to doubt.
>mouth breathing dot txt.
Thyroid problems and the only one that isn't white.
>why I'm alone has nothing to do with my extremely high standards
They're all no less than 7 and up.
This to be honest, dyke issue aside.
>Reminder that agatha is a dyke.
proof plz
It's just what they used to say. I never followed any particular waifu before, just found the threads here refreshing.
>Press x to doubt
Muffy is not only KHV but also asexual.
She made a video talking about being a lesbian.
Muffy is definitely not asexual. But yes she is a KHV.
3DPD CANNOT be waifus. Stop using the term for them. You infested everything, at least stop butchering it.
She said she was asexual/biromantic
She's dating someone. Pretty sure that means she's not asexual.
>She's dating someone.
Gonna need a source
>She's dating someone
Was posted in the last Muffy thread. I'll dig it up and repost in the next one
Someone claiming something without evidence isn't a source.
asexual biromantic means she's okay with dating but not fugging
>She's dating someone.
>Pretty sure that means she's not asexual.
Also wrong, because she said she's asexual but biromantic.
Some user knows the guy dating her and posted a picture of his messages while he was busy in the last thread. Didnt save it either but knowing how butthurt you faggots get I should have.
>random user on Jow Forums just happens to know Muffy's boyfriend
likely story
Jow Forums is archived both in site and by third parties so if you weren't bullshitting you would post the proofs instead of reflecting.
What happened to eliza? Or whoever the fuck that bitch was.
I pick Chaotic
They work together supposedly. It's a small world user.
The only archives I use have post number searches and I'm way too lazy to actually do that.
Ksenia > Kelly > Katya > Kennedi > Miru > Rose > Eliza > Muffy > Crispy > Anzu > Agatha > Sunny
>no cracky option
Yeah keep bullshitting retard
besides all the others have a penis and brooke is a nasty little thot
>related pic
maybe she's tired for the trip
Where are her eyebrows?
>he hasn't seen her youtube videos
with the rest of the makeup
i have, but the user specified "these days", implying she doesnt look as she does during other days, which inherently implies not like she looks in her videos too
and i agree
These days, as in recently. As in the past few months.
I miss agy :(
days =/= months
It's a figure of speech user
at present, she hasnt done any videos.
the last one is from 1 month ago, which is not present.
but in the present, she's been in thailand during a trip
>posts a bunch 3D attention whores
You may actually be autistic. Or is english not your first language?
it's just funny to lead you on on semantics
you could have just said im a retard the first time, but you went on
Not him but pulling the "I was only pretending to be retarded" excuse is so cringe and transparent.
i cant choose between Miru or Katya
post more agy :(
i wasnt pretending to be retarded though
i was pretending to be autistic, its different
Sunny is one of the most beatiful creatures to ever exist on this planet
>mfw when none of them are my type
The Death.
something about these girls that are constantly orbited doesn't feel right to me
I feel like they're all void of emotion or have nervous breakdowns every other hour
so none of them, for me at least
So is there any source on the muffy boyfriend fiasco
whats going on with sunny on /agatha/?
I know right, I was off that board for a month after the franz suicide shit because I became a wagecuck and now everyone has a name and its too focused on owner and drama rather than aggie.
Just gunna leave this here for yall
None of the good girls are on that one so who cares
Rose caption should say ten years ago cuz that pic and her channel are over 10 years old. She old.
There is literally none. Just like the blacked thing, and the trap thing.
>doesn't know ilayserah
the arkansas josh meme was funny at first but its more of a troll now. people really liked franz and they didnt want to see him go as owner. people dont know what to think of the new owner so i understand people talking about the owner of the board but that will end eventually. they also won the attention hunger games and thats why its a bunch of shitposts right now since all other boards on 8ch get a header linking /agatha/. im going to ride it out but i just do know what going on with sunny and the board
Its a meme just like franz
She just deleted her discord. I'm not saying it is but it might be true user.
> Just
It was 5 hours ago user.
Well I'm hearing about it now so fuck you faggot
Are you one of the orbiters that had her discord?
Yes, I don't know who originally posted that she deleted her discord, that wasn't me, but I did have her discord. She said she would write down my discord and contact me if she ever came back, although I doubt she'll come back or talk to me again
Is that you Gatter? What makes you say she wont come back. Did she seem cold?
I'm not into sluts, so none of these that's for sure.
Yeah, too lazy to screen cap right now so I'll just copy her messages
"i'll save your username incase i decide to come back in the future i suppose
but that's probably unlikely"
A few messages later:
"but it's probably for the better that i separate myself from this"
I feel like Agatha's vibe would get annoying after a while. I'm a have to go with the favela weeb known as Kelly