How are people so much weaker than apes

How the FUCK are apes so strong? No formal testing has been done to ascertain how strong a chimp or gorilla is but it's safe to say a silverback gorilla could beat the living fuck out of humanties finest natty bodybuilders and even roided out hulks like rich piana (rip). How is this possible since gorillas live in a diet of fucking bamboo and do no strength training? Same goes for chimps

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Their muscles are built for pure strength. Ours are made for precision work like crafting tools. We sacrificed strength for tool-making

Gorillas can apparently bench 1500lbs without breaking a sweat, and can pull over 2400lbs easily.

You're basically looking at an animal that's 3 times stronger than humanity's strongest...with sharp teeth, tree climbing skills and agility

Gorillas are total madlads and I respect them very much. Very smart and gentle for all their strength

>Believing in evolution

Then leave that last sentence away. There's your answer

from what I've seen that isn't a load of sensationalism a large gorilla is about twice as strong as a powerlifter. Most numbers are a lot of conjecture but most numbers seem to support the idea that gorillas are about the same muscle to body wieght percentage as a powerlifter, but they weigh about 350lbs on average.
>tfw gorillas are a species of vegan powerlifters

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they put their evolution points into strength and size. we put ours into intelligence and precision.
>believing in magical sky daddies

Stronger insertions, but less dexterity

does this just annihilate the size=strength meme? Chimps aren’t that big either being dwarfed by most humans yet could easily rip your fucking arms off like a twig

>being this much racemixed

Jesus those forearms

what mode is this

Easy. Have a machine set up to where when weights are added to a plate, given the type of workout you want to test, it deposits food.

Now have a human do the experiment till the gorillas learn how it works.

Keep adding weight requirements to the machine until you find their max.

That's not a real Gorilla you nigger.
This is a real one.
The Jews have been lying to you.

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They are you had you not been hacked by space aliens to mine gold.

somebody needs to start training a gorilla

Please be sincere; I need a good laugh.

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Like imagine a pully device, similar to a lateral pulldown, but the weight changes each day.

Next you can do a deadlift machine, one that adds weight each day till you find out the average limit of what a gorilla will put in work wise to get a reward, but also a generalization of their strength.


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Gorillas eat about 40 pounds of protein rich vegetation a day, typically consuming around 500g of protein per day in this diet.

Those digits on that post make me severely uncomfortable.


Those are from walking on your arms

The first thing to bear in mind is that there a vegetarian diet contains all the basic components of a meat diet, apart from a few nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and folate. This means that an ape can build up the same muscles and strength from a vegetarian diet as from a meat one. I have not read anywhere that chimpanzees, or humans, with a mainly vegetarian diet are any weaker than those with a meat diet. The main difference is that meat is generally easier to break down than vegetation and that meat eaters need to spend less time feeding than vegetarians, but if the apes are relatively safe, spending a few hours feeding and digesting food, rather than hunting or resting, need not afect the accumulation of muscle tissue.

The other thing to consider is that it can take less time for a vegetarian to find food. For example a leaf eater in a tree doesn't have to go far to find food, assuming that it is able to digest the leaves of the tree it is in (and it would be a poorly adapted leaf eater to inhabit trees when it couldn't process the leaves). A meat eater may use up a lot of energy obtaining food. It seems that most of the hunts of a big cat are unsuccessful, so that means a lot of energy being used before it can be replaced from food. Cheetahs, for example, may use up a lot of energy in unsucessful hunts and, when they are successful, may have their fiood stolen from them. In order to build up muscles and strength, the energy obtained from food must exceed the energy expended on obtaining that food. It doesn't seem that a vegetarian diet has adversely affected the strength of apes.

pt dos.
The other thing to consider is where the muscles are concentrated. Chimpanzees, gorillas and orang-utans have very strong arms and relatively weak legs. Compared to humans, anthropoid apes are top heavy and use their arms to support their weight when moving. Humans concentrate more of their muscle weight in their legs and so, compared to anthropoid apes, have relatively weak arms. When scientists talk about the strength of apes, they are really referring to the strong arms and the well-developed chests, compared to humans. Jim Kakalios says that the arms of apes are developed for specific tasks, many of which involve strength, while human hands are developed for a wider range of skills as humans do not use their hands when walking.

I don't know if anyone has compared the legs, but I guess that humans have stronger leg muscles than the anthropoid apes, which have stockier legs, with the muscles concentrated in a smaller area. A human could still support his or her body weight with one foot on the ground and both arms in the air, while kicking out at an opponent. If an anthropoid ape tried to do this, I think it would stand a great risk of falling over. If this is so, I think that humans would probably be better at kick boxing and similar sports than anthropoid apes.

Surely that's just gorillamode?

So are farmer's walks just a meme? Should I just integrate gorilla's walks into my routine?

ok so when a black and white parent have kids what color are they? MIXED. this is what happened thousands of times to create a completely different species.

that or there is a fairy in the sky who thought us all into existence

we also can just pick up a rock or a big stick (men have been crafting spears in europe for at least 400,000 years, but desu probably much longer than that). but somehow people will still say that a 70 pound chimp is indestructible and if it gets bashed on the head with a nice rock it wont even care

it would probably be a problem to come up with exercises. a lot of these science fags who dont have any traps dont know jack shit about exercises. i remember one video where they were testing the pulling power of a weightlifter and they had him do some weird rack pull deadlift - like why tf are you having him max out on this when you already know how much he can snatch. like wtf that's already been tested. and then to test leg strength they had him do a knee extension rather than just a simple fucking squat. and they dont even measure it by calculating weight with distance and speed and whatnot; they instead do some convoluted fag shit where they attach electrodes to the muscle and then measure it in newtons or some dumb shit that's completely disconnected from all practicality.

so basically what i'm saying is, instead of setting up the gorilla on a lat pulldown machine and maybe also setting up a machine shoulder press machine and things like that that involve full range of motion with simple positive reinforcement like e.g. a banana after each set while doing progressive overload by adding e.g. five pounds every day,
what they will actually do is put the most convoluted and useless exercise imaginable like a spring with a rope attached to it that only tests elbow extension from a weird and inconsistent anngle or some gay shit idk, and instead of measuring force production by utilizing simple variables like weight, distance, etc, they'll do some fuckery with EMG shit and end up with a result that's measured in kelvins as opposed to simple weight on a bar through full range of motion.

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Nah man the opposite. They both are the lifestyle it takes.

This user knows

How did I miss this thread? Gorillas are vastly stronger than Humans for several reasons:

- Their muscles are much larger in absolute terms.

- They have a much higher proportion of fast-twitch, type II muscle fibers, especially on their back muscles and arms.

- Their muscles process lactic acid much faster and more efficiently than Humans.

- Their muscles attach in the tendons in positions that maximize leverage, especially for pulling, whilts Human muscles attach to the bones in positions that maximize fine motor coordination. As a consequence, Humans can touch the center of their palms with their thumbs, which gorillas can't. Humans can write with a pen, whilst gorillas, even if they had the intelligence to learn how to write, would never be able to due to lack of ability to control the fingers with the precision that Humans can.

- Their tendons are four times thicker and several times denser than Humans, which allows them to hoist much bigger weights than Humans. An elite Human bencher can bench 750 lbs raw; a gorilla can hoist that weight with a single arm whilst using the other to hold itself to a tree branch, and then lift the weight to it's face. A strength that is several leagues above Human level.

- Gorillas lack the strong neurological inhibition that Humans have when it comes to exerting strength. Their brains are primed for generating extreme exertions of strength.

- Their adrenaline levels reach several times that of Humans when they are enraged, and adrenaline increases mobilization of muscle fibers. Even without adrenaline, though, they can exert 5 X the strength of a Human elite powerlifter and 10 X the power(strength X speed)

- Their bones are 10 X denser, which means that hoisting huge weights is less strssful for them than for Humans. A gorilla's wrist is so thick and dense that it can hoist 800 lbs, the same weight that takes a Human's entire skeleton to hoist.

- Gorilla strength has nothing to do with testosterone levels. Their testosterone levels are actually lower than Humans, since they are less sexually competitive and promiscuous than Humans.

It is important to point out that gorilla's strength advantage is mostly for pulling and bending, at which they are, according to the Discovery Channel, 20+ times superior to the average man. Most of their muscle mass in on the back and arms and not on the legs and chest as well as higher proportion of fast twitch type II muscle fibers, and their muscle attachments are designed to maximize the power of the back muscles and of the arms for pulling. At pushing, they are still much stronger than Humans but not crushingly so, because their absolute muscle mass, type of muscle fiber and tendon thickness garantees much greater strength even though their muscles do not enjoy better leverage than ours for pushing. For pushing a gorilla is probably only about 5 times stronger than an average men - which is still huge. In fact, on the bench press, a gorilla probably can't bench as much as Human bench champion because, besides their muscle being at a disadvantage for pushing, they have long arms which makes the amount of force required to move a weight in the bench press greater.

>Their bones are 10 X denser
This shit doesn't make sense to me. Surely bone strength would be just as important for human's evolutionary success, right? Why would we have evolved bones that are so much weaker?

To make us lighter so we can run longer.

short answer: Humans exercise less

We also need lighter bones for fine motor control.

Muscles attached to lighter frames are peak evolution. See birds.

Humans don't eat enough and aren't trying hard enough
People who try hard enough to do SS for a year or more are as strong or are stronger than a gorilla.

Prime manipulation and motor control mean nothing if your brain aint big enough to manipulate the environment around you.

As op already said, precision over strength in humans. It's especially true for our arms and our biceps and shoulders are weaker(but more flexible) because they're connected differently.

We need to get these guys on tren just to watch the chaos

>imagine a gorilla on gear

We stopped eating our natural food, fruit

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Genetics dictate how much muscle will be built on an animal.
We build muscle off muscle-use because it makes sense for a specific person doing specific things to survive.

>weak legs

are you retarded

Brain is evolutionary really expensive. While both muscles and neural tissue require a lot of energy, neural tissue is the one more efficient.
You can clearly see that brain gives some advantage when you compare humans to apes. We made tools which kill more effectively than brute force.