Any asian femanons from this board wanna be friends?
Any asian femanons from this board wanna be friends?
I'll just end up hurting you.
by stepping on me?
You can't hurt me, kek, I've already been broken and will be dead inside forever. Another Asian cunt.
Post Discord now.
I've been ghosted by enough femanons it wouldn't even phase me
Do you hate Asian men femanon?
Not all of them. It depends on him as an individual I suppose.
All Asian women hate all men. They just hate Asian men slightly more.
The last guy who fell for me I agonize over him and feel really bad for it. I definitely lead him on and it's all my fault, I wasn't thinking of the consequences at the time. I'm sorry for hurting someone.
Just wanna a female to talk to
I'm not in a position to have a go at the moment even if it's ldr
Yeah bit you're not going to lead me on because I don't have the capacity to love. Try me all you like, I don't give a fuck.
same i want a friend
OP here
I don't know your situation and I'm not really straight so I don't fall for girls. Do you wanna be friends still? I can post my discord or you can post yours
[This comment was not original]
I'm not her. The person I hurt wasn't from r9k.
There is a story there. Tell it so we can call you a roastie whether you deserve it or not. Also venting or whatever I guess.
Tell me about the person you hurt, user. Fuck do it over Discord? This is a shitt way to have a conversation.
You remind me a lot of her, she did the same thing to me, can we talk? Just in a therapeutic sense, you can offload your guilt and I can vent about what she did to me.
I bet you weren't as bad as her.
Asiananon, here is my Discord if you want to confess, I am the user who was also broken by an Asian girl who led me on and lied to me for a year, before getting bored and leaving me.
I wanted a friend, he wanted more. I'm basically asexual for the most part. I knew he liked me, I didn't realize it would inevitably lead to hurt later on. I let him like me knowing I can't be with him. I even act cutesy to make him think i'm adorable. One day I just felt mood swings and lashed out at him. he thinks he's in the wrong, he thinks he's the worst thing that ever happened to me and he even regrets existing because of my wrongs. I would say i'm roast scum, I hurt him, I also let him like me because I liked the attention, 100% no excuse for what I did. He was also asian, idk if it makes the story easier to picture. only in the ending after I lose him I feel some agony. if I go back to him, I'm only ruining his life by making him love me forever and not giving others a chance because he idealizes me.
You sound like you really need help then. If you hurt people like that out of the blue. People like you cause lifelong trauma
and maybe you should apologize to him
Yeah, that's pretty terrible, user. You well and truly deserve the title of roasty. Still not remotely comparable to my ex though, she was orders of magnitude worse.
I sent him many apologies. I do think I'm the one who will ruin women for him. the worst part is he'll still care about me after all this and think i was a good person or he was at fault. I don't know how to mend things so that there's a correct solution anymore.
Are you a guy though? Not really interested in talking to dudes on Discord. No offense, and I'm not trying to Internet flirt with girls on Discord, I just find talking to them the most therapeutic at this moment in time.
I always feel kinda gay talking to guys in Discord, and honestly most of the guys that add you from Jow Forums end up wanting to do gay shit.
You can't mend things, and you probably have ruined women for him, my ex done this with me. But the worst thing about it all was, she wasn't even asexual like you, she moved on to other guys after me, that is what crippled me the most, see her post about liking other guys, being crazy about them, going on Tinder dates and shit.
Fuck I absolutely despise her, and hope she dies a slow and painful death, I truly do.
Do you plan on adding anyone from this thread at all?
I don't know. I've only hurt people, even if we agree I only want to be friends almost every single guy wanted more than that. I believe every guy online desires something even if they think they're too broken, i can't trust that friendship can exist between men and women in a genuine way. even if i advertise myself to only want a platonic friend someone will usually come onto me sexually or want to date.
There would be no point in me trying to date you since we'd probably never meet irl
Believe me, I don't want more than to talk, I don't even really care about being close enough to call each other friends.
I just need to talk to people, man. Take my mind off my ex. Look here's my Discord again, add me if you actually want to just talk:
I mean if you believe so then why are you posting in this thread? I asked for friends. and i dont believe in e relationships
true, I guess I wanted to vent about my issues, sometimes I just forget i'm ruining someone's thread sorry.
I dont mind.
if you still wanna add me heres my discord. Im trying to find someone who was like my last friend. that was asian
You've been given like 3 or 4 Discords from anons who all genuinely seem like they just want a friend or to talk/vent with someone, and yet you're complaining about yourself shitting up a thread while just wanting people to vent to.
You seem a bit BPD, to be honest.
I definitely have BPD
Yeah, so did my ex, for sure... Seems to be really common among Asian girls, no? Where are you from, user?
Just let him put his penis in your vagina some femanon what's so difficult about that? It's not like he's Chad you don't even have to do it very much. Never understood this.
i'm half white, sorry :c
I don't mind user
Hapa will do. Discord?
Did you tell them any of this? Lonely dudes don't just forget about that sort of thing, if you really want them to let go and move on and not be hung up on you they're going to need some sort of closure. Ghosting someone after lashing out is just further shitiness on top of shittiness. Basically adding insult to injury. Obviously you're afraid of opening that door back up and worry it's inviting but that's what you've got to do if you want to do the right thing.
Also don't give us that asexual bullshit, 95% of the time that's just something a girl says when they aren't attracted to a particular person in a misguided attempt to try to soften the blow. At least be honest with yourself on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving site.
>i can't trust that friendship can exist between men and women in a genuine way
Well, pretty redpilled for a femanon at least. Don't hate yourself user, there's a lot more he'll experience in life than all this. Getting your heart broken really hurts, and it never is really the same after, but after a few years things improve. He'll probably meet another girl one day and orbit her and get over you. Who knows, maybe he'll get a gf.
>I even act cutesy to make him think i'm adorable.
What do you mean by this? Hopefully just teasy kind of stuff instead of full on telling him stuff like "Father my children user" or something.
I can't argue that it sounds like this is the only way to atone for my crime
Probably not her but hey sounds good to me.
you sound exactly like one of my asian friend girls
Yeah, there's legit something wrong with Asian girls, same with whites. I think it's because they know they're in high demand, they're a valued commodity, so they can just fuck about and do whatever they want and they will always have a constant stream of men waiting for them as backups.
I'll take Asian or any race of femanon. Hit me up grills.
Asian femanons why do so many robots have yellow fever, you arent special at all, you are short and look like underage.
I think robots are pedos desu
No such thing as femanon. If I ever see you in person watch your fucking back motherfucker, people like you make me very angry.
> laughing at u for not realizing latinas are literally the best gfs
Scrub0270 my discord.
They arent.
t. Latino
dont hate on them just cuz they wont fuck you
It's not what I realize that matters, it's what society in general thinks.
>he last guy who fell for me I agonize over him and feel really bad for it. I definitely lead him on and it's all my fault, I wasn't thinking of the consequences at the time. I'm sorry for hurting someone.
It's fucking awful when you hurt someone. I am ugly as fuck, but there is always this one kind of woman that just falls in love with me. I'm just as ugly on the inside. I really want a gf, I bet if I ask out this one particular girl she'll say yes, but I'll just end up moving for work again.
They have been westernized & emulate sheboon behavior, I prefer asian giros instead have fun with your sassy feminist latina tho
yes user i want to be friends pic related its me
I cant hold a conversation together :(
Neither can i.
but if you feel up to it we can vc one day or just talk in text.
Post yellow asses :))))
God, I can post again. I couldn't feel happier
Hello friends, where are the east asian women located?
In your imagination cause there are no girls here. If there are, I dare you to give me your discord
Yeah right, send more angles
Newfriend, it is a meme based on "ooga booga, where the white women at"
Mabel? Orisjsieh
Why cant you do that?
ADHD autism & schizoid
Be my schizoid friend to support
I'm not new, I was banned
It's okay. I am not judging you, in fact I am one of the more benevolent dudes posting now. I am pretty drunk so that passive benevolence that you are probably seeking is readily available.
I posted my discord already to you user. I am a schizoid as well.
are you diagnosed? has your shrink ever talked about the difference between schizoid and schizotypal with you? mine tries to steer away from the subject when i ask
There is many discords in this thread, which one are you?
it was this post. i hope you add me user
Good night, my lovely asian femanons. I'm fucking toasted, and I want you to love me, but destroyed right now. Whatever basis for attraction, I am adhering to. Stupid non-white sluts, I see it now
cookern#2125 new friend
Any girl up to talk me sweet and wish me a good night?