Rate my physique

rate my physique

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ur arm genetics have been blessed

10/10 dick

>Also, my the barbell when i deadlift largely rests on my fingers because it's so heavy, and my fingers feel traumatised after. Does anyone else get this? Is it normal?

Roids out of 10.

Great physique man, nice dick too, no homo.

Fraud/10 looking big bud

Use glove/pads so you can grip the bar with your complete hand not just your fingers

do the opposite of what that fat idiot mark rippetoe says

thank me later

would you suck it?

no homo of course


Don't lie you got it semi hard for the pic

Not seeing yourself looking this juicy and getting hard? It’s like you’re some kinda homo

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Id eat it all up like a lolipop bby

Post before gear physique.Are you still with that black girl?

i got a little hard admiring myself

why you lookin at it tho?


Your legs are severely lacking, maybe you forgot to flex your quads.

Also work on tightening your core, daily vacuums.

which one?

i only date black girls but i lost count

before gear


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after gear

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>b-but roiders see a lot of effort too!

I pray this isn't just after one cycle, looking sexy af OP

your skin is vomit inducing disgusting and you will probably die before 40, what was the point of this?

roiders do work harder but we actually get results

natties cant play on our level and if they would try they'd just get injured anyway

in this natty pic i benched 135kg with a pause, 5 deep high bar squats no belt no nothing with 170kg, 5 reps 200kg deadlift

so it's not that i was a pathetic noob

it's just that natty lifting is a JOKE


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Miring those sculpted tris and forearms
Everything else is kinda big but no real separation between the muscles or definition.
I take it you're doing compounds, not a bodybuilding routine

you are comically clueless lol

Put on a bit more fat and you'll just look tubby, tubby

lmao are you yelling at us bc you're a genetic failure?

my legs are better than yours so shut the hell up

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Fuck you and your low calves

>roidhead angrily posts on anonymous image board seeking validation


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N-no I'm not, I just wear hats all the time because it's sunny

Can someone post his g4p pictures like last time.

and you dont even look like you lift


are you gonna fap to them again

>That juice-monkey who only does arms

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How old are you OP and how long have you been lifting?

nice upper body but your legs look too natty

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I like small dicks, bulges are gross to me. I don't know.


Dominican Republic is closest place to heaven I've been to

Thicccc ass small waist morenas with neatly folded vaginas shouting vulgarities when you smash them raw



mirin. Height and weight?


This is the results of doing SS for far to long

135kg with a pause with a chest like that?
that's a yikes from me

What's your dick before-and-after? No homo.


You looked way better before. Now you look precisely like what you are: a subhuman roided mutant.

When will roiders learn.

How big is ur peepee OP


Mirin, post your stack bruh.

I love it. Just hop on the roid train, even just some test. Chances are you'll keep riding. Shit is magic.

Right. I train because I want to *prevent* heart disease (among other things). Same reason I stopped drinking and smoking. Seen too many relatives die from stroke complications and shit like that.

Also, I don't have BDD.

I run of a gram of test and my blood lipids remain in range.

Unless you have some underlying genetic problem you can probably use test with very little actual risk.

Fuck off I already said no homo like 5-6 years ago

we all die, why die small?

Watched the bad unboxing just to understand the context of the pic. Glad I did.

t. copelet

damn his arms look like tiger arms. someone go get that pic from /an/.