Wanna get better? do this. /nocomputerday/

wanna get better? do this. /nocomputerday/

do it every other day, works like a charm. hide the cables and accesories across your house. do something else.

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i already do /tvtuesdays/ and /ps4fridays/
I haven't used the computer at all on those days for yeaers and I haven't noticed any improvement.

That woman's pretty, could you post more of her or would that be out of line???

do you spend tuesdays glued to your ps4 or other electronics and fridays glued to your tv?

no, i spend tuesdays watching my shows on my 65" tv and fridays playing ps4 all day

Do you have more pictures of her?

That hairstyle fucking kills me and her face looks cute.

is that actually a woman or a trap?

I do that some days unintentionally. I have a hand full of hobbies and interests many of which are outside of the house

It doesn't help. Yeah, you should have shit to do besides computers, but that's a given. It's all still antisocial and only allows me to distract myself from my problems

If I continued to do this for 100 years without aging I'd probably never make any friends or god forbid get a gf

if you cant tell, does it matter, user? :^)

that's the spirit, mah boi

I do /no3dworldday/ quite often. The net is my real.

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nigger I can tell when I undress them
wouldn't want to spend time chatting up a man nomsayin I need to learn to identify them

just let it happen user
if you like them dressed, whats the matter
just fuck her anal, if she was a dude once

I don't like the thing I fuck having a penis

also there's no chance of impregnation so that's a turnoff

>just let it happen user
kek. This is exactly why "transphobic" people think trans men are creepy and rapey.
>Your knowledgeable consent doesn't matter. Just let it happen.

wow that looks like a comfy spot to read a book.

>do it every other day

Hmmn, sounds good
I'll start tomorrow and every other day no computer
Will give it a try at least


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trans MEN or trans WOMEN? user, you got to be specific here so you can actually be expected to be taken seriously...

You're still a man even if you dress as woman. I refuse to use the "correct" terminology and indulge delusion.

>le trans men are women maymay



> look for image
> only trap shit

Why dont more girls use that style? Its cute as hell.

Tumblr ruined them and now their place has been taken by ~UwU pretty traps~

op here i am pretty sure its a trap (femboy)

and thats a good thing
no one needs roasties anyway

dont be gay user
nothing wrong about fucking a girl, no matter if she has a penis or not

it's definately a trap, I remember the source on the trap version of chan sluts.

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