>tfw loser neckbeard
How do you cope with this lifestyle, robots?
It sucks from the inside and out.
>tfw loser neckbeard
How do you cope with this lifestyle, robots?
It sucks from the inside and out.
Other urls found in this thread:
You should go to prison
>You should go to prison
Well, that wasn't very nice of you, user. I have not been convicted of a crime.
Just pick-up college snow bunnies. Just talk about being woke and white girls will fuck you because they hate their dad.
Are you OP pic?
What brings you here and how long have you fucking been here?
Also, what do you do other than Jow Forums
>Life is defiantly like how it is on TV, user. Trust me. WW all love bbc
Leave Jow Forums alone
>Are you OP pic?
>What brings you here and how long have you fucking been here?
I've been of this filipino image board since 2012
>Also, what do you do other than Jow Forums
On the internet? Social media, plebbit, and The Coli
IRL? Work, practice guitar, go downtown alone, cook, feel sad and lonely, and wank.
Write music then people will like you
Your name doesn't start with D does it?
Also, seriously what are you doing on Jow Forums, you look like a normie
What subreddits do you visit
Just quit being a nigger
I've just picked up poetry and the guitar. I feel like it could take years until Im actually good.
No, it doesn't start with a D. Im just a socially awkward virgin like the rest. At least Im not a Neet
You're mean :(
>socially awkward virgin like the rest
What's the reason, I know plenty of brothers so kind of strange to meet one who isn't a normie like everyone else out there
What do you do for work? How easy is it to date for you in your area. Just go outsidfre...
>What's the reason, I know plenty of brothers so kind of strange to meet one who isn't a normie like everyone else out there
When I think about I've never really practice social interaction until my late teens. I do get better, but in the end I still fall off short.
>What do you do for work? How easy is it to date for you in your area. Just go outsidfre
I work at a restaurant. Dating seems pretty easy to everyone else but most people are either "fuckboys" and "thots" playing games. Can't play that field.
shave and you'll only be a loser
Black people cant be robots
>Hip hop/rap is the primary genre of music right now.
>BBC meme
>monkey genetics make you naturally more muscular.
>liberals feel sorry for black people and will willing let you fuck their wives.
>if you have dreads or tats women will assume you're a bad boy
>white ducks are afraid of you, therefore you have dominance.
Just embrace your race, you cant be a robot.
Whites can't be robots
>Whites hold capital and richest race in the west besides Asians
>Most likely get away with crime or less convicted compared to blacks
>Goes to better schools and better jobs
>Neanderthal genes yet more successful
>Almost every political party benefits whites
>Non-white women will always want your dick just for being white
>If you stare at a white person wrong, they'll call the police on a black guy and ruin his life
Easy mode
women don't want me dude, white skin does not save you from being ugly.
Cherry picking and looking for shit to complain about
Fuck you both, although I don't believe OPs story one bit
>I work at a restaurant
Are you in the kitchen or serving?
If you work in a restaurant industry you're pretty much talking to people all day and you have no choice but to be social and actually make friends
something doesn't add up here
Both true. Only Asians can be robots.
>Fuck you both, although I don't believe OPs story one bit
Im not THAT great looking and being attractive =/= puss. I have little to no charisma to back it up
I have friends there, but I'd rather leave to another job. There was one girl there that lead me on and almost everyone made fun of me for it. She fucked 3 dudes there other than me. I've only made out with her and that was my 1st time kissing a woman.
>I have friends there, but I'd rather leave to another job. There was one girl there that lead me on and almost everyone made fun of me for it. She fucked 3 dudes there other than me. I've only made out with her and that was my 1st time kissing a woman.
Move on to the next, chicks who work in the food industry fuck everyone
hey fatlip
>tfw Pharcyde were the first robot rappers
Your a normalfag but listen to some freddie Gibbs and
have a qt on me
If that her, she's p cute. Cute black women either play hard to get or get a white dude
as a black guy, you look like the least likely dude to be on here.
>>white ducks are afraid of you, therefore you have dominance
"didn't mean nothing by it Mr dark human..."
Agreed. Are African American woman fucking cacs too?
I get that alot. I do take care of myself. Im hygienic and try to look for trends that'll look good on me. Might hit the gym too
>Are African American woman fucking cacs too?
Im pretty sure its universal for black women to bedbuck. Talkin' bout "I want my kids with that good hair" bullshit
White dudes don't really like black women though
Do you have any notable talents or general positive traits that you think will have the potential to make you a worthwhile human somewhere down the road? If not you might want to consider just ending it, and I'm not saying this in a shitposting way. The world already has so much filth, take responsibility.
My cousin is marrying a white guy in 4 months. He's a pudgy, balding, young white dude with money.
Im working on building character and money at the moment. If I don't achieve much sooner into adulthood, I'll end it when Im 45-50.
Goddam bra ur rite good thing I have given up on all women
Nah that just proves that being blackbot is the bottest you can get in this time period
LSA is so fucking poisonous, breh
>Im working on building character and money at the moment. If I don't achieve much sooner into adulthood, I'll end it when Im 45-50.
sounds good
>you wiII never have this.
He's gotta build character first and how to be an actual strong man
Pretty sure he would just leave his kids anyway, all black men do
>having children post 2010's
Why tho?
No hes doomed if he wont settle for racemixing
And if youre a blackbot well fuck
I was not prepared for this nostalgia hit.
Yea, no
Our black genes must be strong and not diluted