>tfw your oneitis that rejected you for Chad got rejected by Chad and has now gained 20-25 lbs since you last saw her >her mom has had more luck with men than she has >she dropped out of college and now works as a cashier
>tfw now I have a fit body, a career, a gf, and a bright future >tfw I mog the Chad she rejected me for now anyway >she texted me a few weeks ago >left her on read Post your smug feels Jow Forums
Fuck breh. I don't have any yet but I'll keep working til i make it
Austin Wright
>tfw u get rejected for a total nonchad manlet nerd
Henry Rodriguez
>at casino >playing roulette at the table >pack of middle age women walk by >one says "wow I need to come here more often" as she walks by staring at me >fills me with the holy spirit >put all 300 earnings on red >lose >go home and jerk off
Wyatt White
I know this feel too breh amazingly cute 5'1'' blonde qt rejected me because she was semi-autistic and ended up dating someone else instead
What happened to you?
Dylan Garcia
Post screenshot
Owen Gonzalez
>start first year of university with a random roommate >he's one of those super skinny guys with an ego that totally doesn't match the frame >i mostly ignore him and do my own thing >he starts working out like 3 months in and begins to get bigger, actually putting on mass >he starts becoming insufferable >coming into my room drunk and making fun of me >calling me a loser, saying how many 'bitches' he gets >never cleans up anything, sits inside his room smoking weed and playing video games >i confront him about it and he tells me to fuck off >file complaint with RA and housing administration but nothing comes of it (literally didn't hear back) >decide I've had enough >buy progesterone pills from pharmacy >crush them up into powder with a mortar and pestle and dump about 30 crushed up pills into his protein powder >about 3 weeks in I hear him on the phone with his idiot friend talking about how he's "losing mass" and how his lifts are decreasing, and he's freaking out >I do this with the next batch of powder as well >after 2 months he's become hilariously soft and flabby, lost huge amounts of muscle >sits in his room depressed all day >no more noise >no more women >no more insults
you fuck with me I will take your fucking gains faggot
I hope this actually happened, some people deserve harsh lessons.
Adam Powell
tfw you didn't realize yet that 4chin incels fooled you into believing that getting a gf is just all about looks and not character.
Wake up faggot and look around you. Being a piece of muscle tissue won't give you any benefits in the date game as long as you're an onion squeezing autist.