Tfw your oneitis that rejected you for Chad got rejected by Chad and has now gained 20-25 lbs since you last saw her

>tfw your oneitis that rejected you for Chad got rejected by Chad and has now gained 20-25 lbs since you last saw her
>her mom has had more luck with men than she has
>she dropped out of college and now works as a cashier

>tfw now I have a fit body, a career, a gf, and a bright future
>tfw I mog the Chad she rejected me for now anyway
>she texted me a few weeks ago
>left her on read
Post your smug feels Jow Forums

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Fuck breh. I don't have any yet but I'll keep working til i make it

>tfw u get rejected for a total nonchad manlet nerd

>at casino
>playing roulette at the table
>pack of middle age women walk by
>one says "wow I need to come here more often" as she walks by staring at me
>fills me with the holy spirit
>put all 300 earnings on red
>go home and jerk off

I know this feel too breh
amazingly cute 5'1'' blonde qt rejected me because she was semi-autistic and ended up dating someone else instead

What happened to you?

Post screenshot

>start first year of university with a random roommate
>he's one of those super skinny guys with an ego that totally doesn't match the frame
>i mostly ignore him and do my own thing
>he starts working out like 3 months in and begins to get bigger, actually putting on mass
>he starts becoming insufferable
>coming into my room drunk and making fun of me
>calling me a loser, saying how many 'bitches' he gets
>never cleans up anything, sits inside his room smoking weed and playing video games
>i confront him about it and he tells me to fuck off
>file complaint with RA and housing administration but nothing comes of it (literally didn't hear back)
>decide I've had enough
>buy progesterone pills from pharmacy
>crush them up into powder with a mortar and pestle and dump about 30 crushed up pills into his protein powder
>about 3 weeks in I hear him on the phone with his idiot friend talking about how he's "losing mass" and how his lifts are decreasing, and he's freaking out
>I do this with the next batch of powder as well
>after 2 months he's become hilariously soft and flabby, lost huge amounts of muscle
>sits in his room depressed all day
>no more noise
>no more women
>no more insults

you fuck with me I will take your fucking gains faggot

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holy fuck lol, you’re a literal gainzgoblin

I hope this actually happened, some people deserve harsh lessons.

tfw you didn't realize yet that 4chin incels fooled you into believing that getting a gf is just all about looks and not character.

Wake up faggot and look around you. Being a piece of muscle tissue won't give you any benefits in the date game as long as you're an onion squeezing autist.

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Can't believe you beta faggots are cheering this on. True victory would be MOGGING this faggot with physique and lifts

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top fucking kek you absolute mad man

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top kek, you did well

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>be me in highschool, questing after this thot
>Faggy foreign exchange student transfers in, she's all over him
>Start slightly lifting in meantime
>Don't like foreign exchange student due to him trying to cut me in lunch line and I chimped out
>Foreign exchange student leaves to go back to where ever the fuck he was from
>Thot now craving my dick, texting me, passing me notes etc
>Ask her why she's interested in me now
>"Oh I just knew I could have you anytime, foreign fag was only here for like a month"
>This bitch
>Told her I'm not some back up plan, and she missed her chance with me (finger snap)
>Her face when I turned her ass down for probably the first time in her life

Felt good.

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shoo shoo gains goblin

>woman ends up in minimum wage job
>feels smug

Congrats on the sex bro, but I don't think it helps your brag that she's leading an objectively shittier life.

Whenever I’m feeling down I just look at this and laugh

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she is dying for the attention

This is the part where you bang her friends, or sister for bonus points.

made me kek user. Thanks, no rope for today

everybody is so similar it actually trips me out. like we are all just slightly different versions of the same robot

i know this is like 'wow so deep' territory but sometimes it just hits me and it feels so weird

are you in oregon by any chance?

Yeah, I'm nothing like that.

Robbie Rotten wrote this

Damn, what a bitch move. Should’ve mogged him and put him in his place

Exwife hit the wall and gaining weight, turning into tumblrina retard.

She’s crazy but I loved her, and I know we could never be together. She’s such a nut job that she would be better off dead, unironically, for her good and for everyone else’s.
No but I’m sure you can find similar girls in Portland at any rate

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> be me
> fat used to be and worked out lost 50 kilograms
> ohgodyes
> Proceed to college, there I not was NEET then
> Hit up the new local gym
> Guy looks at me all the time
> I am not gay.jpg
> The doing me hitting me on was on me
> I can not explain it so clearly flattered , but that it was made. Does not like taking this way
> Explains to working because I am retiring him harass,
> wtf
> I have to get out on because she
> I will not be able to use the headphones no can more
> Still left arm cheese on there

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Yea it really do be like that sometimes

Shit, that fucking sucks. you'll get them next time tiger.

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I laughed so hard trying to read this post, then I expanded the image and lost it, wtf are you even trying to say?

I was flattered I was arm cheese on machine.

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Arm cheese bro? You still here buddy?

Iv gotten this same text from the exes that cheated glad to see that thottery didnt work on you either

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Oh ok that explains everything thank

>oneitis is now fatter than I was at my most obese (340lbs, 20 more than me)
>I'm finally down to a healthy weight and all the lifting I did while being a fat teenager paid off
>she's still fucking manlets left and right to satiate her shotacon fetish while I'm still a khv virgin

It's not fair. Why does life for men have to be filled with so much struggle?

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Aww snap what a man. At the end it seems the real quest was within yourself.

get on the floor

>left her on read
Well played, fucking women need to comprehend how worthless they are. They're only functions in this life are thus...
>transmission of culture (teacher)
Disregard thots, aquire prosperity.

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>visit buddy at college for a bar crawl
>run into highschool chad(formerly) he packed on some frat fat
>compliments my gains and introduces me and my buddy to his group
>all the same stacys and chads from highschool
>only vaguely remember me until chads drunken description of my cringy past
>despite this, actually hitting it off with queen stacy
>move on to the second bar and now chad is cock blocking me and annoyingly drunk
>when he isn't looking I tap his beer bottle and move away
>when he notices he tries to plug it with his thumb and ends up spraying the bartender
>he gets bounced and the other chads follow, probably went to the 3rd bar
>queen stacy stays with me and my bud
>of course my friend sees whats happening and dips with his roommate
>stacy blows me in an alley
Kind of a blur after that, somehow made it back to my friends dorm.

>>stacy blows me in an alley

sorry it was years ago and I very drunk. If you could see how bad I was in highschool, this was a huge win

You're the faggot. You're a coward. You were doing fine. Talking to him about it and then going through the right channels. But the you fucking posion him? Maybe you should get outside, go to the gym, talk to girls if that's what you want. It clearly affected you when he mentioned it. Fucking move out and avoid him. Grow up. You disgust me.

fucking nice

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you have my respect user

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Don't listen to this sissy faggot. What you did was hillarious and just.

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Justice should always be served

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t. Quinn

This post feels like I took 3 Ambien.

Stop being such a faggot. user did God's work.

you have no right to be 'smug'. The fact that you made this thread shows that you learned *nothing* from your experience.

The minute you elevate a girl to 'oneitis', it's over. Literally no good can come out of that situation.

she either:
a) goes for you eventually, then dumps your bitch ass once she gets bored (which she will, the power in the relationship will be on her side, and you'll be a groveling little bitch
b) she continues to reject you, over, and over, and over again. (see also: beta orbiter)

I'd have rough fucked her asshole then left as soon as I finished, no words. Hopefully the experience would've driven her into depression and then either repentance or suicide.

Did you read the first line only and think that was enough to make a comment about the whole post? Get the FUCK out of MY thread. (not op btw)

Topkek. Thanks for cheering me up on my birthday user.


>Go to dentist
>Dental assistant goes to take my blood pressure
>"We're going to have get your blood pressure but i'm sure you're good. You look like a healthy young man"

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lmao, you fool!

>people actually believe this shitty pasta
Fucking Adam Sandler tier story

made me silently laugh at 2AM thanks user

Keked at lunch break

>tfw your oneitis rejected you for a timothy

why lift when it's all about personality?

>be me in uni
>6'4'', 160 pounds spooky skeleton mode, super beta
>live with 3 roommates
>one roomate is gay
>all his friends are chicks and they all hang around the house
>be into his friend Ashley, he tells me to go for it
>make a move
>she rejects me
>roomate then later shows me group text where she told everyone what happned
>said I looked like slender man
>other insults about my weight
>get pissed

End of semester comes I get a job building cottages for a resort in the mountains, nothing to do besides swim, sit around the campfire slamming cold ones and workout.

>gain 20 pounds over the summer
>gain 30 more during first semester
>Way more attention from girls
>Have sex pretty regularly with a fuck buddy: 2-3 times a months

February of 2nd semester

>I am at my prime
>looking very juicy
>215-220 lbs
>wear tank tops everywhere like a douchebag
>Meet old gay roomate at uni, invites me to his party
>Ashley is there
>we get to chatting
>she compliments me a few times
>we exchange snapchats
>she tries to make out with me
>I walk away

Over the next 2 days

>she sends me 20 snapchats half of them lewd
>I screenshot 6 best ones
>block her

My gay friend tells me she was pissed for a few days and then got a BF the next week. I hate her and I love that stupid thot at the same time. My experience with her motivated me to start working out which led me to a much better QoL


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Its a code.

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Just pound her fucking pussy. No hard feelings man. If the tables were turned and she was a hambeast in the past but cut down the weight to become hot you'd behave the same way she did. Don't hold grudges like a fucking girl.

post the whore's tits bro

People like that make me feel alone in the world. It's as if they walk around every day never thinking of their own mortality or morality

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But working hard in the gym shows that you're able to commit to something and succeed. People who are fit, are more likely to be capable at life.

Should have fucked her dude. Honor never feels as good as an orgasm.

>Should have fucked her dude. Honor never feels as good as an orgasm.
People like you disgust me

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>get rejected by oneitis because I acted beta af
>she was totally in the right to do it, don't blame her one bit
>says she wants to be friends
>starts ignoring me irl
>get mad, do the same to her
>it's been 2 months
>I got a gf
>oneitis is still a passive-agressive "woe is me" depressed cunt
>it's her birthday they day after tomorrow

I kinda wanna message her so I can see if I can sneak in a reference to having a gf just so she gets pissed.

Holy shit I like nazi propoganda.

>tfw gf of 5 years left for a guy who is the IRL version of the virgin meme
>tfw she left him after 2 years and came back because she realized that I was the best she could ever do
>tfw got Jow Forums and cured my social ineptness in the meantime
>tfw got over her
>tfw happier being single than at any point in that relationship
>tfw have more money than ever and can spend it all on shit I actually like
>tfw turned her down
>tfw hear from friends that she got together with some deadbeat loser, still lives at home, is getting fat, has no friends and is stuck in a mind-numbing job

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dont. you seem to be better off why drag yourself back into some shit.

I remember i used to have oneitis over 7/10 girls and never got any attention from girls. Majority friendzoning me.

Now i'm 10kg more muscular, more defined face (late bloomer) and i laugh at the idea that i useed to fawn over 7/10s because they're nothing special to me now.

not messaging her will be enough

you care way too much about what that skank thinks about you

> 5’11 150lb
> back from 2 week hike, lost a bit of weight
> out with roommates
> having a good time, chatting the good shit
> topic gets onto subjective attractiveness in opposite genders
> the guys go for the usual
> one girl goes “not like you user, far too skinny”
> Literally had a small burst of not giving a fuck what I say
> “you women don’t know what you want”
> thanks Jow Forums
> audible gasps
> later on in the night we’re the last two standing
> proceed to fuck her on the way home in a park and again when we get back to my room
> next day
> sheepishly comes into my room to pick up her bra

Generally she has quite the shitty attitude, but ever since she has been super nice with me.

Not quite smug, as I wish the offending character all the best, but happy and content despite efforts by an ex to make me look bad or drag me down. Close enough to share though.

>Was in a 5 year relationship with girl I’ve known forever. Start of relationship I’m losing weight and get fit, but still overweight.
>Always encourage honesty, and don’t mind genuine criticism if there’s a constructive intention.
>Every now and then (usually when I’m doing well in life) gf tells me that she’s just not attracted to me. Starts with subtle comments, gets harsher over time.
>I assume it’s the excess weight. Doesn’t bother me, because I’m rapidly getting fitter, with no intention of stopping.
>Get very lean with a little muscle, reveals good facial bone structure. Get a lot of attention from girls for the first time in my life (just as I start uni).
>Gf starts telling me how good I look, all is right with the world... Or so I think.

Cut a long story short, spend 5 years in a cycle of:
>Having my self esteem crushed by gf telling me I’m unattractive.
>Me starting to think I’d be okay without her (had others interested, but was always faithful).
>Girlfriend telling me how lucky she is and how attractive I am. Me falling for her shit, and justifying it by blaming myself for not being good enough.

Of course it was a bit more subtle and manipulative than it seems in my green text summary, but anyway:
>Graduate, start my PhD, start finally questioning whether she’s fucking me up.
>Go through some back and forth arguing for a month or so, but finally tell her it’s not okay.
>Get her to admit she’s being unfair and emotionally abusive. Tell her that I won’t put up with it.
>I offer to part ways politely, or try one more time, but if she fucks with me again, I’m fucking gone for good.
>Apparently doesn’t think she can help herself from saying this shit, and wants to “stay friends” so mutually agree to break up.

Part 1/2(?)

I have a complete meltdown for about 3 hours then pull myself together:
>Decide that I’m going to a party that night, and I’ll kiss somebody cute by the end of the week.
>Somehow fall on my feet, a couple of female friends straight up let me know they’re interested in the days after my breakup becoming public knowledge.
>Get on with life, work hard, start dating, end up with sweet gf a couple of years younger and objectively much prettier.
>Try my absolute best to be decent to my ex. Her friends loved me, so want to avoid awkwardness, and somehow I don’t actually feel much negativity towards her.
>I’m a new man, relieved to have gotten past it, and to have moved on in my life.
>Respond politely when she contacts me, but don’t seek out her company or conversation. Make it clear I’m not interested. Try not to flaunt my newfound happiness.
>Feel good for being good.

Several more months pass:
>Ex spends months wanting to “still be best friends” and telling me that she misses me.
>I don’t bite, politely tell her we can stay on good terms, but firmly emphasise that we’ve moved on from each other.
>Suddenly blocks me on all social media.
>Accept it, maybe she needs that to move on. Good luck to her. Still in contact with several of her friends, who I always got on well with.

More months pass:
>One of her uni friends very apologetically tells me that she’s (and implies also others) been told to block me/unfriend me/not talk to me.
>I tell her that I don’t think it’s right to make her choose, but if she has to, I understand that she was her friend before she was mine, and that I wish her the best.
>Girl tells me she’s going to secretly keep talking to me on Snapchat or something, because she still likes me.

More time passes:
>Get invited to the wedding of a friend from school. New girlfriend also named on the invite.
>Bride to be is best friend of ex since childhood.

Fuck I guess part 2/3.

>I’d stayed in touch and on good terms with the bride to be since I broke up with my ex.
>Always seemed very decent and principled, but still a little surprised that both myself and new gf are invited.
>Figure I’ll ignore the various ways my ex has tried to cut me off from people since she got bitter, and just be polite.
>Surely she’s over it by now, haven’t heard anything new in a while and it’s 2 years later.
>But wait, a day after I decide this I get a message from another friend of my exes who always liked me, saying “Sorry, I won’t be in contact with you in the future, but I wish you all the best!”
>Seems suspicious.
>Turns out with a little prompting that she’s on holiday with my ex, and received instructions to never talk to me again, and not to tell me why.
>Told me anyway and apologised because?

I finally figure, fuck it. I legitimately do not care if she wants to be a dick to me, but I can’t risk fucking up our mutual friends wedding.
>Cautiously contact bride to be. Diplomatic as fuck, explain the situation. Tell her I’m not pissed off, or wanting to cause problems, just want to make sure it doesn’t disturb the wedding.
>Tell her that if she doesn’t want to risk it, I’ll understand if she’d rather I didn’t come.
>Huge reply telling me that all her school friends are aware of all of it, and think she’s being a huge bitch.
>A lot of her friends are getting pissed off with her, telling her to drop it or even apologise.
>They can’t believe I’m being so “patient and mature”. Groom to be has literally said she can “get fucked”, and I barely know him.
>I’m told there’s already a chat planned to make sure she’s nice and polite if she talks to us, and that if not everybody will be dropping her like hot shit.

I told the bride to be that I hope my ex can move on soon, and that I don’t want to cause her any further upset. Somehow, I actually meant it.
>Feels good man.

>having oneitis for a girl with that kind of future
Fucking embarrassing user. You should be only interested in women that have a clear path forward and are driven to succeed, or else your setting up your children for complete failure

Moar bro come on

Sorry lads, that story was way longer than I thought, and a bit anticlimactic. Wedding is soon, and who knows what’ll happen, but I feel very zen about the whole thing.

Unfortunately, for some reason, me being content and getting on with my own life seems to kill my ex. It’s one thing to try to be patient and kind, but the one thing I won’t do to help her out is stop making the best of my own life (in ways which really shouldn’t affect her, at that).

I would be lying if I said I cared deeply about her happiness, but I wish her the best, and have no desire to see her in pain, much the same way you might feel for strangers. Hope she pulls herself together, but it’s not going to be at my cost.

This happened

>Be me, 16
> go on my first ever (blind) date set up by a mutual friend
> let her pick, she said coffey and a movie, even let her pick the movie she wanted to see.
>acts distant entire date, and then eventually LEAVES before the movie has even ended, saying she needed to be home by sertain time.
>actively never date because of this into my 20's.
>over last 4 years been going to the gym and getting Joocy.
>go into macdonalds one day with friend (he dirty bulkin).
>girl is working register, I pretend not to notice her.
>get home to a friend request.
>accept for the hell of it.
>INSTANTLY assaults my inbox like beach of normandy.
>"this might seem wierd, but i saw this really hot guy at work today, did you go..."
>accept her terms.
>one thing leads to another and we go for drinks.
>she procedes to drink to much and start opening up about MAD personal shit, asking questions like "how many girls have you slept with," "how her last boyfriend fucked her over"
>realise that her life is shitty and pitiful, and I wasted the best prime teenage years of my life because of this cunt.
>end up back at my place.
>sex wasn't that great, she said it was the best she had ever had.
>next morning I call an uber and she reluctently leaves.
> TLDR I finally facefucked the girl who ruined dating for me for 5 years and sent the pic to the original mutual friend who set us up with caption "you just gotta play the long game"

Bitches are crazy senpai.