So I just fucked an alcoholic milf. That's divorced and doesn't have custody of her kids. Boy oh boy do I feel more empty than before!
So I just fucked an alcoholic milf. That's divorced and doesn't have custody of her kids...
Really? No one at all can compare?!?
Sex isn't fun unless you have it with someone you actually like
it can boost ego and you can get better at it.
Didn't work for me..I couldn't even get fully hard and ive never had sex
prolly good you got that out of the way then
>Didn't work for me..I couldn't even get fully hard and ive never had sex
well at least go for someone hot and not being able to get it up might just be depression or meds
Yeah..I think it's my depression and thinking why would anyone show interest in me if I haven't received it in this whole 29 yrs
Yeah she seemed okay with it since my fingers and mouth did work on her..but I still didn't cum for her..even though she blew me well. I feel like I'm broken
I try being more dom and ruff with them when you have no control over them and you just feel like pastic bag in the wind to her it sucks
I really think I've been given up on being sexual..nothing seems to work for me. She's hot and I'm attracted.but I still just stay chubby
Like she asked me to choke her which was hot as hell..but no change in me
>I really think I've been given up on being sexual..nothing seems to work for me. She's hot and I'm attracted.but I still just stay chubby
what gets your dick up anyways ?
The normal vanilla shit..but when it was her and real life I failed to get it uo
>The normal vanilla shit..but when it was her and real life I failed to get it uo
maybe you just gotta do it in the right mood or if you are taking meds stop for when you get laid.
Not on any meds. My friend actually offered me an anti anxiety me that made him not cum no matter what..but he was at least as hard as a rock though
>anti anxiety me that made him not cum no matter what..but he was at least as hard as a rock though
I know that feel
Well I'm about to give up myself..what's the point if I can't stick my dick in her?
nigga Viagra is a thing
I legit haven't had sex in years and I came last time quick as I can't even get fully hard
I'm still youngish(29) I shouldn't need that
>I'm still youngish(29) I shouldn't need that
well depression has cursed you good luck finding a gf that will deal with that