See post on my exes Instagram about being over a fuckboy on Tinder that "didn't care"

>In all seriousness, as happy as this makes me to see, you should go back to [her even more beta ex before me] and beg him to take you back. That was your peak, you're never going to find a guy that desperate and that crazy about you, and that willing to put up with your shit and provide you with what you asked for. Because, to be brutally blunt with you, [her name], you're not worth it, you're slightly above average in looks, and your personality is fucking trash and abhorrent, so you practically have nothing going for you, and you make it impossible to get anywhere with you without playing stupid fucking games like this. You helped me lose all attraction to you by showing me the kind of girl you've become, or always were more likely, after we broke up, so I'll help you now. I wasn't even particularly physically attracted to you at first, or emotionally attracted, I decided to settle for you because you were really easy and seemed to really like me, I grew to love you over time because you seemed to love me, and because finding someone better than you took effort and potential rejection. You surround yourself with gutter trash nurturing you through lies, which just fuels your exaggerated sense of your own level and worth to guys. Your standards are way above the level you are, and that's the brutal truth. Enjoy plenty more of this in the future, because you're going to get absolutely fucked about and abused the way you're going, and you'll end up a used up old whore still working your shitty retail job at that counter, throwing yourself at customers and guards in your 30s and 40s, like all the other skanks you work with. You're approaching the wall and the wall will not be kind to you, [her name]. Oh and by the way, if you're not going to give me back the money you owe me, at least send me my game back, thanks, you weren't even worth that, lol.

Was this beta thing to do? Felt good regardless, bros.

Attached: v9.jpg (300x300, 13K)

Even if it was, also sent this to her ex before me on Insta, just for good measure, poor guy also deserved to know:

>Just to let you know, buddy, in case she ever comes crawling back to you. [her name] cheated on you numerous times with me, at least I'm pretty sure she did. You remember when she told you she had never had sex with me, and asked me to tell you and her mum the same over the phone? That was a lie, we had sex numerous times between October and December, when she finally broke things off with you for good, I guess. It was unprotected as well, she just asked me if I had any STDs and told me if I was lying she would tell people I raped her, lol. Performed oral sex on me and swallowed as well, this was before she got back together with you on your birthday. Look, she kept all your stuff in a bag in the garage, she did the same with me as well but she's probably thrown it out by now, I think she does it in the idea of keeping you, and before I removed myself as a candidate me, as backup guys for when she hits the wall and can't find anyone else or has been fucked about enough while looking for a better guy. Look if you want to know anything else, any other harsh truths about [her name], I'm happy to share them with you. I'm sorry for my part in what she did to you, in my defence she always told me she had broken up with you whenever she was over at my place. You could do a lot better, buddy. I'd want to know if it was me, dude. If it makes you feel any better, she probably did the same to me as well, I certainly had my suspicions anyway near the end.

I dont give a shit about your drama you dumb faggot

That's a pretty unoriginal comment, desu, don't know how that got through the censor.

You've posted this thread before yourself faggot.

The robot resets every once in a while, also, you unactivatable almond.

Don't listen to these moralfags, OP.
Continue your punishment of this roastie.

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Is it actually punishment though? I'm genuinely just trying to help her, she's completely delusional and she's going to get fucking gangfucked and abandoned on Tinder.

She just doesn't get it. The way she is, almost no guy is going to stay with her, she's just going to get used and abused.

Fuck, maybe that's what she wants.

i'm too high to read but you seem very upset and it makes you look weak.

Damn, I come across as upset in it? I'm angry and disgusted, sure, but I definitely am not upset. I genuinely just wanted to share some harsh truths with her.

Didn't you mention that you were stalking her and fantasizing about raping and mudering her after you broke up over abortion views?

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>Not saying pic unrelated
Look at this faggot

I've never actually stalked her. She claimed I did, as well as claimed I harassed her, just as she did with her ex, because she likes drama and likes to make it seem like guys are fawning over her and obsessed when things fall apart and the guy actually tries to contact her and save things.

When three out of three of her exes got this way, is it just mere coincidence? Or is there perhaps something wrong with the girl herself?

As for the raping/murdering thing, that was just a personification of the anger, hatred and disgust I now have for her.

Abortion views really had nothing to do with us breaking up. She did try to break up with me over my abortion views before, but we went on for months after that.

post a pic of her face

No, I'm not fucking stupid, user.

he did, check the OP

well then there isnt anything more this thread can do, i need to see what she looks like to tell if this is anything more than stupid hot-topic level head-assery. is her IG private or public? regardless IMO to post a huge thing like that (if its even true) is so fucking stupid. forget her and move on. stop stalking her IG and keeping up with her, block her on everything.

What does posting her face to do solve that? I can guarantee you, she's an average looking Chink at best, I would say maybe a 6 or 7 in terms of face, and about a 5 in terms of body.

I would say overall she's between a 6 and a 7. Of course that's with makeup and her usual slutty getup on.

Without that, we're talking maybe a 4 or 5.

Her IG is public, for the record.

posting even the most blurry of photos of this chick will actually peak our interest, and get us to give you valid feedback on what you said. I know I wont say anything till I see the broad.

Post her face you absolute fucking faggot. Also you're a nigger for helping her cheat, you're scum just like her OP I hope you remember that

I don't care about your retarded thread but look at this recent image of Shoe0nhead lel

Attached: 1530736199721.png (500x564, 343K)

And one more for posterity

Attached: 1527094825721.png (706x1070, 1.11M)




Ah good she's getting thicc, just what she needed

Yeah, she's thiccer than a bowel of oatmeal.

Attached: 1530719657636.png (332x330, 230K)

I want to fuck June's butthole (back when she was hot and THINN)

I don't care about any of your opinions on her appearance, kek.

You lost the moment you started typing, dickhead.

Now I feel really bad... Saw a picture of her, on her Facebook, she just looks so fucking fragile and vulnerable, man. What the fuck am I doing. She's got an eating disorder and super low self esteem, I'm a fucking monster.

I need to off myself or something, like I was going to until she stopped me, when I see her moving on and shit, I just get such blind rage.

She should have just let me die when I was still in love with her, before I saw the real her, or what she became or whatever.