You can go back in time and give your old self advice. At what age do you go back? What do you tell yourself and why? Try to avoid obvious shit like "invest in buttcoins".
You can go back in time and give your old self advice. At what age do you go back? What do you tell yourself and why...
It gets better, just weather the storm. You'll get to live outside of your parents' house, just don't go too insane.
"You won't be able to properly love others until you can learn to love yourself.
Also, fuck those people who told you not to like the things you like. Be yourself. Play videogames, do nerdy things, talk to people. The world isn't going to come to you, you have to reach for it."
To my 5 year old self, who wanted to be a girl but hid it out of fear of how others might react, despite living in a tolerant country:
Don't be afraid of what others think of you. For every person that dislikes you for something that you did, there will be a person that likes you because you did it. Nobody is liked by everyone, and that is fine.
If you lie about yourself in an attempt to fit in, all you're really doing is surrounding yourself with people that don't like the real you. That's why it's important to be honest towards others about your feelings. Even if it feels a little embarrassing to talk about it at first, in the end, it'll be worth it. Because that way, you will be able to do what you want, and you will be surrounded by people who like you for who you are. And that is what really matters.
Take care, little me.
"On February 14th 2010 you will be on patrol and set in a security cordon around an IED for 4 hours while waiting for EOD to get to you. Pay very close attention to the roof of the compound to your 1 o'clock about 200 meters away. Don't let your mind wander and don't get complacent"
Can time flow backwards in a system of decreasing entropy?
What happened that day user?
originally original
Why? Investing in buttcoins at the right time is literally the best advice I could possibly give to my past self. All other shortcomings can be countered with enough money.
theres just too much that went wrong op. i need to go back in time and be my dad for 21 years then kill myself.
First day of kindergarten
>"beat up everyone who makes fun of you"
>"don't let anyone push you around"
>"the school can't do anything long-term to punish you"
I don't know if I would. I don't know if I would be better off or worse by changing who I am. Don't fuck with the past. All I would say is
>You did nothing wrong and you will be alone.
Early 2016
Winter 2017 is the deadline for love, don't miss it.
Don't take so many pills for fucks sake, you'll fry your brain this way.
I'd tell my 6th grade self that middle school is nothing like I think it is. I'd tell them not to be such a fucking weirdo and things will turn out great. I'd also tell them never to be afraid to take risks, there's nothing scary about being 11.
I think everything went downhill when I started middle School
2009, when I'm 17.
Start exercising now.
Volunteer somewhere to get work experience during your studies.
Take advantage of a lot of shit and say yes more.
Lmao thats gay as shit
Invest in etherium lol
as cheesy as this will sound
"stay with her"
he decided to army roleplay on Jow Forums
>play video games
>do nerdy things
>talk to people
>talk to people
bruh no one wants to talk about what you did on CoD that one time.
Frankie Teardrop to be played in 3rd grade
>God isn't real, I know it sucks but get into science
>You're not a monster, you just have abusive people around you
>Don't stick around longer than 2 1/2 with the girl. She drops you because she wants to be a whore.
>It doesn't get better but you'll live through it all in the hopes that it might one day be okay.
>Everyone you know stabs you in the back go to college. And become a hermit
probably 10
pick up a sport, try to get into more fist fights, it will help you when you're older
because at the end of the day if you find yourself in a pinch there's no one that's going to protect you better than yourself
oh and don't sweat consequences as much, and also don't sweat being rejected
Stop being an asshole and try to open up to people
People skills are something you will lack in the futre so practice now
In the futre youll make very little progression after two years at working at it
>*burp* Go-God isn't real Morty, I-I-I-I-I know it sucks but get into *beeeelch* pickle science
Stopped reading there