Why do women do this?

why do women do this?
just why, I'm not even mad just curious

Attached: 9dc3f7ee1034c66b1ff7532064882fa4.jpg (480x571, 33K)

Those guys are average though

>Chad with glasses

Fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fuck these hypergamous whores

lemme give you a really good pro tip here op.
you can be "nerdy" while also looking like a passable male

Attached: costanza windows.jpg (700x700, 247K)

>why do women like good looking men
what kinda dumbass are you OP

Only women who are as equally mediocre find them cute. Fakeness attracts fakeness.

are you serious?
didn't neckbeards slobbering over gaymer gurls create to the ruins we see before us today? men want to fuck every stacy in a pair of oversized glasses who plays CoD

>that pic again
wow, its almost like "real" nerds couldn't hit the gym and achieve fit physiques like those

I love Dylan O'Brien. no homo.

You mean people like attractive people? And women are.....people too? Wow, imagine just finding this out in your 20's.

You know how, when you were growing up, you had this idea of how your life would be that was based on film and television? You'd be the main protagonist of the world and walk past all the stacey bimbos, to smile down at the quirky shy (or maybe manic) waifu who has eyes only for you?

Imagine never having any reason to grow out of this delusion.

>implying that women don't mature and become self-aware much earlier than dudes, who literally whine and cry about wanting stacey bimbos and quirky waifus on an anonymous taiwanese ceramics image board

>implying you need to be ugly to be a nerd

Shut the fuck up. You know good and well it's what I said and not what you said.

Women get that because sex and relationships are handed to them on a silver platter. Most men don't get to experience close intimate relationships like that and don't grow as a result

That's what happens when you spend your entire life in front of a computer screen never entering the real adult world

>"i'm 28, unemployed, average looking and live with my parents, where is my 19 year old 8/10 virgin girlfriend?

I refuse to even entertain this viewpoint until 100% of the women in my life don't just repeat shit Don Lemon said as a conspicuous show of how "mature" they are.

10/10 reply

So which is it, user?
Are women children who have no self control and maturity, or are the roles reversed because women have innate privilege of socialization?

I bet you think this sophistry is really "self-aware" and "mature."

no, you don't need to be ugly to be a nerd, but definitely you can't look like a literal chad and claim to be a nerd

Nope, just trying to get a real, consistent answer

I grew up so aware of the badness of the world that I never wanted to join it. I guess this is proof horse shoe theory is real. I see NEETdom as refuge from the cruel world.

I'm proud of you for not taking this bait Jow Forums

>or are the roles reversed because women have innate privilege of socialization?
That's what I believe, don't know about other anons

OK, but it's socialization into farcical, contrived culture wherein a child-like epistemology is the ideal.

Instead of blaming women for that, wouldn't it make more sense to criticize how men and women are raised and socialized differently?
I don't think women and men are as different as they're supposed to be. I think that driving a wedge between half of the population and enforcing an idea of "oh women are all shallow bitches and men are all abusive assholes" just makes it easier to sell to and control people.

I can be mad at billionaires who were just born into money and live life on the easiest mode. therefore i can be mad at women who are the billionaires of sex and relationships

But billionaires have the choice to use their status and money for the betterment of the world.
When you're born a woman, is the only option to become a tranny? Or have sex and relationships with any lonely man who wants one? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of what men here seem to want, which are kind and pure women?
And can't women make the same argument about how men control most of the government and job market?
Can't anyone think up an argument to hate another population of people? Why not make the choice to be an outlier in a shitty world?

> Can't anyone think up an argument to hate another population of people? Why not make the choice to be an outlier in a shitty world?

The people telling men it's unreasonable to be pissed off in this context are frequently the same people who come up with reasons it's the height of sophisticated activism to proactively shit on men and dismiss their problems.

I'm not saying that at all. Men have plenty of problems in modern society, and I want to acknowledge them.
I'm saying that we should all band together to help each other feel better and do better in the world instead of shitting on each other for being born a certain gender, which nobody has control of.
Women have an unfair advantage over many legal cases, societal perception, love, and sex. Men have an unfair advantage over the majority of world governments, careers, and media outlets.
Can't we acknowledge those types of things instead of calling women stupid useless pathetic cumdumpsters? I'm not minimizing men's problems, I'm just saying it feels really shitty being thought pf as subhuman for everyone, regardless of gender.

>tfw always hiding your powerlevel

>Or have sex and relationships with any lonely man who wants one?
No I don't think women should be forced to sleep with all the lonely men in the world, but to not have sex with violent evil men would be good for the world. However, those are the men that women like, drug dealers, bullies, murderers, serial killers, and exploiters.

Women are the cause of the majority of mens problems

That's like saying that all men like only vapid, socialite instawhores. It's true, but not to the extent that you should blame every single man or woman for it. Some people have shitty fetishes or preferences, period.

If I consider it in a vacuum, you have a reasonable point.

If I consider it in the context of how hard I've personally been shit on and basically bullied by a bunch of honorary perpetual children, well maybe I'm not qualified to comment, but I don't think you should ignore the extent to which the mainstream feminism-informed worldview is exacerbating this problem, and I think there's a real case to be made that this worldview is a collection of thought-terminating cliches that prematurely arrest the mental development of women (and tells them to feel proud of that fact in the process).

I mean, you could say men are the cause of the majority of womens problems as well.
But I personally don't think that is true. I think that many of the problems men face are a result of other men, and similar with women.
It feels like your response is short and ignoring the points that I made though. If you don't want to continue the convo, that's cool and I'll go.

>but I don't think you should ignore the extent to which the mainstream feminism-informed worldview is exacerbating this problem, and I think there's a real case to be made that this worldview is a collection of thought-terminating cliches that prematurely arrest the mental development of women (and tells them to feel proud of that fact in the process).
I agree with you on this wholeheartedly! But wouldn't you also agree that men perpetuate this by reinforcing the behavior of "childlike" thinking and looseness of women? I think that mainstream western feminism is horseshit, and so do many women. I also think that men like to use it as an excuse to belittle women. Such as saying "well you disagree with me, so you must be some dumb whore who believes in manspreading". I think it kind of gives people here more ammo to hate women with.

I feel like the other points made were irrelevant given that women are the central cause of men's problems. I'd agree that women are the cause of women's problems, they love to tear each other down like they do to men. But considering many of men's problems they stem a lot from conforming to what women find sexually attractive. Women find most men ugly and below-average leading to many men being under-sexed and depressed and self-loathing. Even among men, women find physically attractive there is the need to suppress emotions cause women like stoic men which lead to men bottling things up making them prone to violent suicidal and homicidal outbursts

I think that you are calling my points irrelevant because they are wider spread than your points. I agree with your individual experiences being a result of a larger problem within our society. What I am trying to point out is how modern society was most heavily built and influenced by men. Therefore, the gender roles and expectations you feel forced to uphold, that make you feel inadequate and lonely, are not only the result of some shitty women rejecting you. They are indicative of a larger, festering wound in our society which is constantly reinforced by media, which obviously yes includes women.
We have made so many problems for ourselves, but I honestly don't believe that 100% of women are to blame for all the problems that you and many other men on this site face.
>Even among men, women find physically attractive there is the need to suppress emotions cause women like stoic men which lead to men bottling things up making them prone to violent suicidal and homicidal outbursts
This is the epitome of what I am talking about. Violent, stubborn, and "cool" or "manly" behavior is unhealthy like this. And yes, many women are attracted to these men. This preference has been pressed upon women socially. They need a man to support them financially because they are incapable, they need a man to protect them, they should not have an intimate friendly relationship with men, etc. I think we agree on many things, I am just pointing out a larger issue behind many smaller issues that is everyones fault, not just womens.

The thing is either this untenable worldview is *widely* accepted by women in the US or the media proactively markets such a false consensus.

The number of women I've seen speak out against this is in the single digits. No exaggeration.

Far more commonly, what you get from women is "everyone thinks blah blah blah" and any meaningful detraction is regarded as cringe-worthy. You've seen the media eat women alive for refusing to apply the "feminism" label to themselves.

As an anecdote, I bought A-List on OKCupid just to see if I could find a *single* Trump supporter. There wasn't a *single one* within 100 miles of me.

To be perfectly candid -- again I'm probably not qualified to have an unbiased discussion of this -- I can't help but wonder *why* this is so easy for the media, *why* they target *female* sensibilities with their propaganda, why any dissent from the liberal agenda is met with "girls won't want to kiss you," and why these observation all check out so well against my personal experience.

But again, in principle I'm certainly not against the assumption of non-retardation. I would just have a much easier time committing myself to that principle if women weren't basically the stick the establishment is using to beat me into submission.

>I would just have a much easier time committing myself to that principle if women weren't basically the stick the establishment is using to beat me into submission.
This is such a good point, and honestly this is also how women feel about men. You're getting the stick of women propaganda, and women get the stick of men propaganda. For instance, men are reinforced in the media as dangerous rapists who want to use you for sex and don't care about you as an equal partner or even as more than a vagina.
It is certainly interesting how the narrative is biased to make women hate men and men hate women.
As for your feminism point, I also believe that the term "feminist" has fallen apart but some hold it anyways, much like political terms, which have become warped and arbitrary. Perhaps it's easier for some women to call themselves a feminist instead of having to have an hour long conversation with someone about their specific views of womens rights, mens rights, etc. People prefer labels, they make things easy.

Being told you should be scared of men and then believing it is not the same as being shaken down for denying that's case.

There's no substrate of faux-academic bullshit instructing people to ostracize men for hate speech if they deny women are manipulative, for instance.

>There's no substrate of faux-academic bullshit instructing people to ostracize men for hate speech if they deny women are manipulative, for instance.
Am I misunderstanding? This sounds like a pro-women argument to me.

Maybe. I guess I could see how it's "pro-woman" if you think a shakedown based on faux-academic bullshit is a good thing.

Contrast my example with what happens if you say "not all men."

You're saying (from what I gather) that there is no form of bullshit hullabaloo of anti-man rhetoric as a reaction to a man saying "not all women"
This, to me, reinforces the point I made about how women are thrown under the bus for their personal opinions in the media and here, while there isn't an ostracization of men in that same way. That's how I read your sentence, at least.
Also, my personal opinion with the backlash on "not all men" is that some of the men who say it and stand behind that cause are simply using it as a platform for their yearning to be a victim and are actually just as against women as the men they claim not to be, just in more insidious ways (such as wanting women to trust them even though they don't respect them or see them as people). It's like how generalizations against feminists are made because of certain issues that not all "feminists" actually agree with.

You seem to think it's the media who are forcing women to be attracted to these things. What makes you assume that? Women have never been more sexually free as they are now, how do you know we aren't seeing their true preferences at work?

Women's sexual freedom is a bullshit western feminism trap imo. It oppresses women, albeit less than the traditional male-dominated viewpoint. Its still shit though.
>how do you know we aren't seeing their true preferences at work?
I can't speak for all women, only myself. I do have some theories.
I am actually enjoying having a civil discussion here. It is almost 1am here and I have an appointment tomorrow morning, though, so have a good one user!

>I do have some theories.
>leaves before elaborating on the theories

Really leave 'em wanting, huh?

1 am would be my limit for posting paragraphs of text on r9k for tonight

Well what did you expect? They said they like nerdy guys, not ugly guys. Nerdy as in smart and with glasses.

I'm saying there's very clearly a bias within our national culture wherein pro-male advocacy is frowned upon, and pro-female advocacy is (heavily, oppressively) encouraged.

For the sake of argument, maybe it *should* be that way, but you're trying to have both. You're telling me "we're all in this boat together" and coming up with all these equivalences one moment, and then the next moment the "equivalence" your asserting involves me noticing all the cases where there is no equivalence. Frankly I find your position to be bizarrely and self-negatingly circular, and frankly I think that's a pretty good indicator you're being a bit disingenuous about your real view.

> *you're
Sorry, can't just leave it.

Which you won't, because you're right and he's wrong.

It is a refuge, just not completely sheltered.

Women are coddled by a society where perpetual childhood is an ideal. They get to be children while also benefiting from this form of systemic privilege. Even if I ignore the fact there's multiple people here (you fucking dumbass), there's no contradiction. I did cover that, and no actually you're wrong.

Oh well, my curiosity will go unsated then. I should sleep too anyway 1AM is pretty late.

And just btw, your suggestion that "opinions in the media" are necessarily a valid representation of sentiment among individual women is fucking preposterous and exactly what I'm talking about when I explain how it's hard to absolve women since they typically eat this shit up.