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How does this article make you guys feel?

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amerimutts BTFO

Considering the fact that I know it's a ClickHole article, I'm not surprised.
I only expect the pinnacle of humor from The Onion and ClickHole.

His nose makes his jew status ambiguous so nintendo had to clarify for us

Statistically speaking, Mario and Luigi would be Catholic Italian-Americans and as such would very likely be circumcised. Waluigi isn't a huge loss.

Waluigi is an evil character, so it would only make sense that he would have an evil piece of skin on his dick.

Good, being circumcised is a sin

Where'd you get that from? God tried to create man in His image, but He somehow left some evil disgusting skin on the end of the penis. He commands His followers to cut it off.

Circumcision should be illegal, change my mind

God demands it, and all morality derives from God. Better luck next debate.

Well that's because Wario is the prime Jew,
>big nose
>short and fat
So if anyone is circumsised then it's probably jewario

But the foreskin hold almost all of the nerve endings in your penis so getting rid of them makes your dick extra sensitive to uncomfortable sensations like pain

>God demands it
You have any proof?
>it says right here in this book
Prove that God wrote it

A small price to pay for following God's commands.
No proof necessary. It's inherently obvious that the Bible is the inspired word of God. You just have to have faith.

What do you mean faith? How can you just blindly follow something for which you have no evidence of proving

infinitesimally amused. actually no slightly more than that

The evidence for God is all around us.

I guarantee you that luigi isnt circumsized either.

Such as?

The fact that we even exist is proof of God.

No it isn't, we were all just a big cosmic coincidence, give me an example of an actual miracle of God that happened in recent times not counting us existing or nature being nature because that doesn't count

As expected you couldn't find anything based on how long it's taking you to reply

>No proof necessary

Yeah you can go fuck right off you dumb sheep.

>trying this hard
that other guy probably left already because he was trolling you

How the fuck did i not pick up on the troll until you mentioned it, I feel really stupid now

Waluigi for president 2020

are you autistic

I have been muted for 2 seconds because my comment was not original

>The Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Medical Association now defines neonatal circumcision as a "non-therapeutic" surgical procedure. Circumcisions (as commonly performed on newborn boys) are non-therapeutic, because no disease is present and no therapeutic treatment is required. Furthermore, circumcision removes healthy and functional tissue from the body and renders the part less functional. Thus, a circumcision is a non-therapeutic amputation and mutilation. Therefore, for Catholics, non-therapeutic circumcision at any age is immoral according to the teaching of the Church as expressed in the Catechism.
Statistically speaking, you're incorrect. Mario, especially, has a strong Italian accent to his English. Meaning he was either born in Italy or was a first-generation immigrant, raised by family who came over from the old country, where circumcision is a rarity. It's highly unlikely that they would be circumcised.

They have strong Italian accents, meaning they're almost definitely born in Italy. Europe doesn't circumcise. Also not sure why you bring up catholicism, that hasn't nothing to do with circumcision

That's because being uncircumcised is Warui.