>dogs head just got chopped off
Dogs head just got chopped off
Kick the ass of who ever did it to within an inch of their life.
damn those mooslims
How did that happen?
and that's why you always leave a note
uhhh how exactly
>cat fell into the milk chasm
he was sticking his head out the car window and it hit a sign
>Instant decapitation from hitting a sign
You must of been traveling pretty fast
>>dogs head just got chopped off
wtf, how?
of and have are different words user
if that's true I'm sorry for your loss OP
Nigga how fast were you going?
more importantly why the fuck were you driving that close to signs
this is bait thread
>this is bait thread
I believe you
ok if it's not bait, why were driving that close to signs at that speed
take a picture then, faggot.
i heard this was a bait thread
>m-muh bate
fuck off
that it not nice at all
you left your caps lock on bro
My dog is fucking dead and I have to put up with this shit
I am sorry user-kun
>goldfish is drowning and I have no idea what to do
my condolences to you ,user. it must have been brutal cleaning it up, stay strong
pls see and respond to this post then
>>goldfish is drowning
Fuck man, I'm so sorry
What the fuck this is hilarious I'm laughing so much