That kid thread

>that kid who often had a pee stain on his pants
haha wasn't me amiright bros
>hold me

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I'm from a rough place in England. My school was the type where you'd get bullied relentlessly if you wasn't a waster. It was terrible.

Anyway some kid in my class was a weirdo. Strange, but kept to himself. Anyway, during physical education he was being hassled by some guys, and they jumped on him, and he promptly pissed himself. People started questioning him interrogation style "user, you just pissed yourself?". The floodgates opened, he started hysterically crying, and that was the last I ever saw of him.

God speed piss boi, I hope you escaped the white working class male in an impoverished area

>that kid who was always on the cusp of every social circle but never fully entered
>that kid who was pretty much the gatekeeper for just about every social circle
>that kid who was pretty much a buffer friend until they shot up in popularity
>that kid who was always left behind
>that kid who gave his sperg friend drum lessons and that sperg friend went on to join a band stealing all of my licks

I could go on.

>pissing yourself to ward off bullies
here i was pissing myself for no reason when i could have been using my powers for good. live and learn

natural selection at it's finest
would YOU want piss boy genes?

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I picked my nose all the time and wiped my hand on my pants, making it look like I was covered in cumstains. My nickname in middle school was "sperm boy" and I never knew what it meant until a few years ago when I figured it out on my own.

do go on, user
tell me your story

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"sperm boy" is better than "pee stain"
do not ask me how i know this or i will be forced to lie

>That kid that did fortnite dances and had no self awareness
>That fat kid who did autistic shit but no one fucked with him because he could fight and people liked him.

Well, I'm high as fuck on peyote rn, so idk how deep I can go over text

Oh now you have to do it even more

Please tell us your "that kid" stories while on peyote. It will be fun

How is it worse?
As Sperm Boy, not only was I picking my nose: something people laugh at, but I was also being made fun and not getting why, feeling like I was taking crazy pills for being the only one who didn't get the joke.

>that kid who threw wet wads if toilet paper over the stall when someone is in it
>That kid who would jizz on the toilet seats

Well, if I had to start I'd probably start in 8th grade when I met my buddy Calvin. I went from a sheltered white kid to a hood rat in a matter of months, we stole, we tagged shit, we got jumped, we got drunk, and we got high together. This guy sold enough weed at 14 to buy his neighbors beat up ford explorer. His mom got suspicious when he would come back fast as fuck from "walking to mcd"

She made him return the truck. On a side note, his mom.came here from el Salvador in the 80s. She was a high level leader of MS-13. She was deported and murdered about 3 years ago. May god rest her soul, she made the best pupusas and beans. She was a weed dealer, but we always kept it DL.

Calvin and I were always close, but we had our differences. He was an Xbox guy, I was PS3. We used to stay getting fucked up all night playing Zombies. Thinking back, 2010 was a solid ass year. This dude was my nigga through and through.

We got jumped by a group of bloods when we were chillin at a playground at like 3:00am. We both got knocked out because it was 5 on 2. I took his torn wifebeater and sopped up his bloody mess of a face with it to wake him up. My.face was black and blue for like 2 weeks.

sperm boy is not a great nickname, not getting the joke would be confusing too, but no one will go near you if your name is pee stain and you sometimes smell like piss because you can't hold your pee in.
Also, "pee stain and sperm boy" sounds like a solid superhero team

We used to spar all the time, think Ed and Al, only we were both basically Al sized because we were 2 fatasses. He was always pissed because I had better ground game.

Anyways, 2011 is a pretty dark time. I lived out of district for the high school all of my buddies would be at. My mom was a school bus driver, so transport wouldn't be a problem, but the admin office lost my paperwork so I had to go to a different school within walking distance of my house.

I doubt I left much of a mark in any of those social circles, I skipped probably 90 days overall. I'd hide under my bed and wait til everyone left for the afternoon to come out. Then it'd be like no one noticed I was gone. I'd binge Dr.Phil to cope with depression, I still hadn't gained regular access to weed yet.

That year, I traded all my legos for my first guitar. I was an angry teenager with a fury in my heart that could only be released through one thing: Punk rock.

I started going to shows. I saw the current (shitty) incarnation of The Misfits several times through HS. Always a fun show.

I met a few characters from punk shows, one of which is a girl I fell hard for: Alie. She was 120lbs of pure Mexican firecrackers wrapped in leather with blue dreadlocks to boot. I met her on July 20th 2012 at a Casualties concert (still one of my all time favorite shows) I also met a kid named Jesus. He was legally named after our lord and saviour because the doctor forgot to put the accent over the letter in his name on the birth certificate. At this show, we didn't know eachother, but when the opportunity for a moshpit game came up, we tag teamed. It was chicken mosh, a guy on the shoulders. 3 teams. We came in 2nd. I still have the autographs I got from all 4 members of The Casualties.

2013 was a comeup. I thinned out a little, dressed better, gained a little respect, but I was still a fuckin wildcard to everyone. I carried around a duck statue and let people kiss it. I still have that statue. Lord help me if anyone insulted that duck. This sweet piece of hipster ass called it a goose one time and I ripped her a new one. "IT'S A DUCK, YOU FUCKING IDIOT."

I would bake cheesecake and let people free range it. Big titted milf teachers, hot girls, jock motherfuckers, everyone wanted a taste. I'd post up on my schools rather large class rock during lunch and let em go wild.

I also was in a business class, and once a month we had to show up in a suit. I went to goodwill and found the most pimp outfit I could. It was a red suit, white ruffled shirt, gators, and a grey brimmed hat, think Eulogy Jones. Literally what I dressed as. I had a matching red Fender Telecaster and a battery powered amp that I'd sling along with me for extra credit (and it worked)

I have a picture of me playing the whole getup somewhere, ill post it if I can find it.

2014 was the year I was supposed to graduate, but I flunked.

I met 2 Katies. One of them was a sweet Texas girl with massive knockers and a rebel flag tattoo. The other was a redhead with perky pear tits and always in bellbottoms.

I hung out with the first Katie the summer before my senior year and we smoked at dawn. She wanted to come into my house, but a sperged hard and sent her home. God, I probably coulda hit that, but I missed my chance.

The other Katie and I smoked weed and she drove me home. We were watching breaking bad on the couch when she said she wanted to spice things up. Me, sperging out again, decided to walk over to my drum set (which was in the living room, god bless grandma's loose house rules) and start drumming the part for Anal Cunt's "I Went Back In Time and Voted For Hitler"

Katie, stirred up by my furious percussive abilities obviously saw I was good enough to enter her loins. I had never seen a woman naked in person before this. I had no clue what to do with a vagina. When she was leading me back to my own bedroom, my heart was pounding, because I knew she'd be like "what the fuck" at the halfstack on the wall, the massive PC rig, clothes strewn about, a Vietnam era supply crate as a table and my massive oversized bed frame.

She blew me and I lasted all of 15 seconds before I came. I found a few pictures of her getting fucked by some black dude on /b/ like 2 years later. I sent them to everyone lol.

After that debacle, Alie comes back into play. She was pregnant, but I didn't care. I had wanted her for years and she was still just as beautiful to me. I was ready to be a step dad before she went fuckin loco on me.

>that actually pretty cool quiet kid with autistic knowledge of everything

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I had a hard manual labor job after I turned 18. I was basically a ditch digger. I went from 280 down to 220 in a matter of months. I looked and felt better than ever, I had great money for my age, and I didn't have a care in the world. I woke up, I ate good, I worked hard, I got paid. The manager overstepped his boundaries and fired me without the business owners knowledge. He called me like 30 min after I was sent home and rehired me.

The next day I went in like nothing happened, then walked out because I had snagged a new job running a Sweet Frog with my brother. Easy work, less pay, but I get to chill all day with froyo? Fuck yea.

Eventually my current GF came into my life. Her dad tried to kill her, so I put her up in a hotel for the night and the rest is history. We have a 2 year old together and we're looking at marriage in 2020. I'm a mechanic, so still hard labor, but happy.

Robots, you all have probably had a wild ride. You all have your own unique experiences. You all have your own point of view in this world. I'm high as fuck, so sharing my experience probably doesn't translate well over text. I wish we could have a nice campfire, you guys are a community who has been here for me through thick and thin. I'm glad to have shared lols with you guys over the years.

I'm too high for this, so I'm about to zone out to south park with a guitar in my hands.


>that kid who fought his way to a decent place in life
>that kid who came out relatively unscathed through a rough several years
>that kid who is still here after 3 suicide attempts
>that kid who broke the cycle of a broken and abusive home
>that kid who is determined to outdo his father who was never there
>that kid who turned into that man who loves his family more than anything and would give anything for them

>That kid that kept asking to see your dick bro

>that one faggot mexican kid that was an asshole to everyone for no reason
>that one kid who nobody liked because he had no redeeming qualities
>that one kid who would insult people who had literally never even spoken to him before
>that one kid who pulled the same shit for six years without change
>that one kid who hung out with the dropkick 80 iq retards because only they put up with his shit
>that one kid who would push people around in soccer matches and start fights for no reason
>that one kid who would provoke people even if they could beat the shit out of him
>that one kid who we realised probably acted like that because he had a bad home life
>that one kid who we hated so much that we were actually glad after we realised this
>that one kid who we hated so much that we would genuinely laugh at the fact that he probably goes home every day and gets violently beaten or raped
>that one kid who we hated so much that we would make up scenarios where his parents died or abandoned him
>that one kid who we genuinely hoped would die or get a lifelong disability because we were so sick of his shit
>that one kid who did nothing of note except harass other people
What a fucking faggot, I hope he died since I last saw him. He turned us all into psychopaths.

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Yep. I know that feel. Having a bunch of groups of friends but never really be in the IN crowd? Like they'd come up to you and you'd hang out with each other, and you could go up to them and hang out with them but they'd never really invite you out to places? Also you'll be part of the main group, but not in any of the the subgroups since all friend groups have the sub groups where 2 or 3 people always hang out with each other. You're only involved when the main group gets together.

Then that one dude comes along and he acts really buddy buddy with you and you get close, and you're the one who introduces him to your friends.Then he gets in with the in group and suddenly he's doing stuff with them and not you.

>That one kid who was shorter than everyone
>That one kid who had a higher voice than >everyone
>That one kid who had a smaller dick than >everyone
>That one kid who liked futa hentai
>That one kid who secretly wanted to suck a >
That one kid was me

Fuck. This is too accurate. Being kind of in the main group, but never be invited to somebody. Be the last one to be picked for a group in PE. Be the one who gets a love letter from a cute girl I like during classtrip, but turns out it was another girl writing in her name with her next to her. Be ridiculed by all the girls for answering it.
Yet always been asked to help with homework.

>that one gay kid that everybody hated
Not because he was gay, mainly because he was an asshole

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