I will never EVER meet a girl as perfect and lovely as her

>I will never EVER meet a girl as perfect and lovely as her
Is it pathetic to sudoku over an e-girl?

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theres like a billion girls in the world maybe some of those billion are like her so dont give up user

Do it faggot. She doesn't know your name and never will.

What's so great abouut her?

an hero or move on like him

Attached: franz girls love.png (1169x433, 430K)

A white, cute, virgin girl who doesn't use men for money, isn't hyper sexual, has artistic talents and iinterests, and witty? And there are billions of these girls you say?

>Who doesn't use men for money
Yeah, buddy, hate to say it but you're wrong on that count. How will you stand before your ancestors who die inbattle with honor as you tell them you an heroed over a fucking whore? You should an hero only when the problems you have are actually physical.

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Muffy is the cutest girl in the world and it's a shame I will never be able to put my hand up her dress.

thinking about making the switch from team #brooke to team w/ethefuckthisgirlsname is
broke seems like a compulsive liar tbhonestt

I'd rather put my hand down her pantyhose!

There is no team muffy anymore. She's gone for good friend. No discord no Instagram no curiouscat.

guess I'm stuck with on team #brooke then

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Enjoy her user

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Does this mean the boyfriend rumors are true?

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Its very originally possible user

Girlfriend is more likely

Either way she isn't available anymore. Our very slight chance has disappeared.


all women are or will be whores


I guess I'm just going to find someone else I can orbit then. OP is right though, we will never EVER in our lives meet another girl like Muffy.

Do you think she's dating an orbiter?

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fo sho, prob going down on one right now.

that would make me even more angry, every time i post about franz fucking muffy i do it as a joke knowing he would never get her but if an orbiter is having her for real i will fucking die

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It's not Franz. The guy doesn't even browse Jow Forums.

>The guy doesn't even browse Jow Forums.
How do you know this? Any more info?

my life is fuckin over

im not saying it is im saying that i now know the feeling that i was trying to give you people

She deleted her discord, she thinks it's better if she doesn't have contact with anyone from Jow Forums anymore. I highly doubt it

>I have nothing against incels! Robots are nice and only a small minority are bad people! teehee please give me attention :3
>cuts off all contact with everyone from Jow Forums, even the small group of people she trusted enough to give her discord which previously only her IRL friends had

I'm actually the guy who introduced him to her. I'm not into muffy personally so it doesn't bother me but I take blame for some of this.

Is he Chad? Have they fucked yet?

you dont know the amount of anger i am feeling right now you fucker

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She is asexual, so no they haven't

They live extremely far apart so no not yet but they plan on meeting in the near future. Chad? Sort of. The guy is extremely social and is good looking but I dont know if I would call him chad

you are just fucking with us now! stop right now you fucking asshole!

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More importantly is he white

Yes he is white. I dont think muffy is a coal burner.

>introduced him to her
Were you friends with her first or some shit? how does this work

Franz has literally never talked to muffy, he doesn't talk to his internet waifus, and he doesn't really want to. He believes he isn't social and boring to talk to
t. Talks to Franz everyday for awhile

How much longer are you retarded incels going to obsess over the bitch? She's a 4/10 at best and it's fucking pathetic. Please break your arms jerking off to some fourteen-year-old looking female who doesn't even know you exist.

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I showed him pictures of her since she was the latest Jow Forums girl at the time and he said she was super cute so I sent him her Instagram.

t. damage control franz

>s-s-she looks 14! 4/10!
t. butthurt 30yo roastie

We're talking about her boyfriend, not franz.

dont anger him

Attached: franz cartoon.png (500x361, 47K)

>implying looking youthful is a bad thing
Go orbit brooke.

K then, seemed like you were talking about Franz saying he was her boyfriend
I doubted boyfriend theory but her deleting discord makes me maybe believe it

>implying a female knows what Warhammer 40k is

how long before franz an hero for real?

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Isn't she underage... How old is he?

She is 17, dumbass. That is not illegal nor is it pedophilic.

>b-but she SAID she was asexual!!
>she said she never had a bf!!!
>she said she had never been on a date!!

You gullibe pathetic faggots, believing everything a dumb whore with a likewise utterly pathetic nickname such as "muffy" said in a fucking curiouscat as the unquestionable truth.
I feel so good for having forced this slut off the internet for good, thanks to my relentless bullying. It is even sweeter when I see you faggot cucks seethe with rage and despair at her whore ass being gone. Stupid cunt.

She's a child, it literally is both illegal and pedophilic.

You know it is LITERALLY neither of these things, right? It is not pedophilic because she is postpubescent and it is not illegal because she is above the age of consent in New York (where she lives), not that it would matter because the dude is most likely within 5 years of her age which means Romeo and Juliet laws got him covered.

Whats the matter sweety? Stopped replying because you got your shit pushed in too hard?

reminder that all the boyfriend talk is just made up bullshit by one single muffy hater who has no evidence to back up their claims

No, I just didn't have this thread open eagerly awaiting your response. Have fun diddling kids though.

>has no comeback

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I could ask him for a tiny bit of proof. He might humor me but no promises.

Need a pic of her boyfriend

That is definitely not happening. Sorry user. Just waiting for him to respond with a screenshot or some kind of proof.

not that other user but holy fuck, your whiteknighting of an ugly whore is pathetic. even more so becuase the bitch is gone and doesn't give a single fuck about you orbiters and whatever idea you made in your beta minds about her based off her curiouscat answers lmao

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Don't give a fuck about this attentionwhore, I just wanted to make him look like a retard who knows jackshit about the law or psychology.

Maybe one of those posts could be considered whiteknighting

You quoted at least 3 different people, most of them unrelated to the discussion I had with that user.

I was talking plural, brainlets. Even worse that there are multiple whiteknight beta orbiters of this bitch.

I have a screenshot but he said he would murder me if I posted it.

I'm almost certain of it, she would never be to communicate outside so she'll fall for an orbiter

Convince me to post it anons. I'm considering it right now

What's in the screenshot?

Him calling her a sweet heart and her saying she wants to be in his arms.

link to this thread? oreganananano

kek, saved

You larpers always take things too far

This is her boyfriend humblebragging confirmed

this. i actually believed for awhile

Have the better version.

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I want to take Muffy on a date to the theater to watch a scary movie and then finger her under her skirt!

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Should probably scrub the exit data for him if I'm actually going to post this thing.

>One lucky orbiter is experiencing this right now
I want off this ride.

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>one lucky orbiter knows what kind of panties she wears
I'm gonna fucking shoot myself.

> billions

> white female
450-600 million true white. Only 10-20% look good so its 45-120 million

>never got to finish my pretty princess points muffy before she left
hold me anons

Attached: pretty princess muffy.png (1702x974, 37K)

Amazing, even though it is unfinished. Great job.

Thanks user, maybe i'll finish it one day. Although with her gone there's not much reason to.

>to 8ch
retard just look on the board its the only muffy thread on the front page of /agatha/

lol im the fucking retard its not even in the muffy thread its in his troll thread. just look for Oi cheeky little cunt you! And a bunch of pics of some whore

It's called getting some sense beaten into you. There's no reason for any woman to associate with robots unless they're they're trying to punish themselves as much as possible.

im confused by the whole convo who is this gril and what happened

What are you trying to understand?

this whole thread about this girl deleting her discord some guy named franz im just confused

Franz is an insane super orbiter who got way too into Muffy. She had an Instagram and a Curiouscat that Jow Forums used to talk to her. She deleted it to get away from the orbiters and got a boyfriend who asked her to delete her discord too which she used to keep in contact with the orbiters she enjoyed taking to.and now you're all caught up.

she looks like she would microwave a hamster just for the hell of it.

Even if you do, she'll never give a shit about you, what's the point

i think i might genuinely kill myself

Yes, just end it

Do you think that user from a few threads back that claimed to be texting her is her bf?

How do I move on? Help me
I was using Fritz as my backup orbit but she privated her profile

Pls post more pics of her

>Is it pathetic to sudoku over an e-girl?

because in the first place you forgot that you can't have an e-girl. ever.

and you forgot that any "public girl" (be her a waitress or a camwhore) will always have to choose between an absurd amount of orbiters -- and there's always someone Chadder and Richer and Prettier than you: it's a lose-lose war.

>Also, you forgot that a pretty girl has already tasted a number of dicks by the moment you first notice her.

TLDR: if you fall for a cute girl, you're almost surely been pre-cucked.

> that jaw, tho. is that an actual girl, or a trap with photoshop powers? when in doubt, never risk

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In retrospect it does seem like it doesn't it