Where do I find a girl that likes paranormal and spooky stuff...

Where do I find a girl that likes paranormal and spooky stuff? I want a gf to do urban exploring and magick rituals with.

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>magick rituals

Please, I bet you only think magic is "cool" and "interesting". Fucking normie, you'd just slow me down. Not even worth a sacrifice.

omegle under occult/satan/magick/ etc tags

>Tfw no gf to found a cult with

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go to a spook fr website that they talk about spooky magik and stuff and I'm sure a few of them have social forms

Pic most originally related desu

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I practice Goetic magick.

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Alright I'm here. I know what you're doing. Okay well maybe not, but I fukken see you.

I know this feel user, went through all of MS and HS being that /x/ kid that no one wanted to get paired with because they knew that I'd start talking about ancient Bolivian stargates, vimanas, Gulf of Aden vortex, Phobos Monolith, Ophanim, ect.

I wish I could help more but I'm in the same conundrum that you're in.

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Then what do I look like then, bitch?

I almost had this at one point but I fucked it up

besides I was too judeo-christian for her devil worshiping ass

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Dumbass. You deserve to suffer like your kike on a stick.

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a one
a two
a one


Just find a neo-pagan group in your area and join it.
>inb4 "they're too normie"
A lot of them are Wiccan, yeah, but you're also like to find disgruntled people who are actually interested in magic shit.

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god not this fucking loser why do you still post here

That sounds good enough. I'll try to find one.

Because I'm here to haunt you. OOGA BOOGA!

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Pee pee
Poo poo
Wee wee
Doo doo
Snoo snoo
Loo loo

They are a dime a dozen. Where do you find guys that like traps in to this shit?

Every girl you meet

So is it easy to get a girl into this stuff and get her to dress goth and shit?

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>virgin western occult tradition
>chad tribal magic

Tribal magick is for niggers though.

Not sure about getting a girl in to it but there are shit loads of girls already like that. Magick is a lot of shit to learn and memorize, good luck getting someone who is not already interested to participate other than in the most rudimentary way. Lots of girls just like it as an aesthetic, too.
Western occultism is heavily based on nigger sources

And western occultism is a hijacked rehash of nigg and sandnigg practices

>t. femanon(male)
let the larping begin magicfag



hot topic or spencers

Once when I was standing in line to pickup my Chinese takeout I heard a woman talking to her friend about how she tried to explain to her mom that her beliefs were not just a phase and she really believed in witchcraft like it was a serious religion