Are there any newish video games worth playing?

are there any newish video games worth playing?

I need some mental stimulation because idling on Jow Forums all day is rotting my brain. and all these zoomer battle royale games make me sick. I like good wholesome single player games

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Mount and blade warband never gets old

>newish games
>mental stimulation
Play Deus Ex
Not one of the new titles they suck, the good Deus Ex

this game is like 15 years old but still the best rts ever made

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The last 2 singleplayer games I played that were actually good are Witcher 3 and persona 5
>Inb4 persona 5 hahaha weebfag
Even if you aren't a weeb persona 5 is a great game that left me in the feels would recommend it

Just replay old shit like RDR, Oblivion, Fallout New Vegas, Bully, Skyrim, Dishonored 1 and 2 ect.

I think it's clear what kind of fanboy I am.

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Do u like gta

>Video games
>Mental stimulation

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Yeah I love gta

>can't play any new games because I'm a fucking poorfag

This and Dwarf Fortress

Doom 2016 and Titanfall 2 if youse a shooterfag

In terms of New that's all I have, but I recently fell in love with Jet Set Radio, which is fucking KILLER

Wanna feel like a conqueror - total war: rome 1/2; age of empires 2/3

Good fps with great atmosphere - halo: combat evolved; stalker trilogy, metro series (you can pick the latest one since story don't intertwine)

Up fo some adventures? Prince of Persia is great

Rimworld can really take up a week of your life as it is so addicting. Same goes for kerbal space program.

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thanks for actually putting in the effort to tell us what games to play

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that gif is fucking beautiful. sauce, brother?

the name of gif?

Darkwood, if you enjoy classic suvival-horror. It has something Stalker esque over it, the story is almost surrealistic at times and all the characters you meet are strange and twisted.
Gameplay wise it's mostly exploring and stocking up for the hard nights, and pushing further into the forest.

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>are there any newish video games worth playing?
>I like good wholesome single player games
Why does it have to be new?

Take a look at primordia, great art style, voice actors and setting. It's a point and click adventure game, but the puzzles are generally fair. I enjoyed it a lot.

Alien Isolation is great if you like horror games.

But honestly going back and playing or replaying great games like baldur's gate 1/2, system shock 1/2, deus ex, thief, myst etc will be multitudes more enjoyable than most modern games.

Rise of Nations is better.

I'm just a peasant

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I just spent the past two days playing Katamari Forever 10/10 would recommend

Witcher 3 is pretty solid for a WRPG. I think the new Hitman is pretty fun as well paying homage to its blood money roots. Sleeping Dogs fits the bill of a kind of open world action adventure like Bully and has a solid story along with a vibrant world to boot. Good luck and make vidya fun again.

Firewatch. I'm in a mental shithole rn but that game was amazing. Good story, good characters, great graphics and locations. After beating it, you get a free roam mode as well, and it's really fucking relaxing.

mental stimulation? read a short story my man.

Just started Okami again and it's really fun, but easy. I only play relaxing games (Scribblenauts, Katamari Damacy, tycoon games like Zoo/Rollarcoaster/Business). Got back into OSRS as well and it's fun to think of different ways to do things. Liked Bully too, wish I could make it stop crashing on my PC every 30 minutes but beat it anyways.

SpaceHulk Deathwing by far a good recent best,only 30 bucks on amazon,worth a look.

Ide suggest kingdom hearts 1 and 2 final mix if money isn't an issue but I suppose you could just go ahead and pirate it also. 1 and 2 are honestly the only good ones gameplay wise. Story wise just skip re:coded. That's the only one that doesn't matter.

They should make more games like firewatch I was on pain pills at the time but haven't enjoyed a game that much in a while. Was thinking of playing that new captain spirit game not sure how that will be tho

Hitman is pretty fun, I recently got it on steam and I've found it very hard to get myself immersed in video games for a long time but this game seems to do it

it's one if the few games with large environments that's also pushing for interactivity, it's also one of the few new games that has immersed me along with Prey.

Max Payne 1-3, Hotline Miami 1 & 2, Fallout: New Vegas, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Deus Ex, Manhunt.

I know some of there games aren't newish but they're definitely worth playing if you haven't already.

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Persona 5 is hot garbage, everything after the first 2 dungeons is mediocre for 50 fucking hours. Even Persona IS the autobattle simulator is better

Can't go wrong with the first Deus Ex.

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Celeste was really fun for me. I never thought i had it in me to 100% a game before. Plus its got pretty good writing for a platformer

Just played witcher 3, think it was great

I just played Ryse: Son of Rome. It's really good if you can get it for around $6 or so. I wouldn't spend much more than that as you will only get around 6 hours. It's also a great looking game.

The Witcher 3 if you want story based RPG
Stardew if you want comfy farming
R6 Siege if you like tacticool FPS memes
Rimworld if you want to lose the next 200h of your life
Dark Souls if you are challenged and want a challenge
Path of exile because I'm a shill and love this shit

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Europa Universalis IV bretty good

t. has only played first person shooters

If u played age of empires 2 and 3 play age os empires 1 definitive edition. Its pretty cool

This, also Victoria 2 if you want to feel true autism

sorry, had to get some autism out

The new Prey is fantastic, personal GOTY last year
Hollow Knight is great if you're into metroidvanias

What's your favourite nation user? I'm quite fond of picking some small random colonial nation and abusing the fuck out of immigration

Playing games is a simple pass time, it's not an adequate form of mental stimulation

>mental stimulation
Read a book.
Anything but CK2, wish EU4 was the one given away for free instead.

Insurgency and Day Of Infamy