Officer user

So, what do you guys think of the idea of becoming a police officer? It's something I've been bouncing around in my head for awhile.
The requirements for becoming one are pretty low with a salary of about $42,000.
As a 20yo NEET with little education, I was thinking it might be a nice opportunity and could open doors down the road.
Tell me your thoughts.

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It's a good idea, but you should look at your local area for more lucrative gubmint positions. You may find a nice chair job.

Can you elaborate on that, user?

>This is hardly original

You could get a low-tier job in City Hall doing basically nothing for absurd pay if your city is corrupted to shit, or a very stable low effort (but not high paying) job otherwise. Many involve basic math and social skills.
Bank teller is also pretty good

I work as a building inspector for my county now, not a chair job but it's easy as shit and the pay is good for what it is (55k)
Would rec

Wouldn't I need a decent amount of job experience or good references for that?
I had a job when I was a teenager but left on bad terms.

>being a big cunt that makes them pay even more money than they do already for bullshit reasons
Unless you're actually chasing criminals and running investigations on murders and shootings, why bother?

Like I said in my post, I was considering it because of the easy entry and long-term opportunities it could bring.

Maybe the bank teller, but not really city hall. Low Government jobs were built for low skilled workers with little experience

>Bank teller is also pretty good
have you ever been one?
could you suggest what the requirements are and what is needed?
what would help for the job?
Not too good at math like parabolas and all those big formulas (that are basically only used by engineers and high schoolers in math class), so do you need math as complex as that to be a bank teller?
What do you do in that job, like the day-to-day life and actions of it?

Oh yeah? My mother actually has connections to my city's government too. I hadn't thought of that. Thanks, user. Do you have experience working for city hall or something?

>Like I said in my post, I was considering it because of the easy entry and long-term opportunities it could bring.
true, but just don't stop people and give them tickets for going a few miles over the speed limit, ok?
believe it or not there are some anuses that do that.
just take it easy.

What kind of questions do they ask at the like detector stage?

My mom was a bank teller and government worker before joining the Navy and meeting me dad. I may be an engineer that's not worked those jobs, but my mom's gotten a lot of freebies from being a teller.
She was a recent HS grad with poor math skills.

I'm pretty easy-going in those aspects. So, for sure, unless someone would be causing a safety hazard, of course.

Oh, alright. Did she like her time working in government and as a bank teller?

She enjoyed it, but she wanted to be an engineer and the only way was the Navy. If you get Old People friends, it's pretty nice.

Going to college for criminal justice so I can hopefully land a job with the state police. If you're curious about it I'd ask your local sheriffs office for a ride along and tell them you're interested in a law enforcement position. I wouldn't reccomend a police department, usually their jobs are worse than a deputy's. I mean it though. I go on ride alongside sometimes, and they're really fun. My only warning to you right now is to clear up your social media accounts and all that because they WILL dig very deep into your accounts to try and find dirt on you. Good luck user.

Depends. There's a lot more areas of law enforcement with better pay, career opportunities, stigma, authority, and uniforms.

If it's something you want to do for what it is then it's a good job, but as a police officer you have to be social to a degree that lets you know who other people are in your entire community by face and name, what they do, where they live, ect. or you won't make it very far or do very well.

I'm working in criminal justice right now to go into intelligence, but I'd like to be an officer for some time to get me use to people's bullshit.

YES do it user
where do you currently live?
I'm a NEET vigilante/supervillain that has been sabotaging normie BBQs and teenage smoke pits for the last couple months
I've been looking for a hero to combat my maiacle machinations
do be warned if you take up this offer we will be bitter enemies and I will stop at nothing to bring chaos and pain to all normies in my grasp

fuck 12 i got arrested like a week ago nigga i should kill u for this shit baka

10/10 did kek
I'm in VA

Shut the fuck up nigger you were probably raping a cat and 3 white women while snorting crack off an illegal ak

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I don't know you or your personality, but from what I understand about policing it sounds like a pretty alpha chad kind of job that wouldn't suit someone who didn't already have a great deal of confidence and initiative, which I would expect being a NEET is axiomatic to.
I tried joining the Army (I expect this is a close enough approximation to police training) a few years ago as I fell for the "it builds character meme". In actuality the people who do best at it didn't need any character building and several recruits including myself washed out within the first month. So if you aren't already of that mentality, I wouldn't recommend going in and expecting yourself to change to suit the position.
That being said, consider security. There's career advancement and significantly fewer responsibilities or dangers, and you get to wear a nice suit a lot of the time.

I have literally no existence on social media. Never got into it. What do they try to dig up, and what would be considered dirt?

VA as in Vancouvercuz my secret Laur currently resides in Burnaby

We don't need any more of you power hungry pieces of shit. Please don't.

Power hungry?
I'm just trying to stop being a NEET and plan for my future. Jesus, dude, relax.

So long as you don't dish out speeding tickets or assult skateboarders i'm completely fine with that career path user, just don't be a dick.

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They study everything down to small reactions you make. Just be a good enough person. They'll ask you questions on the oral board like "you're at a stoplight and see two people run it at high speed, one is a prominent businessman you know and recognize and the other is a drifter you don't recognize". The obvious answer is pull over the drifter and mail the ticket to the businessman, but they'll tell you to let the businessman go because he provides for the community.

The goal here isn't the answer, but to see what your reaction to their right answer is. They'll test you in small unnoticeable ways like that to see if you're reliable or a complainer or someone who belongs behind a desk, ect. and most continue to do so until you get settled into your uniform and job.

I'm no chad, but I've never had issues with confidence. I've only been a NEET for a year.

Do you have experience with this?

Do they do a lie detector test?


you dont realize how much if a club being a cop is

if you ever rat on anyone or quit your job you will be harassed by the department until youre dead

cops arent even nice to other cops

i dont dislike the police i appreciate them but man if they arent dicks to eachotherp

Only good reason to be a cop is to beat up niggers, otherwise it seems pretty crap.

A lot, everyone in my family is or was in law enforcement.

Also criminal justice courses at a college isn't required but it's so highly recommended that it should be. You'll get what amounts to a 2 year course compressed into a few weeks at police academy, if you just take the classes you'll be far better set and open more room for greater opportunities if law enforcement doesn't work out for you.

They make you take one in some places, they also sometimes taze you for the experience. All academies will make you go through being maced similar to how the military makes you breath in tear gas during basic, although they don't spray it directly and just mist your face with it a little.

Yes. They do.

You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

Why do they mace you? It's not like a criminal is gonna ever do that to you

A lot of people carry mace; especially burglars, prostitutes, and women.

Also if your DNA isn't already in the national database they put it into your record so if you're paranoid about constantly having all your information available to everyone then you probably should avoid federal and state government work.
You also get your blood drawn, your dental records updated, your medical records updated, your eyesight tested, ect.
The whole works, the government will know how much salt you piss.

Tried out for the military so they know lel

so you know what kind of medicine you're dishing out

>Hehe I can make shit jokes about blacks

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Hadn't thought of that. How do you know?

>Also if your DNA isn't already in the national database they put it into your record so if you're paranoid about constantly having all your information available to everyone then you probably should avoid federal and state government work.


I'm OP and this was a concern of mine.
I'm a pretty private guy, so this would probably bother me a lot. In fact, just this alone is honestly enough to put me off to the idea.

I work in a public sector call centre. I get 48k to sit on my ass and tell doctors to reset their computer. Plenty of opportunities to advance if you want to as well. I was NEET for 2 years before I got this job.

t. actual niggerape

>tfw got an uncharacterized discharge from the army
>too scared to even try and apply for police work since Im afraid they will reject me the second they learn I was in the army for less than 90 days

Also going straight from NEET to a job like police work is probably a bad idea.
t. NEET who went straight from being a NEET into the army and failed out of basic for it

It's a pretty good job
t. police officer
Confidence and confidence with women in private matters can be a totally different thing.
t. also KHV in mid 20s

Kill yourself pig bastard bootlicker
You too

can you tell more stories
what is it like day to day?
are you a walking r9k stereotype or are you somewhat normie?

most of the people i know that are cops were weird in high school, lesbians or ethnic.

got pulled over?
Weed seized?
tried to be chad and got beaten?


How hard is police academy

Mind you I'm not based in the US.
Daily business varies on the day of course, on weekends you do different things than the rest of the week.
Mostly you drive around and check for misdemeanors in traffic or whatever. If something happens in your district, a theft, someone got beat up, someone's blasting loud music in the evening, you gotta respond and deal with the situation.
Although it's always a bit different, it also it kinda always the same. It does not really get boring though.
After some time you know your district and colleagues really well and that's when it really gets fun.
Also, most cops I know are not really on a power trip but there's truth to the fact that you're the one in charge in most situations.

I myself am in the riot police at the time, I don't think there's an equivalent in the US to this but I could be wrong.
Basically we help local police stations when they have big happenings like demonstrations or football games or fairs of any kind and they don't have enough people do handle it themselves.
We also conduct searches for bodies or evidence in larger areas.
If nothing special happens at the time we just help out local police stations with standard police work as I described in the beginning.

I myself am no 'r9k stereotype' but if you're in close contact with me I imagine I'd seem a bit different. It's really hard to describe. Having a different humour mostly, I guess.
I also know people in the force who are full on nerds privately, describing themselves as anime watchers and stuff. The thing is, on the street nobody knows about you and people only see the uniform and assume you're some kind of normal bloke.
I myself am fit and not really ugly, I just don't feel comfortable approaching people in private things. I have no problem talking to people or whatever, I just keep it professional.

Im 27, when i was younger i used to fantasize about being a detective or some sort of super soldier.
Being a cop seems like a pretty steady gig if you live in the middle of fucking nowhere shit fuck ville and the only other jobs are like walmart or some stupid shit

I can't say since I'm not in the US.
I had to get a bachelor's degree, we learned a lot about law (duh) but also some psychology and sociology.
Aside from law, which is basically just memorising the underlying principles and important aspects of certain paragraphs and you're good, I got the feeling they mostly wanted to teach us common sense.
How you talk to people to get (or not get) a certain reaction. How to think logically.
Of course there's also sports involved. So if you're a lazy bastard you're gonna have a bad time. You also want to lift as you get heavier and stronger for physical confrontations.

Thanks for that user. Sounds like a fun job. I've asked cops before and most of them have said stiff along the lines of 'it's a different job every day' which sounds pretty cool

Be careful out there, user. If you act like too much of a dickhead another Dorner or Gavin Long might get you.

Same thing happened to me with Muhreens. I got hired. You need to know someone in the area to vouche for your.

Also have AA in Law Enforcement Sciene and experience in security jobs.

Stress that you were young and it was your first time away from home.

Its possible.