Why are white women and perhaps women in general besides asian becoming so large and hogbrappy? Seriously...

Why are white women and perhaps women in general besides asian becoming so large and hogbrappy? Seriously, if you want a girl who weighs less than you now, you have to look in some slav country or africa.

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because people keep fucking the fatties. why work to be skinny if you can be a lazy fat fuck who is treated the same?

Because thicc is the future

Loosed from the prison of monogamy, all women are now chasing Chad. That means packing on the pounds. Sticc don't stand a chance

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Where do we draw the line between Thicc and Fatass though?

Swear I'm the only sane man that complains about this shit sometimes. 90% of women are fat and you get stupid fucking Jow Forumsizens calling them thicc and braphogs. Skinnyfat is now just skinny to most people.

Can't even tell you just how many women have the nerve to select "average body type" when they are flat out obese. Guess this is the new average.

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Fucking men have to be tall, fit, handsome, high earners, have their own place, etc. and all women had to do was NOT BE FAT and they can't even handle that one fucking thing.

I'm this close to just getting an azn gf instead.


I’d say they are 40 lbs apart

I don't know if I just attract fat girls because fat girls are low quality and that's all I can attract, or if fat girls are just attracted to my body type (ottermode) which one is it?

Good genetics are declining... It goes beyond women generally being larger... Good facial genetics, good hair genetics, good genetics in general are becoming more rare. I think it has something to do with technology blocking natural selection from taking place.

>I think it has something to do with technology blocking natural selection from taking place.
yeah no shit m8, you add the welfare system and we are in full dysgenic swing

but it's this or nazi germany so lmao

What do we have to do to bring back nazi germany...

Nigger culture.

sterilizing the mentally infirm and so forth

nvm thought you asked 'what does this have to with'

Goddamn, how pathetic and small does your world have to be to think this?

Have you ever evern once been out of your own country, let alone to a different continent? I've been to nearly 30 countries - it has nothing to do with nigger culture or else racist fat retards in the south wouldn't also be super fat. That's just America. Do some research. England is getting fat as fuck as well.

Why do you live like this? Looking for every pointless excuse to vent some nonsensical anger you have generated inside yourself for lord knows why... What do you get out of it? Do you think this is making you the man you want to be, or the man your government overlords want you to be - a scared, stupid asshole who directs his anger at the wrong agency that has no responsibility for where he is in life?

The modern obsession over "big asses" is absolutely from black culture and while it's not the sole factor to widespread obesity, it can't be ignored either as it normalizes it in the general populace.

Why are the retards flourishing???

Citation needed

A big round butt (not obese or chunky like a fat slob) has always been desired. Name a point in history where having no ass was considered sexy, aside from the pedophilic Japanese - who literally raped little boys in bath houses as a totally normal tradition. Everyone wants to have a woman with a round, smackable butt. This isn't a race issue.

None of this is actually addressing Op's post. He's question had to do with why are people such fat slobs. You are going on a tangent inferring that people somehow know what they are becoming, as if they aren't ignorant lazy assholes with no knowledge of diet and exercise - which is the reality. It's not nigger culture. It's ignorance. How is this an argument? Oh yeah, you have nothing going in life for you besides being born a certain color - which you had nothing to do with - so you life that one single thing you have in life to the fullest. Weak and pathetic.

Were you not alive in the 90s? If you told a girl she had a fat ass, it wouldn't have gone over well. The asses pushed by the media today are very obviously different than the ones that were popular prior to the 2010s.
>Oh yeah, you have nothing going in life for you besides being born a certain color - which you had nothing to do with - so you life that one single thing you have in life to the fullest. Weak and pathetic.
>you can't criticize anyone else's culture or you have no life
Fuck off with this reddit tier meme.

It's nigger culture you nincompoop. Jesus
>pathetic and small
>fat racist rednecks
You're just a compendium of cliches. Not sure you're not b8, not sure at all.

just don't be a twink, you'll weigh more than any woman you look twice at

>becoming so large and hogbrappy

Using the BMI index. If your BMI is over 24.5 you're a fat piece of shit.

Is nigger culture the reason why so many men are obese as well?

It's tumblr. Who do you think calls sane men dicklets for hating fatties? Other men? HAHAHAHAHA

Nice defusion. What I said is still true. What have you got going for you? You brag about "muh master race" but what the fuck did you do? Just riding the coat tails of success of others. Be proud of things you've accomplished. Not things you had nothing to do with. That's how you stagnate in life.

I'm 31, so yes I was alive in the 90s. As a kid, I remember a ton of workout videos you could order that were supposedly for women, but basically softcore porn for guys - since porn had such a stigma to it. I remember even in the commercials it kept focusing on the girls butt. These were white women btw, and the videos were about having a better butt. Black people have bigger butts, so your racist mind keeps attributing this whole thing to black people, but the same history is true for tits. Tits are highly amplified in todays media - but oh wait, you can't blame black people for that so lets move on (even though both are instinctively attractive to males as they indicate more estrogen = more fertile women [same with bright eyes, small nose, big lips, etc, which is why makeup and plastic surgery all focuses on all these areas, pic related]). In modern America, tits were focused on before ass, and fat people have bigger tits, yet you don't seem to be pointing the finger at fat white people for making people want to be fat to have bigger tits.

Like I've said, I have been to nearly 30 countries. How many cultures have you visited? This is not a black culture thing. Like tits, like the face, every attractive aspect of a woman is being highlighted in media today. This is not a black culture thing, dude. There are so many white people who don't give a shit about black culture, it's blowing my mind that you are randomly blaming them. No fat white person says "Oprahs a fat slut so I get to be fat too"

This is almost entirely an issue with ignorance towards diet and exercise. That's it.

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Doctors just haven't been educated on intersectional fat positivity yet. That's this generation's job, and we should embrace it, because it's awesome! Also, I have a quibble with your talking about "all genders." While it's more inclusive than "both genders," I just want to remind you that some fat folks don't have genders at all!

It's been great talking to you guys! If you have any questions just reply to this post by clicking on my digits. Thanks!


'Both'. You meant to type 'both'.

>What have you got going for you? You brag about "muh master race" but what the fuck did you do? Just riding the coat tails of success of others. Be proud of things you've accomplished. Not things you had nothing to do with. That's how you stagnate in life.
What the fuck are you on about you absolute mong? All I said was black culture fetishizes large asses more and fat girls use that as an excuse to normalize being fat. I never mentioned anything about any fucking master races. Go see a fucking psych.

White women are more prone to disgusting amounts of plastic surgery.

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I can assure you I typed "all" instead of "both" because "all" is shorter. Please get more buttblasted over basic english Jow Forumsfags.

You guys are likely latent homosexual fat fucks who don't even lift. kys faggots


Stop spamming the thread with your autism. Everything you wrote is wrong.

Sexual standards vary country to country in the USA have slowly morphed to fit in with nigger culture. Carl Jung and Evola both spoke about the slow negrofication of American culture.

Because on average, more white women can afford it. Shaquanda and Rosario can't pay for a Brazil meme booty with food stamps

asking daddy for the money isn't affording it dipshit

instagram thots deserve to be gasssed

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It's paid for, innit? You're arguing semantics

Embrace the Brap

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Theres more obese men

Convert to islam

user. America is black culture now. Black culture = braaaap fat bodies
Those bodies get pumped into all media and that media goes straight to Europe subconsciously making girls want to be braaap.

Fuck Off

Who is this woman please boid

average is fat

Just because you see more of it doesn't mean it wasn't always there

Not him but at least attempt to give an actual argument and not go like
>it's the jews lol
>it's so obvious man just look around bro

No actual arguments and cringe.


It's not like rap music culture has permeated a majority of young people or anything


im mentally infirm but still fit and attractive fml

>that 30yo boomer in ur gym

Imagine reading this

It's one extra letter

Lads, if you can't OHP your girl either you're not a man or she's not a woman

you have to be 9+/10 for good looking girls to actually approach you

This desu. Pic related me.

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this, honestly.

Jow Forums has become a modestly more in-shape Jow Forums and you can't browse any thread without there being some gymcel ranting and raving about niggers, jews, gynocracy, etc.

it's the same talking points over and over and it's just getting old 2bh.

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she probably looks disgusting without photoshop brah

Booty and bbw is a nigger and latino thing.
Now get back to r*ddit and get blacked by your SJW friends.

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mirin hard

You have no idea how genetics work.

Disgusting atheist filth

Two genders. Two scoops. Two terms.

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This will never not make me cringe

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These hambeasts have children, too, don't they?

>responding to pol
They will ignore and bait m8, all these little goblins want is the (you)s

Because we are shifting to west african polyandry

niggerification of popular culture by jews

>being in such fucking denial

five scoops five genders five terms

I'm actually mistaken as its not really west african polyandry but indigenous european matriarchy.

wow u sure showed us

It is because of the "THICC" meme The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing. This is done in order to reprogram our sexual desires, so that what we find sexually attractive subconsciously promotes a lifestyle of passive over-consumption, waste and materialism. Who profits from your sedentary existence? Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Onions and other multinational conglomerates all intent on turning you into docile, drug dependent, welfare supported consumers. Also, the typical T H I C C body type is far more prevalent in non-whites. Therefore, this manufactured trend surreptitiously goads the white man toward sullying his genetic heritage. I wonder who could be behind this? Don't fall for their tricks!

Agreed. Modern American women are trash user, this is nothing new.

Literally every niggee woman i see here in german is fucking fat. Yes this thing with fat women beeing fetishized most definitly comes from nigger culture as it is their natural behaviour

Yes it is west african culture, but it is ALSO indigenous european culture

No it is not. We didnt have that focus on the female butt like usa had. Europe is tits and pussy territory

>that 31 y/o boomer getting mad on an arabic bug catching forum

I'm talking about the paleolithic.

How do you know paleotlithic culture?

Remnants of european paleolithic cultures, comparison with similar extant indigenous cultures, comparison with derived early civilizations etc.

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Cellulite vs no celluite.

The remnants clearly evolved to be different than sub saharan africans did. You have the evidence right before your eyes. Fat bitches never mattered here. Compare balkans vs africa. Naturally european woman are slim not fat and africans are naturally more prone to be fat.

Of all races and genders, black women naturally store fat the easiest. They evolved in an environment where food was scarce so their metabolisms are lower.

Look up that expirement hitler did with pregnant women after he conquered Poland. He starved them, and their kids all got fat easily in life. That's just one generation.

Apart from that show me cultural artefacts that display an ass fetish in these cultures. Other than that you have actually nothing to back up your claim and your maybe just a pathetic ass fetishist that is a closeted homosexual?

>Hitler experiments
Oh here we go.. sure did you remember the one with the jewskin lampshades or the ausschwitzcoaster to the ovens? Hitler sure was a curios fellow wasnt he? Atleast that is what jewish rats are claiming

a) I am not talking about "ass", I am talking about fat women and general gynocentric organization which is what the thread is about. The very most famous artefacts and ritual sites of indigenous europeans show evidence of this.
b) I am not advocating this. Only stormfront dumbasses that unironically watch Varg think anything indigenous European is necessarily desirable.
I'm no doctor, but I'm fairly certain Europeans, like all races of temperate clines and scarce resources tend to store fat rather easily. See for example how plains indians have reacted to a "westernized" (really post-colonial) diet.

>Look up that expirement hitler did with pregnant women after he conquered Poland. He starved them, and their kids all got fat easily in life. That's just one generation.
Im sure this post is based entirely on credible scientific and historical facts.

More than two scoops is no no, there are only two genders, and presidents can only serve two terms. Your argument is invalid.

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not even a retarded wehraboo like this one, but come on. Experiments that span generations done in 5 years? But hat's actually correct, though american sources made this discovery on irish from ex-slave families that escaped the famine.

Do more legs.

Genetics wouldn’t actively get worse, they’d mostly just stagnate.

> Rappers
What would rap music have to do with people getting fat? What connection is there?

If the money is in the surgeons hands they can afford it