Why are white women and perhaps women in general besides asian becoming so large and hogbrappy? Seriously...

Why are white women and perhaps women in general besides asian becoming so large and hogbrappy? Seriously, if you want a girl who weighs less than you now, you have to look in some slav country or africa.

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because people keep fucking the fatties. why work to be skinny if you can be a lazy fat fuck who is treated the same?

Because thicc is the future

Loosed from the prison of monogamy, all women are now chasing Chad. That means packing on the pounds. Sticc don't stand a chance

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Where do we draw the line between Thicc and Fatass though?

Swear I'm the only sane man that complains about this shit sometimes. 90% of women are fat and you get stupid fucking Jow Forumsizens calling them thicc and braphogs. Skinnyfat is now just skinny to most people.

Can't even tell you just how many women have the nerve to select "average body type" when they are flat out obese. Guess this is the new average.

Attached: diosmios.png (504x829, 421K)

Fucking men have to be tall, fit, handsome, high earners, have their own place, etc. and all women had to do was NOT BE FAT and they can't even handle that one fucking thing.

I'm this close to just getting an azn gf instead.


I’d say they are 40 lbs apart

I don't know if I just attract fat girls because fat girls are low quality and that's all I can attract, or if fat girls are just attracted to my body type (ottermode) which one is it?

Good genetics are declining... It goes beyond women generally being larger... Good facial genetics, good hair genetics, good genetics in general are becoming more rare. I think it has something to do with technology blocking natural selection from taking place.