How do we deal with the trap problem?

How do we deal with the trap problem?

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Would fuck that ladyboy chink

The problem fixes itself when they hit 40.


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Make pants illegal
Cant trap me if I can see your pecker

Sage the gay away

absolutely degenerate desu. the only way to know for sure is to immediately proceed to feel dat dere after first exchanging words

but are yall telling me you wouldnt give her one fugging?

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Hell just make clothes completely illegal

They'll become old eventually.


>cute as a boy and cute as a girl

that's like hitting the genetic lottery twice. reeeee

> the trap "problem"

If you're not attracted to this tranny, you're gay as hell.

Attached: shemibes.png (988x1430, 1.1M)

Twinks are better than men on hormones, so I agree it's a problem.

List to them all the true facts and statistics on being a faggot. Like increases chances of getting aids, anal cancer, chronic diahrrea, and also your more likely to have to have bowels removed and wear a colostomy bag on your tummy. Good luck finding someone to be attracted to you when you got a bag of shit hanging from your tummy.

What about the "transbians"?

desu he has a completely masculine face. dunno if ur post was ironic?
it's not complicated

nuke /b/ from orbit. there goes 99% of the internets trap porn.

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Hunt them down and round them up in horse-drawn death carts like the during the French Revolution. Except instead of using the guillotine on their heads, chop their cocks off in the town square and disfigure their faces with a red-hot brand.

would date in a desu-loving heartbeat