>gained 25lb
Gained 25lb
dont know
happened to me too, was the same weight since i was 16 now im 20 pounds over it and dont know how to fix it
eat less, move more.
Doesn't even need to be proper exercise, just be active. Walk somewhere instead of driving, shit like that. It all adds up and makes a difference.
Just eat less and work out. if it doesn't work at first keep trying and trying until you're 30 years old and still a virgin. Give it 20 more years and then you'll finally lose it.
exercise doesnt really matter for weight loss its almost entirely calories in vs calories out
This. Aim for a calorie deficit of 500-1000 and keep that up until you reach the weight you are happy with.
Exercise = more calories out you dingus
30 mins of casual biking is like 100 cal
waste of time if you really wanna lose weight
>burning calories is a waste of time for losing weight
alright, how fat are you? sure a casual bike ride isn't going to do a whole lot, but it's something. especially if it's done fairly regularly. that's also why you do more than just 30 casual minutes. a 5 mile run burns over 500 calories, which is a very substantial portion of someone's daily intake. cardio kicks ass for losing weight
p.s. saying "bruh" makes you sound like a retard
Stop eating carbs you fucking fatass
just give it to me bro
im the 20 pounds poster, went on a beer binge, was 18 bmi since i was in jr high otherwise
alternate day fasting faggot
it works
t. been fasting for 24 hours
also high satiety index foods
The calories you spend just pumping blood and breathing air all day are for most people the majority of calories they burn. Exercise is good but it's easier in a way to just make healthier food choices. Like do you jog for 30 mins or just not have another beer. Counting calories was the only thing that worked for me and I should probably go back to it because I'm feeling round
>p.s. saying "bruh" makes you sound like a retard
low T faggot detected
>Counting calories was the only thing that worked for me and I should probably go back to it because I'm feeling round
This. You need to eat less to lose weight. Exercise is good for your health but it's not going to make much of a difference weight-wise.
Well when you have a deficit in calories and your body is looking for energy you don't want it to lower muscle mass but rather lower fat tissue. Therefore exercise is important.
The key for losing mass is food but what mass you lose is determined also by exercise.
calorie counting is indeed more important for losing weight, but my point is that it's ridiculous to deny the benefits of exercise in combination with that. you can reach your weight goals much more quickly and efficiently by exercising in addition to that, plus you'll just be healthier overall for it
low IQ nigger detected
what are you some kind of fucking homosexual
yeah, bend over faggot
look into a Keto Diet OP. i know it sounds like bullshit but if you wanna lose weight n actually be healthy and shit this is pretty decent. otherwise, eat less tendies?
Well done
have a (YOU)
Get a diet, if you can't handle that then hit the gym fatass