Fellow fembots, how did you lose your virginity? Pic related keeps happening to me...
Fellow fembots, how did you lose your virginity? Pic related keeps happening to me
Trust your instincts. If you're a woman and you're on this board, he's too good for you. Also, leave this board or I will kill you. I mean it.
Fucking normie memes. There's no such thing as a remote, roasties. Fuck off with your Snapchat and Instagram
Anxiety is a bitch but have you ever tried killing a man because you thought he was a zombie
Fellow fembot here. What if he isn't though?
There's this robot-esque guy in class with long hair, glasses, skinny (ig the term is "skeleton" here) and 6'4" but whenever I manage to get his attention I just spill my spaghetti because I don't think I'm good enough for him. He smiles sometimes but I can't just assume things y'know.
Just leave him alone you are too ugly
I'm seriously going to kill you.
don't believe any of this bullshit. this is just an advanced troll. i need some vocal proof that you are female through vocaroo saying the date and time or this thread can't proceed
>whenever I manage to get his attention
Fucking faggot larpers...
um no I dont need to prove anything lolz
omg same hes so tall and cute but idk my anxiety wont let me go further with him I dont wanna have my feelings hurt if he says no idkk
It sure as hell isn't from being funny or interesting if that's a representation of your personality.
Just go for it. Worst thing that can happen is you get rejected and you end up back where you started
>how did you lose your virginity?
I was 17 and it's kind of an embarrassing story, I'd rather not share it.
then why'd you even bother fucking posting. either share or leave
What do you even bring to the table?
Make sure to let him know you like to spend your free time ruining men's websites with your retarded cuntbabble threads
The first time i pretty much equate to rape so basically dont meetup with anyone you meet online
the second though, was just a really nice weeb i met while walking home one day that expressed a lot of interest in me and consistently tried to see me and found my shyness and anxiety cute
>be a pretty white woman
>not getting enough chads falling at my feet telling me i'm perfect, beautiful and gorgeous
>pretend to have anxiety
White women are literally the last people on earth that have any reason to have mental illness.
I suppose that if you don't have orbiters competing to get your vagina, you have anxiety. I bet 1 mil dollars that someone tried to pick you up recently and you refused him (because """"anxiety"""").
holy shit you are obviously a high schooler
I didn't lose it.
I feel what the OP pic does too. I have a huge crush on a man I've known for 5 years since we worked on a project together. He's from another country and is this adorable mix of being an actual nerd obsessed with games of all types, yet not super awkward at the same time. He said he's only that confident sounding when talking to me, but I find that hard to believe.
I feel so undesirable and like I don't deserve to be with someone I find attractive. I'm going to be devastated when he stops talking to me.
Mental illness doesn't discriminate. Every agoraphobic psychotic catlady was once an innocent little girl. You sound kind of dumb and racist
Oh boy here comes the white knights. Are you one of her orbiters, sperglord?
I'm not into women
Whats wrong with beong racist? You can cherish your morality as pong as you want to, but when a less self-lying black than you will rape your daughter and literally boil your son in water, then what?
You will say "there are some bad people you still can't be racist"? Wel guess what, your people are dead, white boi and you will be next
Did you get a tape measure and measured him, you cunt? Why even think about that fucking mongoloid creatures. Like you can accurately measure somebody by looking at them delusional twat. No go off the internet attention whore.
>Hey user, how tall are you?
>Do you want to get a tape measure and measure me, you cunt?
How hard could it be, there are probably dozens of betas on this board and everywhere else on the internet who would bust their meager nut in you but roasties only want Chad
If you are hideous he might not want to be associated with you publicly, find a beta online and meet up
>sex at 17
Pick one
>getting called out for self diagnosed illness
>"you mush be a racist"
Round of applause for women
>i hadnt even kissed anybody before i fucked him
>really nice dude who i could assume would be careful
>sorta dude that coulda easy been a virgin forever, nonstop vidya
>got hella fucking drunk at a friends place and fucked him
>made him hold my hand because i was scared
>was really fun, would do again
if the woman doesn't have a good personality, then there is nothing she can "bring to the table" that you just can't find the very next day in some other woman.
i think that's where the anxiety comes from. they just know they're shit people through and through who get by on sex appeal and taking the easy road as often as possible.
That's not anxiety though.
>if the woman doesn't have a good personality
So like 90% of women
I am not even memeing like hardly any women i have met does anything interesting, the 'best personality trait' on a women is social enthusiasm, so just don't act like a snob, don't get easily offended and don't just sit back.
Actually try to take part in the conversation and you will beat like 90% of females to ever exist ever.
He's either racist, sexist, or a butthurt ugly person that thinks everybody that doesn't look like a bridge troll has a perfect existence. Either way there's something wrong in the brain but I'm not his therapist
Fembot here:
>molested at 13
>gave oral at 15
>anal at 17
>piv at 21 once and never again
nothing he said was objectively wrong
How much of those thots self diagnose themselves with mental illnesses, probably as much as fat people make injuries so they don't have to work out.
>racist, sexist, or a butthurt ugly person
So you just put people who strongly disagree with you under a giant umbrella and label them an a 'ism' or a 'phobe', and then when the say something 100% true, you can dismiss it if if conflicts with your view point.
I am going to go out on a whim and say you are a woman who has some attractive qualities but was rejected by a group of people and you still hold a grudge till this day, you look for like minded people but all you find is bitter men who have been isolated from society for decades and who have no real friends.
If you want to improve your personality then see .
Where you molested in your nose or something?
Fucking roasties
This bait is so fucking bad that you should kill yourself for being a brainlet
we need to remove female from this board, fellas
Whats the problem?
never had consensual sex, most likely never will
Everything he said was either an opinion or stupid guess aside from the woman's race and gender. It might be shortsighted of me to make assumptions about him or you being a racist/sexist but can you really blame me when you guys post the shit you do? Mental illness doesn't play according to logic, a person being pretty/white doesn't make them any more likely to be mentally healthy. She's probably more likely to have a legitimate diagnosis because women are more likely to seek psychological help (this is a fact, not an opinion, since you seem confused about what that means).
may i ask why you are on r9k again? im curious cause i really see no reason for you to be here your whole life is on easy mode and nothing like the suffering actual robots suffer you god damn roastie
>have a legitimate diagnosis because women are more likely to seek psychological help
See my and probably his original point.
>pretend to have anxiety
His whole point is that women self diagnose them selfs with shit.
Anxiety is a human trait/feeling, are woman more sensitive to this? yes and it would make sense. (weaker sex prioritizing flight over fight).
If you don't understand his original point then you are either bias or thick.
>(this is a fact, not an opinion, since you seem confused about what that means).
>you guys post the shit you do?
See my points here >don't act like a snob, don't get easily offended and don't just sit back.
In short stop being a passive aggressive cunt,
you point about 'opinions and facts' make you look like a cunt.
You justified it by what males post about women failing to see these points.
>These men have been rejected by every women they have interacted with, some including mothers and sisters. (you do somewhat recognize this but brush it under the rug as a ism)
>These men do not care what you think, they get a kick out of your irrational out bursts, see any feminist cringe compilation, when they troll a libtard the epic style and show each other online.
These people have been so isolated from society that the have hit rock bottom and will blame anyone but them selves for this.
>but can you really blame me when you guys post the shit you do?
You have to be 18 to post here, so act like an adult and take responsibility for your actions, these 'men' come here to ... idk shitpost, this is 'their' domain, so they will shitpost and be as racist, sexist and mega degenerate as they want.
If you want to improve your self then that is great we can contine this.
If you want to be a screeching cunt then do what ever you are currently doing.
>see i can be passive aggressive too :)
Today I learned that for women anxiety is literally just their common sense trying to inform them that the only thing they have to offer is their looks and sex.
>how did you lose your virginity?
I haven't lost it yet. ffs i'm 19 and all my friends have lost theirs...
>really head over heels for guy and wanna give it away to him
>he goes away to school, we talk still but don't see him for 3 weeks
>3rd week sad and disappointed so go to party with friends
>sorrowfully drink way too much
>lose virginity to guy I don't know
>cry and cry and cry how stupid
>my love has called many times and I won't PU, ashamed
>he comes home the next weekend and I hide
>he stops calling and coming home
>bump into guy that took virginity and start dating
>find out he has a gf
>I got nobody now
If you're aiming to ever get married, stay a virgin till then. Best chance for a lasting marriage.
Or, if you're nemeing virgin for relationship, it's easy. Make sure he's single and not infatuated with a girl, then approach him via something cute you think he'd like. (letter, straight admission, psuedodate, etc)
Don't second guess yourself. That's gay
You can't call yourself a fembot if you wouldn't date me.
>stay a virgin till then. Best chance for a lasting marriage
bullshit, the best chance for a lasting marriage is picking a decent man who won't whore around on you and work to build a life together.
All you guys put all the responsibility on the woman, like she has to remain in your control and fill the role you choose and you don't have to do shit.
Hahaha good. Stupid whores like you should end up with no one
Chance of a lasting marriage is halved if the woman has had more than one sexual partner. It's proven, most divorces are started by women as well. These problems are primarily female.
Don't listen to your anxiety. You're worth more than you think.
Besides, whether or not someone would be better off without you isn't your call to make.
I didn't. Still have it at 27.
None of you are real fembots if youre able to get a guy to even befriend you. Fuck off normalfags
t. real fembot who no guy has ever shown interest for let alone wanted to befriend
you are a stupid whore
How am I a whore? Yes I am no longer a virgin but had sex with only one guy and its not my fault he had a gf. Men are the whores and this guy whore ruined it for me and the guy I loved.
But it's true, guys really don't have to do anything. It's women who have to be careful and fight their nature every day. Don't fuck tons of dudes, don't murder his children, don't burn his house down, etc. The husband only does what comes naturally. A woman doing what comes naturally and she deserves nothing but death.
I'm interested in befriending you fembot
>how am i a whore
lmao you had sex with someone you barely knew and gave away your virginity. dudes a fuckin chad and you are a worthless whore.
Not true user. I got asked to the prom because I was a tutor to a football player that wanted to thank me. After back into the cesspool I was thrown.
u deserve no one
>all of these roasties giving up their most valuable asset
Stay mad LITTLE boy
I want to make peace with the opposite sex somehow
Manlets are the future you know.
what? you have men everyday rape, beat and murder women not the other way as you imply.
You have deadbeat dads that will not hold a job so they don't have to financially support their own kids.
One guy. ONE
You gave away your virginity to a random guy that you knew so little of he actually had a gf.
You're a whore, not because of the number of guys you have had sex with but because the extremely little amount you value yourself and your virginity that you gave away to the first rando who has now ditched you.
Fembot that lost her virginity, as best you can, go for it. Turns out he reciprocated, and now we're together. It's tough, but worth it.
>thinks rk9 is representative of real life
I would not consider a woman with 4 long-term relationships a whore just because she's had 4 partners.
I consider you a streetwalker though, since you fucked a person you didn't even particularly like, knew nothing about and ghosted the guy that had feelings for you.
>goes to a party and fucks a random guy she barely knows
>how am I a whore???
i think you meant to post this for
Even if he's too good for you he'd probably fuck you if you presented your pussy to him.
HE ruined it? Are you not accountable for your own actions?
No hymen no diamond roastie. You're expecting some guy to buy what you gave away for free to someone else. You are literally used goods
My brother raped me.
Story? How did it go down? What happened after? Do you stay in touch? How old were you and him? Do your parents know?
the correct term is ''cumdumpster''
Fucking newfag
I too am interested in such story.
It was only one rape! That doesn't make me a rapist!!
>this guy whore ruined it for me and the guy I loved.
I forgot that women are never responsible for their actions.
greentext it right now user
I take some responsibility for drinking too much when I was depressed. But what about the guy I really liked, we had plans to sex it the first time and at the last minute he called and said he wasn't coming home. And what about my friends that should have kept the guy at the party away from me? Hmmm?
> Do your parents know?
Yes, but they don't believe it.
> How old were you and him?
I was 15 and he was 22
>Do you stay in touch?
No, it has caused me to become the Blacksheep of the family.
> How did it go down?
I guess it was a slow build. He started molesting me when I was 11. He would babysit me and We would play a video game and stuff and the loser always get punished. Because of the age difference, he always won. The punishment was always something sexual in nature, but I was just to dumb to realize. They were small at first wear this, or sit on his lap. Then it started with spanking or putting his penis in my mouth till "it blew." Then 15 he wanted to play a game and I said no. I told him that I know what he was doing to me and I was going to tell our parents. He freaked out and raped me to teach me a lesson. I told my parents they didn't believe me.
> What happened after?
I kept trying to run away from home. It fucked my head up mentally and I became hypersexual it was until I was mid 20's when I connected the dots.
You're right everything is everyone else's fault. You cucked the man you "love" and show no regret you disgusting whore
except bpd or hpd which can come from being a pretty princess, yeah white women can't have issues. amazes me that the race gender demographic that has it better than every other also complains the most.
2/10 next time don't make it so obvious you're trolling
That's fucked up. Hope you recover someday. I was raped as a child as well and I'm male. Made me agoraphobic and got fat cause I ate to cope. Still suffer from crippling anxiety and depression today.
None of them or the guy you claim to love have any responsibility for your own choices. Your body your choice, right?
>all these fags replying to an obvious larper
No he's clearly Chad with long hair, back to facebook.
I didn't. Why do you think I'm here? Anyone here that's not a virgin is a slut, larper, or telling the sluts and larpers to fuck off.
I currently have a oneitis I can't get over but even if he did like me he has issues with intimacy. I'd be fine dying a virgin if it meant that I could be with him.
>I became hypersexual
how the hell did that happen? you seemed really uncomfortable with sex acts wouldn't getting raped make it worse?
Started dating this guy I've known for 10 years, once I knew I loved him and he loved me we spent a night in a hotel. I wasn't his first but I don't really care
About your problem, I worry about the same thing often, so take your time with a guy and give yourselves time to figure out your feelings for each other. If he really doesn't love you and isn't even having sex with you he'll probably leave
just meet some guy whos dtf, you have tinder right? a lot of buyers, issue is not a lot of sellers. if your ugly your straight up fucked