

>be me
>teenaged femanon, pretty normal but high key introverted
>was always heavier, a mix of "healthy appetite" and "chubby"
>never really paid attention to it
>hit middle school, get a cellphone
>selfie culture exists
>never take them, hate my face
>put in gifted classes, same 30 kids have identical scedueles
>cult forms, have friends now
>start getting goaded to be part of pictures
>every picture I see of myself makes me hate myself a little more
>take mma classes, but not very intensive so weight remains
>8th grade
>attempt suicide, not just because of weight but body image did play a part
>get depression/OCD diagnoses, get on meds
>stop wanting to die so much
>med changes fuck with my stomach, can't eat much
>drop some weight, maybe 5 lbs
>stomach levels, but continue not eating much
>keep dropping fat
>feel a little better about myself
>still ugly, but face fat made a difference
>9th grade, go to a technical school for software engineering
>lunch is at 10 am
>too early for me to be able to eat
>basically start living on one meal a day with black coffee and anxiety supplements
>weight drops faster
>Ive always been crazy short (4'11) so parents dont mind that I'm eating less, just figure I'm adjusting
>bmi drops from 23 to about 19
>start biking to relieve stress
>total cardio bunny but I don't care
>stop eating for days at a time, getting used to not eating at all
>bmi hits about 18.4
>have confidence in myself again
>get a boyfriend
>not insecure about anything anymore
>he goes crazy over my body
>Ive started lying to him and my parents about what I'm eating and how much I weigh at this point

>2 weeks ago
>feeling good
>bmi at 17.8 or so
>using the exercise bike downstairs
>black out
>wake up at hospital
>20 lbs underweight

>new diagnosis
>anorexia nervosa
>was actually really happy with my body

dash it all.

Attached: sad pepe.png (917x871, 139K)

push yourself and exercise + healthy eating

also post face

women don't have problems fuck off

Post mosquito bite anorexia tits.


Open bob and vegeta


post body

[spoiler]also this is a pretty sad sport, feel better user[/spoiler]

OP is proof OMAD works.

Eat and lift. You get the benefit of eating, being strong, having a lower bf%, and don't have to pass the fuck out like a pussy.

Well yeah, if you're 4'11 you pretty much only need OMAD.



Bullshit, not a single person in your life including family and friends noticed you were anorexic until you literally passed out from it? Again, bullshit.

Typical imageboard woman fishing for attention. Piss off. And entertaining the miniscule probability you aren't bullshitting, you don't need advice from a fitness board. You need psychiatric help, support from your family and some fucking chocolate.

Attached: 1526740253517.jpg (680x675, 24K)

pls be in


absolutely based

well I'm an aspie and no one realized that until I wanted to see a psychologist because I was curious

women are insecure and dumb creatures that we should never trust. All of them are messed up and crazy.

This isnt a blog fucking retard

there are like probably 5 frogpost threads up right now

Man I can't tell if this is elite levels of bait or not.

Attached: 1502749202492.gif (512x807, 469K)

>no one realized I was anorexic with a bmi of 17.8

go bait some other board, faggot.

Attached: 1524384300622.png (468x504, 108K)

>It's another "woman is mentally ill" story
Well imagine my shock

>captcha: select all bicycles

Attached: 1529925633600.jpg (803x1024, 93K)

poast fizzeek

Attached: 1484128687047.jpg (444x409, 19K)

You become what you hate
I became my father
14 year old me would have ended it if he knew he'd fall for this trick. A decade of serious crime couldn't even pull me off course. It's creepy. It happens to everyone. You can change it though.
Eat some food you retard

There is honestly nothing worse than frogposting

No one should be in Wisconsin

sounds like my wife

protip: it apparently never goes away but it may get easier.

don't starve yourself. anorexia isn't a joke. your family and friends are worried more than you know