Colleges of Jow Forums? Palladium Gym Best Gym

Colleges of Jow Forums? Palladium Gym Best Gym

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Never been but it's definitely better than Dodge

Can't wait till I can afford Equinox in this god forsaken city

Where my niggas at?

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Damn bro UPenn definitely gives it a run for its money

Unlikely, but anyone from Duquesne here? Can we replace the fucking yoga/HIIT shit with more benches? There’s too many damn people in that gym for there to be only 3 benches and 5 racks

Lmao I go to penn and Drexel is considered a community college. It’s hilarious because drexels students are often smarter than us

pitt here :)

Where my Queensfags at

If you had to do it all over would you still go to penn?

I'm a graduate student at Drexel, but I went to Brown for undergrad, so I probably am smarter than most you desu. I was definitely smarter than all the kids from my high school that went to UPenn

Yeah probably. I think the people here are interesting and my classes can be as well. It was this or amherst. I’m studying physics btw so I’m not a Wharton person. The experience for Whartonites is generally more upper echelon than us stem majors.

That’s where I draw the line. Brown students are fucking retarded and how dare you insinuate otherwise.

uwf here

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My nibbas, whoop.


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where my fellow /trojans/ at?

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Where my /Hoosiers/ at?

IU-Bloomington here

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How’s the CS Program over there? Heard it’s supposed to be the best in PA

>goes to Penn
>calls Brown students retarded

(Assuming you're the guy from Penn. To be fair, most people at Brown in a non-STEM major get turned into tards by the leftist professors. I was in astrophysics, so I was safe)

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Best in PA? ha

More like the best one in America. Tough as hell and almost entirely foreign.

ayyyy, FTFO.


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Tbh I don’t think brown students are that dumb. You guys have CrAZy grade inflation though lmao.

>I actually passed up Brown because of the sjw memes

Been my home gym for almost 3 years now. Pretty nice place no matter what your goals are

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also, boutta hit this new village gym, very hype

heheh... cringe

Nah, dude, it's just bantz 'n' memes. Yeah, the humanities and social sciences have a ton of that going on. The dichotomy is very stark desu ngl

>you probably made the right choice

It me and that one other guy again

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One of my moms teaches here so I get my tuition paid for

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Anybody repping Rice?

>one of my moms


Almost did. Came down to money.

How's it going for you?

UofT St. George where are you guys, i know you fuckers lift here

He's on Jow Forums

how do you think it's going?

I’m usuallly in around 9-11. UV is least crowded at this time over the summer

Pretty sweet honestly, that quality of life ranking was not bullshit at all
>Plus everything is bigger in Texas
>Everything is bigger in Texas

School, unironically is one of the only bright parts of my life thanks for making me remember that…

Where are my fellow Coogs? I lift in the mornings usually.

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enjoy it while it lasts fren

you're in your own little bubble, make the most out of it....

Stroke on the keyboard lmao

Just gotta keep this autism in me and I’ll be okay.
>We’re all gonna make it bros

No way they let gays teach at Brigham Young

Crimson crew -- assemble!

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Not lesbos, Mormons do polygamy

Rip RPI gym is trash

Beyond shocking.

> nerd school
> shitty gym

This uzbek horse trading platform doesn't mean (((that))) much.

Know a dude at UofM with 10 "girlfriends/fuckbuddies" who lurks around here and Jow Forums.

I love BC but I'm so fucking sick of college

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my last quarter this fall

Drexel has made me legitimately consider suicide on like 3 separate occasions and restart a smoking habit, it's also the reason I started lifting and has made me a better person. I couldn't imagine going to any other college.

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can't wait to get back in the RPAC this fall

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Bro Mueller isn't even bad
Robison pool is lit
ECAV is god tier

Didn't expect to see a CMU fag - usually never in these threads. CS 2014. Expect to make 200k out of college.

Wear a purple shirt tomorrow, faggot


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Can someone at UH please tell me what the fuck is up with that 4 foot tall orange anorexic woman that wears a lifting belt and has invisible lat syndrome?

JON is the best gym at osu and it's not close

They spent all our tuition money on a new gym with rock climbing and shit, so I'm happy.

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where my engineers at

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Mechanical Engineers roll call

Living on campus this summer while working my internship, please come say hi. I am a lonely soul. I lift at AOERC in the evenings, but I think I'm going to switch to early mornings if that works.

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SRSC facility report
Fuck Bloomington, though


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Go pack! I lift at Y in Raleigh since I graduated

also fuck this guy

Tfw Wooden sucks for the size of school we have

The whole gang is here.

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I may know who you're talking about, is she older and look like she just got off meth?

I'm not going to be on campus

>he pays 3k+ for tuition without scholarships

If you're not in medical, engineering, or computers as well...OH NO NO NO. Why do you even go to a big school?

>better than uPenn

lotta NC boys here

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Full sail

i knew some of u fuckers were on here
lets lift at star man.
i already graduated, here till end of july

404 is a way better gym bro. Maybe Palladium is better if you enjoy lifting in a closet

>tfw alone for the summer

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Gym sucks it’s way too small

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Fellow ucla wooden fren...
I'm the perma dyel that weighs 100 lbs :'(

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Fellow Columbia Jow Forumsizen

What year are you user? Let's gymcel together

Just graduated from Tisch, went to palladium to work out for 4 years cause it was close...but god damn was that place a shithole. Prefer the one on Lafayette. Wish Coles was open when I was there

Not going there yet, but will be next semester.

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just graduated

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You'll be okay lil nigga. Its easy to socialize at the gym

I'm a WIC/HPER guy myself

whats wrong with bloomington, it's a quaint lil town

Not that lonely; only lonely on the weekdays because we're all busy. How is the SRC? Is it still shit?
Never went all year; could really only make it to my apartment gym due to schedule.

UMASS baby

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What's that school like? I've got a buddy there now. Is it as autistic and foreign as he makes it out to be?

UCSC, first time posting tho

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Lots of foreign people, particularly chinese and indian.

It's SJW as fuck, it's one of the most liberal schools in the country and it's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

I'm an electrical engineer, and most of the EE teachers are fucking foreign and terrible.

However, it's an unreal party school. The rec is great, and most of the cons I listed can be easily avoided.

I transferred from Texas A&M though, so the bar was set pretty high to begin with.

Maysfag here
It honestly sucks because all the chads are in business it seems like

im in a cool frat and i do cool things

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>unreal party school

Assuming you're undergrad, don't you kids usually go to other schools nearby for parties? And don't you have to register them or something?
According to him, Chapel Hill's party/bar scene makes Amherst look like poo.

I'm headed to the Bradford campus on a scholarship, but I plan on transferring to the main campus. Any advice or tips?

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I just realized Amherst College and UMASS Amherst are two different things. Shit, sorry. Nonetheless, he said almost the same thing about the student body except it's all Europeans and Middle Eastern kids.

Are you thinking of Amherst? Umass Amherst and Amherst college are different. I’ve never had to go to another school for a party before.

Last year at one of the day drinks pepper spray (bombs?? Or canisters) were used and riot police showed up

JOS late nights or gtfo. Plus it has parking right by it

404 >>>>>>> palladium you moron degenerate

I’m one of the only people among these dyel rich kids that lifts and I’m sure as shit the only Jow Forumsfag

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Where my WoodRec bros at?

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Fetzer isn't that bad during the summer, only equipment i've had to wait or jump in on is the cables