Women don't want to talk to you. They don't smile or laugh in your presence. They never want to be close to you...

Women don't want to talk to you. They don't smile or laugh in your presence. They never want to be close to you. They never want to spend time with you. And, of course, they never want to be intimate with you. They'll do these things for other men, but not for you.

How does this make you feel?

Attached: Asymmetry.png (1899x640, 426K)

I feel special, because I'm pretty cute and fit yet I'm still a 26 yo hhkv.

I wouldn't want to do any of those around me either.

Attached: 1477857408186.jpg (869x943, 250K)

Watch Blade Runner: 2049. It was kino.

Christ incels are pathetic.

"i just want the ability to hurt people too"

>christ x is pathetic
>"I just want y"
It's almost like this is a programmed reply at this point

Attached: 1530588480092.png (469x452, 277K)

Sounds better than being so weak that anyone can hurt you.

>Women don't laugh in your presence.
Well you are dead wrong on that one.

stop bitching and get in shape you fat wimps

thanks for this motivating post, brother

Attached: Bodybuilder.png (878x1278, 1.92M)

Honestly, if I was a girl I wouldn't do me either. I'm just glad they don't treat me too bad. Still, I wonder if apathy is preferable over that.

Men don't want to talk to me. They don't smile or laugh in my presence. They never want to be close to me. They never want to spend time with me. And, of course, they never want to be emotionally intimate with me. They'll do these things for other women, but not for me.

This makes me feel horrible. No matter how nice I am as a woman, men don't want to be seen with me because I'm ugly and ugly women only make them look bad. Even on my best days, the most I can get men is for them to sneak around and have sex with me where they don't look at me and will only touch me as little as possible. And if you guys think this is "lucky" or "better", it's absolutely horrible since we women thrive on emotions rather than physical affection. Knowing that he won't even pretend to have any kind of feelings for me other than as a cumdump just drives the knife in much deeper.

Recently, I went to this beach-house with my mother to visit a female child-hood friend and their family. We were staying for the night and my mother and I were to sleep in a designated room. It happen to be the same room where she and her friends would change their bathing clothes to well, normal clothes. The Thing is, they didn't mind me at all. We even had a pleasent conversation about a blue cylinder, among other things. Theu didn't went naked in front of me (They went quickly for the nearby bathroom for that.) But I feel insulted. As of they don't treat me as a viable mate. I wouldn't want to have a relationship with her or her friends because honestly they're just not my type but it feels so wrong.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, I can tell you the secrets of the universe but it wouldn't mean shit because you guys can't even take the simplest bit of advice.

Go do some drugs.

just fuck beta males if you want love and affection

Not even beta males will put up with having to be seen with ugly women. They find one woman and they will always be looking for the upgrade so they cheat and always find better. Beta males only issue is confidence since women are more tolerant of ugly men as long as he has a good personality.

>how does this make you feel
I don't feel as much as I used to. Good friends make it easier to ignore.

I would do anything just to have someone, anyone to talk to. Someone who would be interested in the junk I spew.

I wish I had answers for you user. I have known these guys for years, one since the first grade. I trust them and they enjoy my company, which trust me is incredibly rare. I don't know how you can develop bonds like these. But I know that they were an incredibly small number of people out of everyone I have ever interacted with. They are rare, but they are out there. If you look you may get lucky.

>tfw the last family member I could vent to just told me they don't want to hear about me or my issues anymore

It really does hurt having nobody to just be casual with.

>women are more tolerant of ugly men as long as he has a good personality.


How ugly/fat are you anyway? I bet you could get plenty of dick if you applied yourself.

A lot of women are a meme anyways, people in general are. Many here are able to handle being alone, some even enjoy it. Think about it would you rather be in a meme relationship or be alone but know that you aren't a meme, the answer is obvious user

The point is not "dick", it's being loved. Having sex doesn't mean somebody loves you. Also, nice hypocrisy, if I told you that betas could get plenty of pussy if only they got more money and drove better cars, you'd lose your shit.

Love is everywhere, as long as you can find it in yourself you can find it anywhere.

>if I told you that betas could get plenty of pussy if only they got more money and drove better cars, you'd lose your shit.
Money leads to sex. Who would've thought?