i unironically used to believe that actual love existed up until recently
I unironically used to believe that actual love existed up until recently
What changed your mind?
Isnt love just caring and wanting to be around someone
Just listened to the rhythm of my heart.
There's a chance we can make it.
Yeah but that doesn't exist, it's all just like running a company, a big equation of your wealth, looks, and status, there is no emotional connection, it doesn't exist
Love is nothing more than a transaction.
You have X i do Y in return for X
that is love basically.
and mutual love is basically just a fantasy that only works in movies and cartoons for kids.
>babys first rejection
>no emotional connection
Maybe you it was love then
I've never been rejected, i've never spoken to a girl but someone opened my eyes as to this just recently and i gave it some though
Reeeeeeeeee stfu user
I meant to say maybe it wasnt love them if you never felt anything between another person maybe you lack the brain chemicals to
As i said i just realised it doesn't exist, it doesn't matter, i could meet every person on earth and it wouldn't change the fact that it doesn't exist.
Its just brain chemicals like everyhing else its not magic that you want to be around someone and that you like how they look.......
Do you not feel connection to friends ita like that but with phyical attaction and sex if you arw lucky and then soon you basically become family
That's different, my friends i have known for a long time, since early childhood, i don't have a ''connction'' to, but i have loyalty, they have always been there and therefore i respect them and feel loyal.
''Love'' and that connection you would feel to a partner is not the same, and it doesn't even exist, it's a work of fiction in books and films
OP please stop being an asshat and at least tell us what you think true love would be before telling us it doesn't exist.
>connection you would feel to a partner is not the same
what the fuck do you think this "love" is?
>That's different, my friends i have known for a long time, since early childhood, i don't have a ''connction'' to, but i have loyalty, they have always been there and therefore i respect them and feel loyal.
>''Love'' and that connection you would feel to a partner is not the same, and it doesn't even exist, it's a work of fiction in books and films
it's a connection that is deeper then friend yes at and the more you know them the more you love them it's just a chemical in your brain and its real
Love exists, just not for us, user. And yes, I'm talking about unconditional love. One where the girl loves you more than you love her and she will do anything to be with you. Even apologize when she fucks up.
>''Love'' and that connection you would feel to a partner is not the same, and it doesn't even exist, it's a work of fiction in books and films
Connection does exist, user. I experienced it first hand. It's the type of connection where you can literally know what the other person will say before she even says it and then you can finish each others sentences and shit like this. It's hard to explain but when you feel it, you'll know what I mean. It's like as if you knew that person for ages, even if you've just met her. Crazy shit really.
>Connection does exist, user. I experienced it first hand. It's the type of connection where you can literally know what the other person will say before she even says it and then you can finish each others sentences and shit like this. It's hard to explain but when you feel it, you'll know what I mean. It's like as if you knew that person for ages, even if you've just met her. Crazy shit really.
This when you can start to know what they're about to say ;-;
Yeah yeah we all did but, as with santa clause and the easter bunny, we all had to find out the truth of the matter one day. It's still a wonderful concept for the youthful to behold, even if we didn't get that privilege. OP, just be proud that you are now in on the secret and have finally opened your eyes. It only hurts because you haven't opened them before.
Too bad I only experienced it once in my entire life, and that's after having dated lots of girls and having been like 5 times in a relationship. I don't think I'll ever meet someone like her and it depressess me.
Even more that she actually decided to move on to some other guy with whom she felt such connection even harder.
>Too bad I only experienced it once in my entire life, and that's after having dated lots of girls and having been like 5 times in a relationship. I don't think I'll ever meet someone like her and it depressess me.
>Even more that she actually decided to move on to some other guy with whom she felt such connection even harder.
I feel that bro I've fell in love a few times and they always leave after getting sick of how i am, but my ex isn't letting me go altogether and i think i can make her love me again.....this is true pain and confusing
>everyone feels bro its ok to feel
It does tho
I've got it
You can't make her love you again, user. I've been there and I've lost my dignity doing fucking everything a man could possibly do. Eventually she decided to just stop everything she had with me once she met another guy. She even sent me a pic of her kissing him with the sole purpose of making me hate her so that it'd be easier for me to let go.
After everything I've done for her... I just don't get how the connection could've been so one-sided. Well not exactly because she fucking pointed it out herself that we're soulmates eventually. And that's when she was already hanging out with that guy. I don't get it. I just don't get it...
Been so long and I still think of her.
>You can't make her love you again
It's not impossible and there is hope.
It is impossible, user. Trust me. I've tried this. I talked to countless people about it.
When it's over, it's over. Let go. The sooner you do it, the more sane you'll come out of it. All I got from trying to make her love me was depression and SSRIs that I had to take to not kill myself. It fucking ruined me so bad. I'm a relatively sensitive person but that was just a pure rape on my heart.
I don't care when she doesn't want me around I will stop trying, but there is hope I can't help it.
Everything that involves 2 or more humans interacting with each other is a transaction.
also this person has a good heart.
Stop lying to me, it doesn't exist
user, you will not stop trying, and we both know this. You need to, though. I know you won't but I'm still going to tell you to do it.
She eventually will not want you around, once she's found herself someone else and she fully commits to him. Right now she's stringing you along because she probably likes you anyways. Just doesn't love you.
Yeah well I thought that too about her. She was genuinely the nicest and kindest person to me... sort of. It's like every girl when she loves you, she'll be nice and kind, but once she hates you, she'll fucking ruin you. Women only really care about themselves. All of them.
Anybody who says love doesn't exist is retarded. It exists. Its just not emotional.
It does. You just didn't get to that point yet. You may or may not get to it one day. But when you do, you'll know that it's "it".
Pray that it's reciprocated.
>Yeah well I thought that too about her. She was genuinely the nicest and kindest person to me... sort of. It's like every girl when she loves you, she'll be nice and kind, but once she hates you, she'll fucking ruin you. Women only really care about themselves. All of them.
you are just a pussy let me feel my pain and try fucking fuck boy rejection of someone you love only hurts for a little while
How did you get it? I want it too
Use punctuation please. I couldn't understand shit from that post.
Okay i'll rephrase that, for most people it doesn't exist, for me it doesn't exist, and for most robots it never has, never will exist
you act like being rejected will kill you and you fear the pain of it, that makes you a fuck boy
Well here is the story
Although now we have a son together also
ok good job now leave
>wife literally looks like el goblina
We're talking about human love
There's a difference between being rejected and dumped, user. Try being dumped over and over again and to add to that being rejected.
It really fucking sucks when you invest yourself in someone and then they just tell you to fuck off because someone else has appeared on the horizon. If it happens a few times, then you will start fearing this in every subsequent relationship you find yourself in.
I bet the bitches line up with that award winning personality of yours.
I find her beautiful. I don't need you to. I worry about you the way a bird worries about a bee.
>because someone else has appeared on the horizon
I don't blame them for wanting someone I was being a piece of shit.
good job
What about your family user, that's real love
She a qt, user. Don't listen to that faggot.
I don't know, man. I was being good to her. She was the first girl I truly and genuinely loved and I was most definitely not a piece of shit. I'm generally not a piece of shit. I'm jaded and bitter as fuck nowadays but I still have some morality left in me and I can't just act like an asshole.
Yet you're still replying to me with an insult and a picture (spoiler that shit) to try and defend yourself. I hope your disgusting wife leaves you and your mongrel baby dies of SIDS
Finding a girl is easy. But you don't find love. It's cultivated and it is work. My 11 year marriage isn't magic. It's a lot of communication patience and effort. Life isn't a movie. Love doesn't find you. It grows from your own development together.
You're the one wishing ill of others. I'm happy with my life.
I disagree. I mean one thing I've noticed is that it's FAR easier to find a girl for a night than for a relationship, and by that I mean the fact that girls often don't want nothing more or aren't worth it.
Development, sure it's important but without the initial spark it just doesn't work. I found genuine love once and it was there pretty much from day 1. What you speak of is not love, but marriage based on two people not particularly loving each other but getting used to each other and being with each other solely because it's better than being alone.
I think you misunderstood
Actual love is earned. There's the infatuation phase and then there's the actual love.
Think two trees sharing the same hill. It can work but there are factors. Such as there's got to be fertile soil (the spark) and then the effort part is what comes next.
Either they grow together and both benefit, or they grow apart and compete for control
>award winning personality of yours.
The fact you believe this is sad.
Sweet bait post retard
I think sometimes you can find actual love immediately. The connection, you know. The second phase of it has to be earned, sure, but it's good when you have the initial phase.
Not baiting. Anyone who thinks personality means shit is delusional.
That's exactly what someone with a shit personality would say
Yeah, yeah tripfaggot. Whatever you wanna trick yourself with.
Sour grapes and bitter pills eh? May want to change your diet m8
Now you can finally treat women like the piece of meat they are. And they'll love you for it. Bang.
Don't get jaded op
Daijubou op. Don't let shitty women make you bitter and pessimistic
>shitty women
All women
What is there not to be jaded about?
And it's too late
It does
But seriously op what the hell happened?
I'd have to be insane to keep lying to myself that there are still decent women
Real love exists, but it's as rare as astatine.
>tfw love is the original meme
People love feeling good. If you make them feel good, they "love" you. If you no longer make them feel good, the "love" has suddenly disappeared.
The idea of love is used by corporations to impressionable men and woman. You gotta look good if you want to find love. You gotta buy that car to impress your sweetheart. You gotta this and that and this and that, it's really the most important thing, the television tells you so, goy.
>using the most flattering picture out of 250
>putting your wife cleavage like that on the internet for the mentally ill to masturbate to
You're talking about personality, you pathetic sack of lard? Goddamn...
There are, you're just too out of their league, being the mentally ill retard that you are, so you might as well believe they don't exist.
Well, you may not be wrong there, user.
You sound angry. Anger is bad for the soul.
She preggo?
how the fuck is this not an original comment?
She was. She had my son like a month ago
You're a lucky son of a bitch, user. I wish I could have a woman love me to the point of wanting a child with me.
Fuck, the things I'd do to have a family of my own.
Tbh I didn't plan him. But I love him all the same
the chemicals involved in love are necessary for life hormones everyone is producing whether they are loved or not you tard.
Greentext it for us.
original original orig
op went to bed m8
It usually takes one "serious" relationship for people to figure that out and have it click in their brain love is just a made up concept and people fell for a meme pursuing what they think love is.
I had a girl tell me she loved me. You know how much she loved me? A few minutes of playing around with the penis of some guy she doesn't like or want to be with was more important than having me in her life for the rest of it. Such love huh? It's a fake concept people use to manipulate others. Just because you got some feefees for someone doesn't make it love.
Tell me about it lol
Fucking all girls are the same
Ur face is all the same
>dem milky tiddies