What have you done today to improve your life robots?
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
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Starting to learn C++
I went on a run, then saw myself in the mirror and went on another run. I honestly have no idea what my body looks like anymore. I know I'm fat, I can feel it. But sometimes when I look in the mirror I don't look that bad while other times I'm almost obese. It all depends on whether or not I eat, so I might try starving myself as long as possible.
I'm gonna read SICP
Reading doesnt do shit on its own
Hope you are implementing what you learn as you go along
if you mean do the exercises, yes
>But sometimes when I look in the mirror I don't look that bad while other times I'm almost obese
Brah that's just life. Just keep going and don't do one of those retarded starvation diets
I only drank two bottles of wine and not three as usual.
Been taking trail hikes every day. The trail I go to has a lot of stairs. Not fat, but I'm skelly and out of shape. Hiking alone is great.
sounds comfy user, im proud of you
Ive been studying history a fair amount recently. I like knowing the grand progression of things and the patterns that reappear over throughout time. It is really interesting to see how our way of thinking began. For instance I was reading a book on Egyptian mythology and I saw that the god of inundations(the flooding of the nile that the egyptians depended on) name was hapi. This name turned into the Latin prefix hap meaning fortunate and in turn became our word for happiness. Happiness is when the flood has deposited its silt and everything is going according to plan.
Read Siege frens.
i resisted the urges this morning, day 3 of no fap here we go.
That's interesting. I always look up the etymology of words when I'm curious, but I would never find out something like that.
'Merch' as in 'Merchandise' as well as 'Commerce' comes from The Roman God Mercury who was also the trickster god.
Thought of suicide less than 2 times today.
>y a y
Today I was promoted so I now make 3x 6 figs instead of only 2x. Every day I think about suicide more and more since I have already improved every single possible thing according to my peers. Self-improvement is the most lethal of memes for a robot. It's only useful for normalniggers.
Continuing to learn math and java, some light exercises and doing physiotherapy.
I lost 8kg in 2 months. Now my BMI is 25.7 so I need to lose just a bit more to get into healthy range. It was so easy, for me at least. I'm just eating less calories and I'm not exercising (unless running and riding bike count) and my diet is not exactly healthy. I eat frozen pizza (800 calories) quite often so... I'm not on those starvation diets though, just stopped drinking sodas, eating mayo and junk snacks like potato chips. Although I do skip breakfast, I always have so it's nothing new for me. It feels so good and my face looks so much better now :DD
Embrace my crippling narcissistic personality disorder.
Basically, I eat around 1600 calories per day which is enough for weight loss. Before that (with all the junk added) it was like 2600 (mayo and sodas have a lot of calories, you'd be surprised) I check how much calories I need to eat here calculator.net
Finished my first week in gym (combining with swiming 3-2)
C# is superior
t. comp sci graduate
Started a new workout plan, started reading a ww2 book, that's about it
Congratulations on your promotion user!
I'm doing ascetic training atm, in the cold I shorts and a shirt plus jog.
In the heat I wear sweat clothes and sweat it out(I mean in this in the old roughing it way, not mah religious way).
I'm losing fat without putting in max exertion.
Works for the marines, why not us ???
Self improvement is a joke
Said the one who never tried to improve anything seriously. Look at yourself and project that image to 10 years, then look at the others who're trying to improve every aspect of their lives and also project them to 10 years later. You're going to lose every time, enjoy your loser life and eternal loser mentality
You can't actually improve or change anything substantial that's relevant to today's world. If you find things in yourself that you can, you're yet another upper middle-class child born with many genetic privileges making a god out of self-improvement when all you're doing is making small lifestyle changes like not masturbating as much or studying more.
Excuses, excuses and more excuses. If you're a weeb you must've heard of this proverb
>Even dust, when piled up, will become a ountain.
That's true to a certain extent. Even if the improvements are small, they will all add up eventually, and compared to someone who has done nothing to someone who has constantly trived to improve himself, the latter will always triumph over the former one. You will lose, every time. You can even imagine a parallel version of yourself who does this and the real you. He will eventually become the CHAD version of yourself, meanwhile you will always the be worst kind of trash that you could ever become. No amount of denial will change this fact.
I won't lose, because I'm not participating in any fucking competition. The point is this: dust makes a mountain, but human effort hits a ceiling based on starting point and rate of improvement, both things you can't improve.
Moving from large dinners and small breakfasts to big breakfasts and small dinners
>I won't lose, because I'm not participating in any fucking competition
You have already lost, because the competition starts with yourself first, you're just trying to find more excuses until you feel justified to do nothing and feel better so you can sleep at night. The truth is that you still have a peak and you're not even close to it, the ceiling you're talking about, you're not even going to be close enough to look at it because you didn't even start doing anything. You're at the bottom, trying to find any justification for your self-destructive behavior. There's a part of you inside that wants to be the best he could be or at least get close to it, but you won't do anything, because you've already lost and given up. Look at yourself, look at your life, this is the result.
No, I don't want to be the best I can be, because: 1. It's maximum effort to be an average man, and I'd be too tired to appreciate the fruits of my effort by then, and 2. I don't care enough to compare myself to anyone. It's either validation from society and myself, tangentially to related to vocational and marital validation, both things I will not substantially get at my best self because professionally, vocationally and creatively it would be average in an overpopulated world with too much competition and socially it still would not be enough to cause a substantial improvement from my current state.
The only solution is to not put so much meaning on my worth to all those entities you stake your life on improving yourself. If you're able to reach a great height in those areas using your efforts, good for you. It won't pay off for me though, so I'm going on a different path.
All I want to get through to you is that your ideal of self-improvement as a source of meaning to life isn't great from the equanimity perspective you try to pull forth, because it really only applies to talented people who are down on their luck rather than the dull crestfallen who used to comprise this board, on whom the ideal of self-improvement falls flat and leads to emptiness and disillusion.
you know that the whole eat big breakfast and small dinners is a gigantic meme right?
it's a good idea if you get a good lot of complex slow-burning carbs and fats in to fuel your day
the truth is in the middle. it's true that some people are just born improved. it's also true that you can somewhat improve your self. the ugly truth though is that sometimes even your better self is not good enough and some things are unimprovable.
>1. It's maximum effort to be an average man
It is not.
That's the definition of average, someone who doesn't do much more than what he could really do. If every average man actually put real effort in the things that do count then they wouldn't be so average anymore. Even if you think that you're below an average man, unless you have an IQ close to an actual retard, or look like the lochness monster, you're still within the capabilities of the average man, and the proof of what i'm saying is that there are stupid and ugly people who still became successful in their own way, something above the average person.
>I don't care enough to compare myself to anyone
That's one of the biggest reasons you're in this situation. If you can't avoid to compare yourself to others unless you're the only person alive. You are also forced to compare yourself to yourself even if that were true, and not everyone wants to improve for validation, whether it comes from oneself or from others. People can desire things that are not attainable, therefore they want to get better at something or improve themselves in a certain aspect to get close to attain it. You're a person, you have desires, you have to move to even have a possibility to realize your wish, while still being aware of the limits.
>your ideal of self-improvement as a source of meaning to life
That's not the meaning i give my life. It's obvious that even people who have no talent, can, through effort, achieve results and this is an indisputable fact. It doesn't matter if they can't be the king of the world or the best in their field. What matters is that you don't stop moving, because that might aswell equal as being dead.
Today I'm going to go out and meet some new people today wish me luck boys
cleaned the condo
did the dishes
did laundry
cleaned the cats litter box
cleaned out a room full of empty boxes
honestly life is so much better when you're in a clean environment. do it you faggots
This is the shit I live for
made plans to hang out with people outside of work. social interaction is important people, you can't just do it on this board. make the effort to socialize!
Been working at getting back to my old routine in which I was doing many of the things I enjoyed doing but fell out from due to work schedule.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I don't focus on the change of the self in a forceful direction because the self is a volatile object that doesn't really exist in a meaningful state. If it's working out for you now I'm glad, but it never has worked for me.
I had a really good day at work today. Woke up with a whole lot of positivity and the energy to share it with everyone. It's great to have fun with the people at work and feel like you're contributing to a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Yesterday I did some back exercises and squats, so I'll take it easy the rest of the day.
Stopped playing video games and instead replaced that with reading and practicing acoustic guitar. Its been over a week since I touched a video game.
This is why you still have to call yourself a graduate and not a software engineer
i go gym and try to eat good food
Went on a 10 day fast. Wasn't really hungry for the first 4 days bc i was already fat. Lost a lot of weight but gained it back within a week.
Best of luck user, I hope you don't spill your spaghetti.
Download Oracle Database 12c to teach myself a skill, but couldn't get past the installation because of some shitty error.
Tried googling it, didn't understand the answers and disn't see a consistent error.
Gave up instead.
Another failure to add to the hall of fame.