ITT post words guys use that's a sure sign they aren't relationship material

ITT post words guys use that's a sure sign they aren't relationship material
>virtue signaling
>red pulled

Attached: OroQuLU.gif (659x576, 137K)

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Not words, but a dude using anime reaction images is a pretty big tell

Lol, they censored s o y on this site? Good, the staff should remove the other incel words.

I only use the word trap, would that be a problem and why?

It's transphobic. Transwomen don't transition to "trick" you.

I dont use it on transwomen, I just use it on crossdressers such as myself

Traps aren't trannies.

nice bait
now fuck off back to >>/lgbt/ faggot

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what's wrong with cuck, it describes the state of a lot of men


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>I don't use the word "trap" that way, so I'm in the clear
>proceed to ignore practical usage
I bet you guys ironically drop n-bombs.
If it's used in its definitional sense, that's fine. But the recent usage just perpetuates toxic masculinity.

They both are crossdressing gay men, what's the difference?

One wants to be a woman
One doesn't

I unironically use the nigger word.

how exactly does it "perpetuate toxic masculinity"
its meaning

>n-word while not black
>most other slurs

Don't reply to me ever again.
It's a tool used to shame certain behaviors. Eg: guy is excited about something in a photo = s o yboy cuck beta male. Men need to learn how to express sympathy and compassion. Maybe then they'd commit less violent crime.

oh, i see, this post must be that "anti-Jow Forums raid"

Words women and trannies use that are a sign they are on the eternal suicide watchlist

>anything anti-mra
>anything about entitlement
>kill all men
>nice guy
>who hurt you sweetie
>thinking social sciences are a hard science
>basement dweller

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I'm mtf and call myself a trap

what're you going to do about it?

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There's nothing objectively wrong with using tumblr as a blogging site either, but you get the point right? If you obsessively use something associated so heavily with certain groups you either are part of one or you agree to some extent.

>nice guy

Post pics, l'Il be the judge of that.

i dont even use those words but it describes those behaviors very well. its embarrassing and feminine, smiling with your mouth wide open and holding an object

>Men need to learn how to express sympathy and compassion. Maybe then they'd commit less violent crime.
Tell that to the niggers t b h

he probably thinks that niggers are the same species as us

>cute used as a noun
>girl pills

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Lol, a bunch of these are words used more by anti sjw gamergate types than actual transpersons and allies.
"Haha, are you... TRIGGERED?!"
Some of these are just dumb to be against. I remember a time when your crowd used to argue that blacks can be racist, but now no one is!
I feel sympathy for you. I imagine it's how you cope with this toxic environment. Watch this vid. It might save you.
POC suffer from some systemic issues, so while men of all stripes could improve, I'm less harsh on those without privilege.



> S O Y is incel meme

>a bunch of these are words used more by anti sjw gamergate types than actual transpersons and allies.


>"Haha, are you... TRIGGERED?!"

Literally a desperate attempt to hijack "le alt-right" slang.

You can't be reverse racist to a white person. It's just called racism.

>No such thing as toxic masculinity, no such thing as patriarchy

Misandry is a real problem, deal with it.

>your crowd

Um, sweetie, I'm not aligned with anyone you bigot nazi nazi nigger shitlord

>-maxxing as a suffix
>canthal tilt
>zygomatic projection
>-cel as a suffix
>upper eyelid exposure

Men do suffer from issues, but it's at the hands of other men and a culture of hypermasculinity. If men weren't so violent, they'd be trusted more to raise kids, and this violence is a result of culture, sadly. But that also means they can change their ways.

The only way men are oppressed by women, at the end of the day, is by the fact that women don't open their legs for virgin who want to shoot up a school.

Pickers Of Cotton?
Perpetrators Of Crime?

Aaand you're not putting any effort into your troll. Oh well, was fun.

>its transphobic, even if you dont use it as a slur, even though the people posting traps and calling a spade a spade like traps.
Nigga you cringe go home you fucking nerd.

How are women oppressed by men?

I dont know how that video would have saved me but i would have saved 20 minutes of my life if i didn't watch it

Trap isnt offensive

I've never used any of those words in real life conversation other than trap and virtue signaling. Do retards these days actually run around saying "based" "cuck" and "soiboy" in real life?

hahahah shut the fuck up you goddamn fag

In other words: women want sissy whipping boys with no self awareness that they can cheat on for relationships. No thanks white whore. I only like superior black women.

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The op is literally a subhuman tranny leftist who needs to be killed asap.

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Shut up you nigger loving female. You need your legs broken you worthless whore. Women deserve no rights. You're not a human.

Gender wage gap, representation in media, reproductive rights, and harassment at the work place are a few clear systemic ones.
>but 70 cents per dollar is debunked
Even accounting for amount of hours worked, experience, qualifications, etc there's still an 8% gap which experts attribute to discrimination.
Right winger war mongers would resort to violence, but I'm sure you justify yourself because "lol some left wing terrorists rioted"
All over some posts? Nice to know that the right loves and defends free speech.

The democrats are war mongers.

Traps aren't trannies you fucking retard lmao.

By the time my girl finishes leading the charge to destroy the DNC? Nope.

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A trap isn't a transwoman, why the fuck do people never get this right?
It's a MAN who identifies as a MAN but looks and acts just like a girl

Paying based on gender is illegal