Worst Posters:

>Kashii yui poster who hates NEETS
>Insecure korean tranny who complains about being ugly
>kathyposter spammer
>nigger tranny spammer

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Jow Forumstards outside of Jow Forums

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The fact that I haven't meet these anons is proof that they're not so bad.

Best posters:
>Koakuma kunny poster

This. Nazi scum aren't welcome here, so stop calling r9k pol 2.0 because it isn't you delusion tin foiled rednecks

>tfw no X bf poster
>tfw no X gf poster

The latter two may be the first two, but along with yours OP, they all need to be banned

It just means you dont spend most of your time here

This is the Korean tranny

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I spend most of my day on here.

..and you still cant recognize posters?

>ebony bitching every single day

I always ignore its posts because I dont have a nigger fetish

>people who point out """reddit spacing"""
>any and all tripfags

Nazis are more than welcome here. It's minorities and faggots who need to leave :^)

Tripfags are by far public enemy number one.

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Hes the worse tripfag & spams his disgusting mutt baby

nigger porn spammer is definitely the worst
the ONLY people who could like that shit are gay raceplay fetishists
Jow Forums hates it, blacks hate it, regular gays hate it, its just nasty

>Discord affection hunters
It's almost as bad as the constant selfies and /soc/ threads

I can't fucking stand the ones who make a thread that's just "join this discord" and the worst part is they won't quit showing up. I don't understand how that shit doesn't get you banned right away it's literally just spam advertisements.

Brooke a million times I really hate that roastie

Uni posters are pretty shit.

>the normalfag poster with all the platitudes

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Kill yourself my dude, I agree that pepe is cancer though.

>>Kashii yui poster who hates NEETS
>>Insecure korean tranny who complains about being ugly
>>kathyposter spammer
>>nigger tranny spammer

Yes, I hate Reddit as well.

fuck off aya

Oh come on I'm half black and even I don't think calling someone a nigger makes you Jow Forums or a Nazi...

>all the gays
>all the cuck posters
>all the women
>all the normalfags
>all the redditors
>all the discordfags

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Shutup u dumb nigger no one cares about your opinion

All these people are just 14-year-olds trying too hard to fit in. The ones that use Pepe and Wojak outside of chans are especially annoying

>the normalfag posters who post their advice in vain
>the pipi posters
>the forced meme posters
on the up side, the based posters
>starving-to-death user

more based posters

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>the retards that post cringe meme images they took from /v/ or /vg/
some are fine but most of the other ones feel super force and just really retarded, like the DMC5 ones or the 'Gamer Joker' shit.

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Champion taste

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Boomer posters. I fucking hate those retards.

All the tripfags get the rope

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>Anything that is blaming woman for not being able to get laid

t. roast sympathizer
I agree gas the tards, trip war now.

You know this sort of thread encourages horrible posters to exist right?

>the ONLY people who could like that shit are gay raceplay fetishists
>Jow Forums hates it

They're the same people, desu. Jow Forums just pretends otherwise.

>i want to impregnate/breed x poster
because larping as a primitive chimpanzee is so hilarious because we all have biological needs am i right

does cebruz actually even post here anymore? That's the tomoko fag right? I thought he vanished or something.