>"Y-yeah dad I'm studying"
I feel like a piece of shit. I have no motivation to do anything. How do I find motivation?
"Y-yeah dad I'm studying"
think of all the girls that you can date if you do well in school and get a good job.
Motivation is a meme, what you need is discipline.
Get a S ranking in stylish points and taunt. Then you'll get motivated.
naw fuck that shit
OP here, What is the difference? Asking for a friend.
Sometimes the best motivation comes from knowing the consequences of your own poor decision making. The problem with living with your parents is they provide a safety net that, often times, prevents you from ever feeling the full force of your own stupidity. You probably don't have to worry about paying your own rent, or having no food. And you don't know how shitty it is to not have a place to stay or go hungry. You don't have motivation because you've likely never struggled in an authentic or serious way. If you had to work to have a place to stay or eat food, you wouldn't be sitting around on Jow Forums saying "why do I have no motivation?" does that make sense?
I'm not that pepe but motivation is wanting to do something. Discipline is biting down and forcing yourself to do it until it becomes a habit... and then keep forcing it because it never really does become a habit.
ok but why are YOU wasting time on Jow Forums?
Either you succeed at enough things during your development years that you crave the feeling of success or you have something that makes you terrified of failing (this one doesn't usually work as well from my experience).
Unfortunately if you're from here you probably don't know what success feels like and you probably don't care enough to be scared of failing so you're stuck like the rest of us in ambivelance.
Motivation is fleeting. Discipline is eternal.
>think of all the girls that you can date if you do well in school and get a good job.
Start now.
>inb4 OP reads this, does nothing and then keeps complaining
>no u
uhh, me personally? I have the week off from work and I'm just getting stoned and fucking around online before going to sleep.
op here. Well I am technically in a situation where I can't do nothing. Graduated fire academy at local college and been unemployed for 2 months now. None of my friends have called me from school since then... It feels like I forgot everything I learned in the 9 month program and I still have to take my test for the state (more like retake it because I failed one section) I am in between wanting to finish and get certified with the state and giving up because I feel so empty and I don't know if the profession is for me (I am on here after all) I just feel so conflicted. I want to make my dad proud but at the same time I don't know if it is the right thing to do. I think something is wrong with me boys. I care about other peoples happiness more than my own at this point.
No you're not don't be a little bitch. Motivation is habit and routine. Do you really think the people out there that are productive as fuck do so because of pure emotional motivation? No of course not. Get up and do something now. Clean your room, go for a run, anything remotely productive. Literally the only thing you have control over is what you are doing right now.
>inb4 OP reads this, does nothing and then keeps complaining
Well I am going to see my dad tomorrow so I will talk to him about things. I am not really complaining just venting. Which as far as I am concerned is the entire purpose of this board. I have been going to the gym lately so that's good. Just feel a bit off.
Why do you feel off brother?
stay away from this place, it sounds like you're on the right track. keep working out and pursuing your goals. even if the fireman thing doesn't work out...you're 19 man. you have so much time to figure life out. maybe you end up doing something completely different. don't over stress about it. but don't sit back and do nothing as well.
my unironic advice to you is that being on Jow Forums, specifically this board is bad for your mental health, and there are a lot of seriously ill people who frequent this place. put aside all the jokes and the irony, the memes etc. you do not want the negative energy of a place like this to drag you down.
think deeply about what truly brings you joy in this life. think deeply about the things you see and what makes you passionate. meditate on those things when considering your career path. whatever it is, you can do it user.
but why are you guys still here?
This is pretty good advice. I only very rarely visit this board now. I was a regular here before the great delete and it fucked me up mentally in so many ways (oldfag here). It wasn't until the board got deleted that I was actually able to make progress in life and become happy.
This. This is the secret. Motivation is a luxury. If you expect to always have motivation, you are fucked.
Please Slaanesh by wallowing in mediocrity like the rest of us
old habits are hard to break. I sorted myself and cleaned up my act. overcame a lot of mental health issue to put together a career and got an apartment with my girlfriend. but I still check in on Jow Forums every now and then, sometimes to laugh but also I know there's a lot of lost people so I try to dispense what little insight i have on occasion.
no you didn't bitch
>stylish points and taunt
this, and since its WAY TOO LATE to start developing discipline if youre over 18, what you need is drugs. ritalin or adderall specifically. buy them online.
results are immediate, satisfying, and sustainable for at least a few years.
Y-You can buy those online?
Same problem OP, my mother always asks me if I have been studying and I just pretend I did while doing jackshit
take 70mg of vyvanse
How do I get Adderall originally?
yes of course google "deep dot web" and click first result for more information
is right.