

Attached: 98C55C3D-5EA8-4610-AC4D-BF49E0B26E94.jpg (750x1334, 181K)

yeah it says right above that in the ingredients list "Onions Lecithin"

onions lechitin contains almost no phytoestrogens
phytoestrogen in onions is not very bad for you as they have insanely low affinity for human estrogen receptors, at least an order of magnitude weaker for feminizing receptors

you fell for the meme bud

>Onions Lecithin
No, it says onions lecithin.

New alert new alert wee woo wee woo wee woo

Stop drinking the koolaid. Read some legit research and you'll find S O Y has an almost negligible increase in estrogen. Beer is way worse, why doesn't anybody here give a shit about that?

>being this retarded

Keep pretending that beer is the only thing that contains phytoestrogens. A beer or two isn't going to kill you. The studies, as far as I'm aware of, done have yet to determine the extent to which these phytoestrogens exert their effects. One study I know of was conducted on women only, and it was found that wine and bourbon had more measurable effects on FSH levels. Phytoestrogens get out-competed by estradiol anyways. Now that's not saying they don't do anything; just a lower binding affinity. As far as I know, they are unware of the extent to which these phytoestrogens exert their effects.

Lol this is why you buy pea protein bro no chance of onions being snuck in that unflavored shit

Why do people call onions onions?

Soi is filtered and changed into the word onions

wow niggas really put in a filter for S O Y and making it onions

Yeah, I've been drinking tons of it and my tits look great.



s o y


>being scared of Nazi beans
Are you a kike?

Did you arrive today?

Onions boy?

why do you retards still take protein supplements. You don't need it and look at the list of ingredients, it's all artificial processed rubbish that's manufactured in a dusty old warehouse in China with no quality control in place

But why


almost every single processed food you eat including protein powders has basedbean oil, that includes pizzas, cakes, hamburgers, premade microwave meals, cookies, biscuits, breads

onions lecithin is not comparable to basedbeans in phytoestrogen concentrations, plus onions lecithin is a very small ingredient added just as an emulsifier, not for taste or added nutrition.

Guess its because the soiboy meme kept being spammed everywhere

Still i don't like the idea of having to consume some soi whenever im trying to get some quick protein

the sòy industry was getting destroyed because of that. So they paid big money to get it changed to onions

>Hurrr such conflict inside I need the preoteins but I think this little bit of soi will affect my halfass training
Post body

Lol fuck you nigger I just was worried about god damn onions allergy