I have a doctor saying to me that shitting once every two days is the right thing because, assuming that you are well hydrated, your body should be able to use all the nutrients from your food before throwing away the rest.
Now, there are doctors saying once a day is the correct.
I do it every 30 hours or so and what if I'm doing it wrong?
>that guy that drinks juice or water WHILE having lunch, not allowing for the enzymes on his saliva to work Shitting everyday makes me feel like I would be throwing my gains away.
What do the enzymes do and why is it bad to drink water with your foods?
Camden Morgan
Your doctor doesn't sound like a very good one.
Your pooping is absolutely fine.
Sincerely, morning shitter for 28 years.
Ayden Green
Drinking while eating doesn't allow the enzymes to work properly thus tricking your body into thinking you only need the carbs because you're in a hurry or something. Paraphrasing the "doctor" from a tv show about health.
I also think that you can find all sorts of double standards when it comes to health related stuff so I am not sure what to believe.
Daniel Cruz
OP I used to shit once a week, I am very thankful that I now shit once a day
Blake Russell
You should be shitting after every meal because of FIBER! You'll gonna die young, yest you eat your veges.
Isaiah Collins
I poop 5 times a day. Once at 7:45 am. Next at 8:25 am. Then after I'm done preparing and running part of our experiment, usually at around 12 pm depending on when I'm done. Then at 3:00 pm. Then right before I go to sleep. It's clockwork.
Wtf just poop everytime that you fell the need bro
Ian Murphy
youtu.be/w7l2hUp0CkQ The double standards like the examples from this video makes me doubt stuff.
You basically have to test it for yourself
Christopher Miller
I shit about 3 to 4 times a day. To be honest, probably 2 of those are me avoiding work. I shit in the morning, generally mid-afternoon, before I workout, and before I go to bed.
I think it has to do with running. This is my 10th year of distance running and everyone I know who does it shits a lot. It's such a notorious problem, marathons sell $250 VIP packages where the primary reason you would do it is to get private bathrooms
Evan Hall
I am the user that shits 5 times a day. I am a "distance" (~5k) runner of 14 years. Can confirm.
Tyler Green
Interesting stuff. Is that the reason why some runners shit themselves during the run? I have seen some pictures with runners and brown liquid running down their legs.
Jayden Nguyen
When i was 500kcal deficit i was shitting once every 2 days. Now i'm on a 750 kcal surplus and shit twice a day. Depends how much you eat.
Julian Flores
I'mma fat grill who poops every 2 or 3 days, how the fuck can I fix that, I wish I could shit more
Zachary Watson
Race day I easily shit 3+ times before getting to the starting line desu. Feels bad man
Yes. It's more a problem with elite tier marathoners. It's happened to more than a few pros. Basically, when you're running it becomes hard to tell what's a fart and what's diarrhea so rather than lose time and stop at a bathroom, they gamble
Running/cardio loosens you up. Also, drink more water and eat more vegetables. If you still have problems, take laxatives.
Justin King
I used to be active, and sometimes I do a lot of exercise, I drink lots of water, I don't eat that much (don't even buy oil or eat fried that), I don't drink cokes or canned stuffs, and I still pooping every 2 or 3 days. Some say that taxatives are bad, that's why I don't use them, don't you know any natural options? I don't wanna die with stomach cancer.
Ian Davis
>Don't eat that much
What's not that much? You need to eat to shit. If you're on a severe diet and not eating too much in the way of solids, you're not going to shit as much
Josiah Moore
That's fear leaving the body.
Cooper James
I don't usually eat much, not because I'm on a diet, I just don't like to eat or I'm too busy studying. Sometimes i eat once a day, and almost never eat breakfast. Do you think I should eat breakfast in order to shit every day? I've thinking about that
Asher Murphy
Sorry if I ask dumb things but I'm a fu/ck/er and an /sp/erm, I never visit this board, but I did it today and I felt like this is my thread.
Jose Ortiz
>don't eat properly in the morning >pooping small Peebles like a goat or sloth It's the worst feel All of this was gone once I started to replace bread with oats.
Charles Martin
Have almost shit myself numerous times while running. Luckily I'm on a college campus and can stop wherever.
Basically what the other guy said. But I don't know why we poop so much more to begin with. Makes sense that with longer distances, the line between an innocuous fart and utter destruction becomes blurred. But outside of that context, I couldn't tell you why runners seem to poop more in general.
Jordan Walker
I don't eat bread, but I'll try the oatmeal anyways
Michael Wood
Pre/during race it's adrenaline related. I can't explain it during the normal course of the day/run though
Andrew Cooper
This is the memest of memescience i've ever fucking heard holy fucking shit. Did you see on Dr. Oz?
Bentley Perry
Saliva contains an enzyme called amylase which breaks down starch. Drinking while eating makes no difference in this process, that guy is a fucking retard.
Lincoln Collins
It was a health segment from the local news.
Andrew Morgan
The fact is that everyone has their own shitting baseline that can be anywhere from a couple times a day to once every three days, depending on quality of diet, hydration, metabolism, etc. More or less than that would warrant some type of intervention, but if you don't feel any type of discomfort or exhibit any excessive gas or distention then you're probably fine. I used to shit every 2-3 days when I was a kid. When I got older and started eating better I started shitting every day, but my whole life I would need at least twenty minutes on the toilet to shit everything out. I'm regular but a persitalsislet apparently.