Have you ever seen someone so much fitter, stronger, sexier, and more masculine than you that it made you want to kill yourself?
Have you ever seen someone so much fitter, stronger, sexier...
you dont understand how deeply my mind believes im superior contrary to all possible evidence. i could have brad pitt next to me and id still think i was clearly the better one, and if other people disagree theyre just confused
Not this dyel twink again
>If you purchase my Intermittent Fasting program for just $99.99 YOU CAN HAVE A MANSION LIKE ME
R u a trap?
No because I am a man
the most patrician mindset
Honestly narcissists have the best personality disorder.
So I went to L.A. one day (Im from a small town in Arkansas) to visit s friend and go to a massive rave. We decided to stay the night in a hotel, so before the rave we walk in and check in.
I'm standing there at the desk waiting awkwardly, and the elevator flies open. Out comes like, 5 bangin ass chicks. Tan, blonde hair, dressed up with bright colors and miniskirts. Like straight tens. And then like, 5 tall, shredded, tan dudes with zyzz shorts and colorful tanks and fannypacks. They gave off this crazy superior aura. They were all laughing and having a good time and all strode right in front of me without even noticing my existance. I felt 2 feet tall.
There are always people who have more training years behind them, so yeah, but why I want to kill myself because of that?
go the gas
>Have you ever seen someone so much fitter, stronger, sexier, and more masculine than you that it made you want to improve yourself?
No I am not a pathetic cuck, but I have seen many fitter, stronger, sexier and more masculine men than me who make me want to improve more.
>working with the mandatory IG/online fitness camera lense that makes you bigger than you actually are
always makes me laugh
We all know KinoBeta-male has sure felt that way, OP
how go i get this mindset ?
Someone post the conor murphy webm with the shitty gyno manlet
>at the uni gym
>Doing rows
>some guy walks up from behind, asks if he can work in
>sure you can
>stand up and make way for him
>as I turn around I look at him
>he's half a head taller (I'm 5'10) best face, hair, frame, body I've ever seen, basically the perfect specimen of a man
>stand there baffled as he goes on to do rows
>can't stop staring at his beautifully masculine shaped arms, shoulders, back and face like I was a 12year old girl
>continue working out and steal a look here and there
>strange mix of awe, attraction and a feeling of inferiority
That is pretty gay my guy.
>to kill yourself
nope, I really like me
But the other day, kinda
I was walking with my female best bud the the beach
>inb4 whatever
she's fat and I dont have as much back as she wants in guys so it has always been something purely platonic (we've talked about it in the past)
So we are going to our favorite spot on the beach, when about 4 girls, all friends of mine, come up and start talking to her
I'm escaping the spergzone, so I'm able to chat up normally with them, even make them laugh, but dont get 2 much on their conversation
suddenly this dude, like two heads taller than me comes up, he was the bf of one of the girls. He salutes us and just keeps standing there, with some kind of smug grin, talks something about bikes
I'm kinda ashamed to say so, but I envied the type of confidence he appeared to have, really felt that if some kind of confrontation were to happen, I'd lose
They keep talking and we eventually leave them for our way
and my friend tells me
>damn, did you check that guy before? I'm pretty moist right now (she's pretty into exagerations when talking about guys)
>suddenly feel angry
>Realize I'm feeling angry because I do want to cause that impression in girls too, and have them tell their friends how hot I am
I'm I a narcissist, or is it just purely normal male drive that comes out now that I begin to behave like a normal person?
I don't really have any complexes, but he just simply appeared ''better'' phisically than me
Yes. I got a buddy who's like 6'5, has a shredded body without doing anything but lift and eat whatever he wants (not a joke), and his face is pretty much a stereotypical chad face, perfect teeth, squinty Eastwood eyes, high cheekbones a jawline out of a cartoon. I've seen girls bump into eachother when they spot him. He doesnt notice because he's sorta brain damaged.
His hobby was going out fridays and saturdays fighting drunk people. He's been jailed multiple times and he's dating a literal whore, whom she pimped out on occations because he sucks with money. He also made a profile on a gigolo site and got paid to fuck women at one point.
He annoyes me because he could be a fucking male model, but he just punches people in the face and does retarded shit all the time.
you subconsciously admitted that brad pit is better than you