Is there a guide for looksmaxxing?

is there a guide for looksmaxxing?

like idk how to tan

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All oil is literally just empty calories/clogs your arteries and is as bad as sugar, dairy is terrible for you, and canned/frozen fruit is just as good as fresh if it doesn't have any sugar added. Also peas and beans aren't vegetables.

>How to brainwash yourself to be a good compliant tool of the oligarchy.jpg.png

Nigger you are dumb

>illiterate uneducated moron who has not opened one book in his life and has presumptuous opinion on philosophy because his oligarchic friends through media have told him that philosophy is stupid and pretentious dares to share his fecal opinion

>Most of these are pro-revolution or written by revolutionaries.
>The oligarchy!

has to be b8