Stop having an inferiority complex towards blacks. You are superior. They are inferior. You are the master...

Stop having an inferiority complex towards blacks. You are superior. They are inferior. You are the master. They are the slaves.

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everyone is equal. if you didn't have the capacity to hold so much hate towards a group of random people maybe you wouldn't be on this board right now, user.

>everyone is equal
how obviously wrong can one person be?

Says the leftist nigger lover. I guess your compassion has gotten you nowhere.

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yes, user. everyone is equal. read my first post again.

I did, nothing changed. You're still obviously wrong.

Could you at least post black women getting fucked instead of this sodomy shit? Slightly less degenerate.

Then why were niggers our slaves?

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who hurt you? it doesn't have to be like this for you, user. the hate will corrode through your soul sooner or later, user. you might think that the whole world is just against you, but you have to open your eyes and realize that there's a whole life to be lived beyond calling people people niggers or cucks, or whatever else.

No because white women fucking black women isn't necessarily white male dominance over nigger men.

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You're all our slaves for 4000 years and counting.

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>tfw mixed and reading this thread

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Just turn it into "black girls love BWC" threads and you're golden.
It's also accurate.

Our race is under attack and therefore we must destroy our enemies, the niggers. They must be subjugated so that we can rule. They are our slaves. We are the masters. Cucks also deserve to be executed. Empathy is for the weak. Life is a war of evolution. Right now the niggers are breeding uncontrollably in Africa. This must be stopped so that the white race can dominate the world.

Stupid kike. You are inbred freaks with contorted faces. Jews are subhuman vermin. If whites decided they want to today every Jew on Earth would be dead. Prove me wrong, freak.

i hope you think about my words user.

These are facts kike freak.

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You'll never change your own situation sweetie, you're my slave, now and forever ;)

I hope you kill yourself nigger loving vermin. Niggers don't deserve life and neither do nigger enablers like you. You need to be destroyed. Your soft, weak attitude is destroying our once great and powerful race.

Really bitch? How bout you come out of your little gated Jewish community and try to say it to my face? Oh wait. You can't cause you're a weak little heeb boy. Why don't you post some more black dicks on the internet fag boy? That's the only power you have. Aka nothing cause you're a subhuman inbred monster

Say it to my face heeb boi. Ill rape you and piss on your face. Then you can tell me who is slave.

i can't believe i used to think like that too. it seems so ridiculous to me now, but i genuinely used to think that that is all that the world is. if only you could open your eyes to another perspective, user. good luck user, hopefully you can get out of this headspace at some point.

No one cares what you used to think before you got converted to homosexuality.

>can't into hard science
They just choose not too. It's in their rational natures to chase more lucrative career routes.

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>Implying the atomic bomb has anywhere near the influence on the world that the automobile, lightbulb, airplane, radio, general harnessing of electricity, television ,train, telescope, electron microscope, internet and other white inventions have had
>Implying Einstein didn't steal his research

Nothing to say, kike lover?

Why is he fucking his own shit

>having slaves
You are eygpts slave forever, get ready for this Arab meat. Jew boi Inshallah

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Fuck that Jew boi up

I'm a broke, unstable bum failing grad school. Hard to feel superior to anything.

t. Falseflagging Jew/nigger