That first sip of the da-

That first sip of the da-

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Jamie Oliver wants to ban every single cheat option available.

he's trying to get everything here banned and hes obese himself, we have sugar tax now, you also need a sugar loicence.

Should be age restricted to 18

That dyel limey is choking the king of the sips !!! Sacrilege...

Joke aside, time really caught up with the lad... Mirin those wrinkles

First he bans based turkey twizzlers
Now he wants to bad sips
You've gone too far you ugly cunt

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thank god every day i live in america

>tfw having to buy sips from your local Polish drug dealer

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wish it would come to america, that shit is the worst.

>*gets shot*

>oi mate, u got a license for that sip?

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>hes obese himself
Is he? Has he let himself go? Google pics isn't helping

>crushes monster ultra

fucking bong tard

It's only banned to under 16's

This troubles me slightly. I have no issue with overweight people, at all, but when it comes to a famous health chef seeking help from a personal trainer rather than a healthy diet, we are in trouble. This man knows all the right foods to eat and the amounts they should be consumed in, yet, he needs a trainer to assist with that. Yes, I get the whole work out aspect but get yourself in shape by diet first and then decide if you need a trainer to help with fitness. He should absolutely be setting an example to all of the people who make him money by practising what he preaches - the whole concept is flawed otherwise

uk is too fucking fat anyway

wow he looks like shit lmao

yeh he's a fat cunt

I'm not in a gang though so I'm pretty safe.

Post body (Jamies)

What a neckbeard picture lmao
Why is UK peak suburbia bitchness

>britshit hails banning another thing
yeah sounds about right. Feel bad for you sane brits tbqh.

Energy drinks, especially 0 Cal, can help weight loss thought. Stims = less appetite and it's 0 Cal 0 sugar.

Fucking retard bongs.

God I hate this shit so much. Instead of punishing the parents responsible you punish everybody even those who indulge themselves once a month.

>gets raped by "Asians"

Jamie is such a fucking cunt.
I bet he even wants sugar free ones banned.
Fuck Jamie.
Fuck the English.
Fuck the UK.

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I'm for making laws against obesity but don't touch my fucking sips faggots

Children need to be taught that drinking loads of energy drinks will make them obese or skinnyfat, fizzy drinks are never gonna get banned

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This shit actually scares me. How long until it goes from bans on energy drinks to bans on unhealthy food altogether to state enforced meal plans? UK is getting their 1984 hellscape and I'm afraid this shit is going to come to my country as well. I hate people who cheer this shit and suck state cock. Watch as the ban achieves nothing and strengthens the strangehold that the government has on its people.

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>do as I say, not as I do
Pathetic. That said we should indeed go full Fascism on the food industy to protect the populace from jewish poison.

>Fatty OIiver


Raw milk's already heavily regulated, only a matter of time before they go full vegan and ban everything besides onions milk

It's literally just class warfare. Fat fuck is always on at Christmas telling rich fuckers how to make the most cream laden, sugar coated, marizpan stuffed cakes, as well as constantly downing bottles of red wine, and yet goes into frenzies about some working class urchin surviving on Farmfood chicken nuggets and keeping themselves awake (thanks to being kept awake at night, coughing their lungs out to due some of the worst urban air pollution in Europe) during the day with some Monster.

All he does is ban - never gives an alternative or challenge the underlying reasons why people are using the stuff.