How far have you come since you started? What keeps you motivated?

How far have you come since you started? What keeps you motivated?

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pretty far with my goals. working on general athleticism now, which helps me keep my body fat low. I reached the point where my friends are jealous and their girlfriends mire without any sort of subtlety. the ego boost is so worth it. pretty awesome snail by the way.

Nothing motivates me now, I've literally forgotten why I go on. There's no meaning to it - and that's okay.

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>What keeps you motivated?

The people who want me to fail

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Spite is a top-tier motivation

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Am I a bad person for deriving my motivation from anger, envy, vengeance and other negative emotions?

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What do you want to hear



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is that your pet snail? he is lovely

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Thank you

>How far have you come since you started?
Not far enough
>What keeps you motivated?

Im going forward because I think if myself a loser - a social reject, kinda directionless, have a job but sorta suck at it. I feel social anxiety regardless of what I do and I am constantly tormented. I decided Im gonna give myself one more try before completely giving up, Im 26 so my time is running short.

Do you have more photos? I smiled really big when I saw this cutie.

Your dog doesn't look too well.

>What keeps you motivated?


I've got nothing else.

Lifting for 3 months
Bench 30kg - 60kg
Diddly 80kg - 155kg

Doubled my numbers I want to join the 500kg and be strong as fuck, my if a pretty hot and I want to be the best I can be in a work competing with instagram

I also likee fashion and want to look good in clothes also get strong.

Somehow I don't believe this.

>What keeps you motivated?
Motivation? My unconquerable soul will stop at nothing until I SMASH my goals.

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I just want to improve, that's honestly all there is to it, I also realize that motivation as a feeling is very fleeting and it's not very wise to base something you're serious about on a feeling, when you really come to terms with this, everything that requires day in day out effort becomes easier.

I love your snail user. I used to have a pet roman snail because my parents were scared of the meningitis risk of having an African land snail, but all snails are equally cute.

>Im 26 so my time is running short.
Don't fall for the boomer memes. There are at least two of your current lifetimes ahead of you.

>lost 75 pounds (34kg)
>did it too fast
>body image fucked up
>binge cycle -- gained 20 pounds (9kg)
>down another 13 pounds (5.8kg)
>skinnyfat mode
>tfw getting stronger and feeling better about myself than ever
>wanting to finally mog people one day keeps me going
>believe it or not, Jow Forums helps me stay motivated a lot
>set workout goals every week

I want to be strong & good looking for my future black wife.

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I know everything I do is shit form and I'm still pretty fat but my bench doesn't lie, from 34kg x5 bench press to 70kg x5. I look at my bench to keep motivated.

2deep 4me br0

my main motivation is fury, so as long as it's constructive, I would say no. Envy and vengeance are different though. What exactly do you want to accomplish with your gains on that point?

as a semi-stoic, I agree and I don't. I almost forget myself as well. Just don't stop pumping iron. Gravity is the eternal enemy of the Jow Forumsizen.

I'm 25 and a total NEET with a child on the way and court proceedings. You're gonna make it bro.

>see pic related

some dudes are motivated by simple, outward incentives. I'll say it's somewhat preferable that the intrinsic iron cores the quiet ones have to forge on their own. Do you know how long it could take a person to coalesce a coherent life philosophy that bears no chinks or tarnish?

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I'm motivated to come in 1st in a local bodybuilding competition, then eventually start competing at a state-wide level, hopefully moving on to national one day

I plateaued after 2 years and I've never been able to get meaningfully past that - maybe 10-15% for a few prime months here or there at most.

That was 7 years ago.

What keeps me going is knowing that how I am now is still so much better than how I once was.

Every time I lift something that someone else cannot.
Every time I run faster or farther than someone else can.

Every single time is a taste of success, it's own little glory.