What's the ideal number of eggs to have for breakfast and why?

What's the ideal number of eggs to have for breakfast and why?

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Two on the chin, no homo

It depends on your protein needs. Load up on as many as you need.

they sell them by the dozen for a reason

You're supposed to eat 1 egg per lb of lean body mass per day

Just 2 yolks no more

four whole eggs. It's right on the mark where you're feeling kind of gross due to the amount of eggs and the ketchup isn't helping anymore. Plus it's easy to eat 4 eggs and know that more or less you just ate about 25g of protein.


> "Four to Five Dozen Eggs Every Morning"

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I eat maybe one or two. Shouldn't eat more than that or you're gonna hurt yourself!

a cup of egg whites and 3 full eggs.

I've never thought about putting hotdogs in eggs.

I've got some of those hotdogs with cheese in them. I bet they'd be pretty good with some eggs, yeah?

Sure, other kinds of sausage go well with eggs. Hot dogs would be fine.

3 eggs
3 strips of bacon

And some waffles!

I eat 4 large eggs scrambled with a can of chunk light tuna

Do you scramble the tuna with the eggs

I eat 12 per day. Six for breakfast and six after training.


In a can, it's already crumbly but yeah I usually scramble the eggs with a fork then scoop the tuna in the bowl before putting it in the skillet

i hate most forms of eggs, the only way i can eat them without puking is scrambled and overcoooked til they are browned like the pic. chop some onion or garlic in there with them, maybe a pinch of cumin.

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This is what I do every morning with 1/2 cup of oats


Absolutely disgusting

6 eggs soft-boiled, 5 eggs mixed with potatoes and cheese, or 3 eggs with steak.

If you're eating less than the above you might as well just drink whey.

8 to 10 big guy. no less

ketchup on eggs

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You shouldn’t eat more than 3 eggs a week if you’re at all concerned about health


Chilaquiles con juevos, so 3. Over easy, let the yolk break into your salsa and sour cream.

> a week
That’s a funny way to say month, faggot!


All of them


1 gal whole milk
1 gal whole eggs
Every day

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I make a big omelet every morning with 8 eggs in it. Am I gonna make It?

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I bet you’re fat

I'm bulking
>t. 6'1 185lbs

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God tier

I like a four egg omelette with tons of mushrooms, onions, and some ham. A little hot sauce right before you flip it really adds to it

>not eating 36 egg whites a day

Thought this was one of those Mexican things growing up. Slice sum dawgz, get a nice char on the cut sides, throw some eggs in the pan. Push to center till you get a nice consistency. Wah lah

if you're hungry..fuck it

gross, you and my ex would get along. you both have shit taste

Perhaps you mean "voila" you dunce