What are your thoughts on Keto?

What are your thoughts on Keto?

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I wanna know too.

Dumb diet that also never looks like what your pic shows

Diet for small people.
If you need to eat 3000+ calories a day of fats and proteins you’re going to have an extremely bad time

Easy to cut the carbs hard to eat the 70% fats.

I love it but it seems to lose it's effectiveness when you're going from overweight to normal weight. But from obese to overweight it's very fast and relatively easy past the first month.

You just described literally every calorie restricting diet ever.

Don't listen to all these brainlet replies before me. I use to be a 250 lard, was on low fat diet till 220, then hopped on keto till 180, one of the best diets. Dont get me wrong its hard to start but once a few days or a week goes by, all of your cravings will be gone. The progress you will see will be incredible. Dont look at yourself to much because your muscles will look small from the amount of carbs you will intake. As soon as a few carbs enter your body you will look full instantly. Good Luck, Do plenty of research before you start.

What kind of foods did you guys eat in particular?
Literally only eating eggs and avocados with the occasional slice of bacon and some mushrooms on the side

Just another unhealthy fad diet that will develop a new name once it gets furthered "researched and updated" like with the Atkins diet which is basically a predecessor for Keto.

What's extremely hard to believe IS YOU NEED TO COUNT CALORIES AND PORTION YOUR MEALS IF YOU WANNA LOSE WEIGHT but fat asses and day time show binging single mothers want a cheap means to lose a ton of weight if it's unhealthy. The only healthy amount of weight you should lose is 2lbs a week

>unhealthy fad diet
Been around since the 70's

t. transparent shill

So has tapeworms

Breakfast: Bacon/sausage links, Eggs, Coffee with heavy whipping cream
Lunch:Buy big packets of ground beef(not lean)season it however you want or you can buy pork either one is cheap, Eat a shiton of greens such as broccoli/spinach/green beans.
Dinner: Same shit as lunch or you can make no bun burgers.
Snacks: sunflower seeds or almonds, Pork rinds
Veggies will be your best friend, stick to this and people around you will be amazed. Dont be scared of eating fat, eat a good amount of calories such as 2,000-2,200 because you can easily do 1500 but you will feel like complete shit.
Last thing: people may tell you that its unhealthy and you look very shrunk, Tell them to fuck off, they will be mirin as soon as you take in carbs and are a few weeks into the diet and see fat gone.

Enjoy your massive heart attack

Oh ok. I thought I've been stupid for trying to stick with keto once I hit overweight bmi because it's been so much slower. Going from 450 to 220 was wicked easy but it's taken me a long time to get from 220 to 190, and even then you know deep down that you're not really 190 on keto because water weight is natural so really I'm probably 200 if I quit this diet.

Fuck off vegan shill

go change your tampon

only do it the days before and after a fast, longterm ketosis is shit if you're just trying to lose weight

thank you boomer

>ground beef and sausage
Huh. Didn't know those were keto. Sausages are low carb but don't have the healthy kind of fats so idunno bout that one

Yeah that dude clearly works for Big Butter.

If it is actual good quality grass FINISHED beef there is an almost perfect ratio og omega-3's to omega-6s (which is good fat) ask your butcher instead of buying it at wallmart or whatever. While you're there get some lard and some tallow to cook with.

It "looks" like whatever you buy and eat? Are you retarded?

took me from 265 to 195 and some people don't recognize me.

Nobody believed I was big from ss+gomad kek now look at their faces

The people I've ever known who do keto is this tiny asian guy and girls

Wow, didn't know Jow Forums was so fond of Keto. Might actually try it.

Would you recommend Keto with IF? Will it help me lose the fat but maintain the muscle?

cook shakshuka for breakfast. fucking amazing and you'll never want anything else ever again.
tons of fat tons of protein. I add bok choy, gai lan, and enoki mushroom, sometimes habanero.

combine with grassfed butter and coconut oil + a small hit of vanilla extract in my coffee. sometimes I blend it and put in the fridge for morning, its amazing.

Keto is superior for fat loss and maybe maintenance.

I'm white and went from fatasfatass to skinnyfat. loose skin is sucking back in and I can't wait to start bulking and introducing more carbs on lifting days.

My fucking body is ready bois. Keto is easymode. not to mention the mental clarity.

join my cult pussies


schizophrenic no longer has symptoms on keto also.

come join master race

Expensive as fuck. Feels like shit. Your muscles will be weaker due to not having good glycogen directly in then muscle fibre.

Not really necessary, it’s not as if you won’t lose unless you keto.

FUUUUCK yes bro.

>combine with grassfed butter and coconut oil + a small hit of vanilla extract in my coffee

I meant combine the above into coffee. not with the food

It's good for you if you've already done a regular cut and you want to cut deeper, otherwise don't bother. It's effective but it's huge pain in the ass.

Too much work, I cool 4 eggs and that's almost too much. Then I just down a banana and some greek yogurt.
No, why are you two trying to recruit me

I'm gaining too, so keto is useless for me

It reads like a fad diet

Also been doing fine just eating a bunch of carbs and proteins but cutting back on the calories, 218lb -> 200lb in 2 months

it's legit super easy bro. 1 hour per week will set you up with enough for an entire week of breakfast. and its easier than cooking eggs legit. you literally dumb a ton of shit in a pan and then drop eggs in the juice and cover it until they're poached

also heads up a banana kinda has a lot of fructose. if you wanna down something maybe do some nuts and 85% dark chocolate w your yogurt

>It reads like a fad diet
of course it is a fad, but for quick fatloss it works wonders.
Aside from weightloss the benefits I had:
>no more dandruff after two weeks
>Candida disapeared
>feeling less stress
>mental clarity
>thicker hairs

I also had a strange body odor while doing it.

I used to carb up once a week and do some cardio to get quickly back into ketosis. But I will try to carb up only once every two week.

I lost about 26 pounds on keto, at 3 lbs per week. I had add in intermediate fasting to break past 200, and I'm now down to 195. So about 31 lbs total. Thats with no cardio or weight (I'm going to start that soon).

The thing about keto is that its easier than simple calorie restriction. You come home, you eat as much stuff on the approved list as you want, you wake up the next day, you've lost weight. People like it because its easy.

Sure, most diets work by restricting calroies, but it is easy to restrict calories on keto. You just get fuller sooner on proteins and fats. Thats just the reality. I struggle to eat more than 1500 calories in a day. I have to force myself to eat more.

Also, with completely stable insulin, you won't want to snack.

There really isn't anything magic about how keto works. It just makes the things that lead to weight loss easier.

If you consider doing it, take a multivitamin, drink at least 65 ounces of water, and get at least 50% fat a day in your macro. Going straight protein because its an easier to find will give you brain fog.

I am 3 weeks in and I am already down from 80kg to 70kg

miserable feel, though

nobody who looks like they lift does keto
that's all you need to keep in mind

Love it, it was the only "cutting" diet I could stick to and it's what led to me stop being a neckbeard

I can't stand it now that it's a big well known thing though, I lost the fat but I can't lose my unjustified elitism

Pic related is before and after keto

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It fucking rocks. I've been doing a mixture of Keto / LCHF / OMAD for over 9 years.
I'm a relatively small dude, I'm currently 5,74, 132...
When I first started at age 20, I weighed 172 and had flabby fat around my belly that I couldn't get rid of, no matter how much exercise or jogging I did. A year and a half later I had dropped to 127 and lost so much fat, people I hadn't seen in a while thought I was sick.
In the beginning, it was difficult to consume enough fat without feeling sick, but I've always enjoyed fatty, salty, and savory foods more so than sweet and carby, so I got into a routine pretty quickly.
After a while, (if you are eating enough fat) you'll find yourself getting less and less hungry with every meal, to the point where you are only eating one meal a day. Because I was only eating one meal a day, I was able to spend more money on healthy foods such as nuts, fish, and red meat.
For the last 2 years, I have been slack with my routine and only put on a very small amount of weight, about 4 or 5 lb's in total. I still eat one main meal a day, but I snack on foods like pickles, boiled eggs, nuts, and cheese a few times a day. I also drink half a gallon of milk each day, because I fucking love dairy, even though I know that it is not Keto friendly.
On a regular day, I drink about 5 cups of coffee with stevia, eat 100g of macadamia nuts, eat 4 hard-boiled eggs, eat 4 large pickles, 2 pickled onions, 4 thick slices of cheddar cheese - Those are my snacks throughout the day. For dinner, I'll cook 600g's of swiss chard, a 250g packet of diced bacon, 3 feta wheels, and some melted cheddar cheese to go on top, all cooked in olive oil and bacon lard.
I exercise for about an hour a day and I'm in great shape, barely any fat. I also smoke weed every day and only sleep 4 hours a night.
And there we go, those are my thoughts and experiences starting off with Keto / LCHF.

I would like to add that I take 2000 IU of vitamin D, and 3000 mg Omega 3.

I would like to add that I take 2000 IU of vitamin D, and 3000 mg Omega 3.

I also haven't been to the doctor in over 10 years, and like what others have said, my dandruff and eczema have completely cleared up.

The most unhealthy was to lose weight, even a raw vegan diet is better.

First off 450 -> 190/200 is monstrous, nice job. 200 is a good weight to be at, you could probably start following a normal diet, just ease back onto carbs like wholemeal sandwhiches packed with salad and keep working out.

it was developed as a "diet" in the 1920s

I think the key to losing stubborn fat is to eliminate fat out of the liver which is caused by high glycemic index carbs, it takes about 1 month to clean out the liver of fat, after this the stubborn body fat starts going away.

You don't need straight up no carb, just less than 100g and it has to be low glycemic

Seems like there's two responses to keto:

1) "I tried keto and I lost 200 lbs in 6 months and it cured my cancer"

2) "I haven't tried keto but it's a fad and everyone who does it is an idiot and u will die"

Actually on Keto and IF 20:4
Lost a lot of weight (even though I still have a little bit of belly fat)
I wanna get out of Keto now, is it ok if I increase my low GI carbs of 10g a day for 3 weeks and keep doing my IF routine of 20:4?

Another question I have is that when you get out of Keto, the water gain will make you look puffier or will consist in a muscle increase due to the restored glycogen in them?

i lost 170 pounds in roughly 7-8 months, 6'2 was at 390 now im 220

The recommended keto diet is on with a small amount of grass fed animal products and a large amount of veggies.

The most common keto diet is like the standard America diet with less carbs. Lots of factory farmed meats.

The optimal keto diet is made up of whole plant foods and no animal or junk foods.

Perfect if your goal is to be a skinnyfat twink or look anorexic!

Hmm. It's healthy if you eat wholesome veggies, plants and some light meats.

I'm combining it with fasting to drop weight mainly. I'm sure this won't be always effective. I think you're kinda right though. When I tried it in the past, I didn't effectively count calories and I would just throw fatty condiments on everything, cheese/mayo/butter. Just eat meat and pork rinds. That was a complete fail. Now I just order Greek/Mediterranean food on my eat days, it's the ultimate healthy food.

The only stigma I want people to understand is that ketosis is just a natural body function when met under certain conditions. Not just a 'fad' diet. Though yes, it is just a fad diet.

Good for fatties and diabetics. For all others, there's probably a better way to meet your goals.

But it should. If it doesn't, then YNDTP.

Good if you're

>have an insulin resistance
>a woman with PCOS

Literally the only people who should be doing keto. Fat is an indisputably less efficient fuel source than carbs and no diet/eating protocol has been shown to give better results in the long-term than a balanced diet w/ a slight caloric deficit. Keto isn't some magic shortcut to lose fat.

It's not a permanent diet, but useful for fatties to break sugar addictions and also having to constantly eat. Got shredded up fast doing keto and naturally just shifted to intermittent fasting because once I was fat adapted I just wasn't hungry so I stopped packing lunches for work.

I wish we evolved to have an organ that converts sugar into vitamins and minerals :(

The principles are sound
>high fat
>adequate protein
>low carbs

You dont have to be a zealot though for it to work. Ketosis is not necessary and if you're training pretty hard, it takes away from your progression is what I've found.

That said, if youre a hambeast, I recommend it, ketosis and all, to cut down to a good starting point.

The last thing your joints want is your 300 lb ass attempting to run.

I usually would just IF for breakfast, or do coffee + coconut oil.

For lunch, I used salads as my vehicle for fat intake. I'd usually go to Ruby Tuesday and get the salad bar and just load up on spinach leaves, cheese, ham, bacon, olives, olive oil and vinegar.

For dinner I'd do some sort of red meat - brats, steak, or fish or chicken if I was pretty full still.

My favorite dinner meal was steak cooked on the grill and chopped up, put into a bowl of mashed avocado with melted cheese. My mouth is watering thinking about it.

>how to detect a boomer

Hows the food pyramid working out?

I left keto because I'm going to a military school soon, won't name which, and wont be able to be picky in food intake.

I've transitioned more to a 'paleo' type diet, trying to avoid any sort of processed carb like sliced bread, but not shying away from things like potatoes or rice.

I have noticed that I have more spontaneous energy and I put on a lot of water weight - like 7 lbs or so.

I honestly think nutrition and fitness science is one of the most bullshit-laden fields ever, it's so hard to find reliable sources, studies, conclusive research, etc.

So, with the keto thing there's all these purported benefits to insulin, fat burning, blood sugar, and so on and so forth. I actually think a lot of these claims are pretty convincing / credible, but I don't 100% subscribe to them as fact.

However, I do keto and think that even doing a pretty lazy attempt at keto is good for one reason: it is a really good rule of thumb to avoid carbs in so many situaitons.

I've used it to lose weight while still lifting and I've been pretty successful, only because:
>Instead of getting a burrito with all the trimmings, I cut out the rice and tortilla = -500 calories
>Avoid fries and burger buns, just get the burger patties
>Instead of pasta make chicken and brussels sprouts

Now, a lot of that seems obvious as fuck, because it is - but I think for someone who's looking to lose weight, even if they don't go hardcore 20 carbs because you had an extra handful of almonds or a tomato slice on your bunless burger, fuck it, you still avoided like 800 carb calories that day.

My 2 cents are that it's benefits are probably inflated but i think overall it's a solid way to approach nutrition for weight loss

meme diet

The entire reason it gets rid of fat faster is because it is less efficient you fucking retard.

Where the fuck are your delts and forearms

I'm 205 cm and was 120 kg, lost about 1½kg per week so now I'm 110kg and maintaining lifts on keto. Works well for me, and Im not even doing it strict. Tried a bunch of other diets and failed. Now I'm almost ripped
My advice is try it, if it works for you, great. Don't do it for life though, it's probably healthier to eat a balanced diet

as short term shred diet decent, long term unsustainable

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good, you are just losing water

this seems pretty reasonable desu, it just sounds like a normal good diet without sides of rice or any kind of bun / wrapper

That's how I am about MUH GLUTEN.
Yeah, it's 98% bullshit but going gluten free or even just reducing it cuts a LOT of heavily processed and preserved foods out of one's diet.
I'm not going to shit on someone's meme diet if it's improving their health.

The diet SHOULD look like this. People mistakenly think that the advantages of carbohydrate restriction exempt them from the disadvantages of overconsumption of red and processed meat.
Carbohydrate restriction is easy (for me) and I think it gets you good results, but people are eating way too much red meat under the assumption that it won't do anything bad to them.

Have been doing it for 4 months now. Went from fat obese fuck to mildly overweight. The reason why I chose this diet because I was told I could minimize strength loss during my cut and it has worked to a certain degree. I’ve only lost 10-15lbs on bench and OHP while I actually gained strength in squatting, incline, and DL. Switching to a 4x5 workout and working on linear progression to gain strength that I lost.

For reference I lost 45lbs since February and will eventually get off this diet cause I miss fruit but ya really easy if you don’t really crave sweets.

Homosexual fad diet for fat people and people who have body dysmorphia who have stinky breath, low iq, muscle depleted, are constipated etc

t. 200% heterosexual "testosterone jones" manly man

He’s your average gym rat

I want to take keto down to normal BMI. Already went from extreme morbid obesity to just overweight on keto, but the cut from 200 to 175 is taking a long time. Figured I'd give it a few more months and then change to a normal diet when I reach that health green range of BMI.

If you eat 0 to little veggies you will be constipated, I split 2 lbs of broccoli in 3 days, im shitting play dough

It’s either
>a good diet to follow
>a normie ‘diet’ that gets started and is never carried out, aka Atkins diet V2

what about chicken? My diet is similar to what you posted but i use chicken instead of pork/beef.

198 to 179 in 21 days with keto. never hungry

come at me

So is rice keto or not?

>So is rice keto or not?

Can I loose 3-4lbs a week on keto?


with IF yes

Eat more butter you pussy

Also keto is retarded, not specific enough, to promote health. But making carbs your smallest macro is redpilled

A real diet to benefit from every macro the best would be more about eating enough of each sub-macro like saturated fats vs useless polyunsaturated bullshit.

But to play along, make your macros fit closer to fat 45-50% , protein 35-40% and carbs like 15-20%. Of course if you eat healthfully and nutrient dense foods like liver often enough then macros are a fucking joke and matter less than you think.

Emphasize animal protein and saturated fats and make the carbs less trouble to figure out also pick simple things like a fruit or some light veggies, avoid grains, keto burns saturated animal fat cause it's your bodies best source of energy and ketones, as well as makes up many organs such as the brain and nerves and skin and all membranes of every cell have small amounts.

Also, never eat at a deficit unless you are stupidly obese. Always bulk, you use tiny bits of carbs for certain things (MINIMALLY) like pre and post workouts and eat few enough so it's not enough to gain body fat, meanwhile your body uses saturated fat for all maintenence and the majority of your energy, the more fat you eat the more the other macros especially amino acids get to be used to their fullest potential cause you burn less of them caloricly, always eat at a surplus cause it will feed the organs you revitalized and upgraded and muscle you made; which only can be made in a surplus anyway.

They key to this diet is even with carbs you should be loaded the fuck with saturated fat and eat at a surplus, you won't be super shredded but you can still be aesthetic with moderately low body fat (10-13%) and gain lots of healthy mass and muscle, just become a big caveman essentially. And yes you can tweak it to get down to (7-9%) if you care about vanity.

Fuck insulin, all hormones adjust their sensitivity and any diet which isn't long-term is shit.

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As other user said your side delts are really lacking mate. Otherwise good job.

literal mom-science

avoid bananas brah, they're pretty dense in sugars

Depends on your starting weight. If you’re really obese then yeah, but if you’re around 250 and below, it’ll be much slower.

No rice is not keto. Jesus user, even reddit knows better. Replace it with cauliflower rice or something if you’re that desperate.

dont listen to this faggot 4lbs a week is super easy

>can't lift as much
>ywn consistently hit daily recommended micronutrient intakes, and might become severely deficient in specific micronutrients over time
natural sugars found in fruit are fine for you




Its good if you want to lose body fat
Quickly, but not great on the long run

All these people saying negative long term when there aren’t even studies to cite past a few years...

I'd say consider cutting out white potatoes too, but that may be still hard at a military school.