Do you have workout buddies?

Do you have workout buddies?

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>have best buddy to exercise
>start working out together
>everything is diejob the first 2-3 weeks
>he gets lazier
>overslepts and i can only go to the gym in the morning
>checks my messages 1 hour later
>decide to just stop bothering and go alone again

i mean he has probably a different schedule but stil... goddamnit

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My brother

yeah but she only goes with me half the time

Been going to the gym on my own until I found out a coworker of mine also goes. Now we workout together and he gives me rides to the gym

I had a guy but hes in afghanistan now
It was great we would always compete with each other and push and encourage each other to lift heavier. Always had a spotter so neither of us were afraid to go heavy, and we would correct each others form until we were both perfect
We lived together so we ate meals together after, huge meals
Those were best gains of my life
I miss you Sergio..., good luck out there you fucking manlet

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and I

solo ride till I die

If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have started again

I used to go with a good friend of mine who got me into lifting. Now I go by myself and really don't like to work out with other people

Every day. Every single day you need to mog him. Mog him until he feels the shame of his sloth. Mog him till he until he feels the disgrace of his betrayal.

Remind him that you two were making it together. And until he makes penance, he will fail alone.

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I don't have any kind of buddies.

Her face looks like one of those InCase female halflings or goblins or literally any female character of his





Seriously though, I don't like to talk to people or see them waiting for me because I always take longer. I like taking my time , dammit! I don't want to wait for your sets and wipe your sweat off. That's gay!

Yes, truly, being alone at the gym is the only way to go.

I believe it's referred to as "lifties buddies"

I wish I had. nobody does calisthenics here though, except for 2-3 weaklings, who will never progress past their pull ups and dips. I can't wait for uni to end so can go to my hometown where I know 20 regulars at the park

Yeah, my gf.

Wouldn't surprise me if she was a reference for one of his characters.

Gramps boomer sad.

I don't even have buddies.

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No gains

i have better workouts by myself. that and i like to workout late at night... But at least once every few months me and 2 others get together and smash out a heavy pr day.
its good to go for a heavy bench and knowing that if you fail you really can just laugh it off with mates. other than that its always an average workout thats a little less intense but it feels cosy

My wife. We spot each other on pr's but for the most part we got our headphones on and we're doing our own shit.

Downside is I can't compete with her, lifting 4 times her shit is not even close to being a close race.
Upside is after gym sex HIIT

I would make her my post-workout buddy

I tried but it didn't work for me and I am very autistic in the gym. I don't even listen to music or play with my phone. I just sit there between sets with a thousand yards stare waiting for my body to rest enough for the next set.


Surprisingly good advice on Jow Forums. Fuck.

Not anyone specifc, but I know around 15 people in the gym that I banter with if they happen to be there while I am.

Yeah, ur gf

My chemistry lab instructor from freshman year in uni. Been working out with him since for a little over 2 years. Hoping to go to med school here so we can continue making gains.

No one likes me and I 100% believe I'll die alone without friends.

So no.

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Had 3 buddies, we were the best of chums. One recently went to work in the US, one is /homegym/ and one goes to the gym near his work now.
Fucking sucks brehs, we had great laughs together