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Mirin bear mode. Absolute Unit

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I don’t think bears are that big

That's a Kodak bear. Those things are enormous.

>Kodak bear


How safe is this?

Well, you've got to be careful around those animals but he's not carrying a gun and seems to be friendly so it's probably alright to get close.

Depends on the mood of the bear, if he likes you it is ok, if he doesn't you are fucked.

Well, that’s actually terrifying. His paws are bigger than the man’s head

Totally safe as long as you look him directly in the eyes

Look at the scars on the dude. This bear plays rough

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If you're not a shaky beta and show your weak then the bear wont maul you


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Short-faced bear? That's fucking insane, imagine how many creatures this had to kill just to sustain itself.

16 kg a day

>tfw no bear bro

Mirin forearms

If you thought brown bears were big...

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Short faced bear was tall, but weighed around as much as a brown bear yet had less muscle. Modern polar bears are on average bigger than the biggest short faced bear.

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Well that’s a little anticlimactic


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> Be polar bear

That pic is from 1920. In my pic the short faced bear is moddeled after the biggestshort faced bear fossils found. The biggest recorded polar bear weighed 1 tonne.

Polar bear vs short faced bear

Who wins?

The ground sloth. Estimated to have weighed around 15-20 tonnes.

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Behold, the elephant seal, the ultimate MMA fighter

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Fuck, why can’t creatures like this exist anymore

imagine all the man sized bugs fuck that

lmao these people are fucking nuts