Are VR games an effective way to lose weight?

Are VR games an effective way to lose weight?

Attached: BoogieVR.jpg (1058x745, 161K)

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Standing up is exercise for him

I'd bet if you got one of those omnipad things and used motion controls they would be

I guess this counts as light cardio?
Depends highly on the songs in this case

Will it be advertised as much? Yes.
Will it be effective? Up to the user.

People have been trying to pair vidya games with exercise for years now. I remember in old Nintendo Power magazines they used to advertise a Nintendo treadmill with built in controller, SNES, and tv. Now you have wii fit and games like Dance Central with has a fitness mode. In theory those games and VR games could provide you with light cardio (but your very limited in motion, can't leave the designated area, basically standing still). Even if they had a VR weight lifting program I think it'd be too surreal to lift a heavy object while wearing a VR headset. Your better off just playing Pokemon GO and walking around for 20-45 minutes a day.

Attached: n14219621_33130660_603.jpg (453x604, 47K)

When you're 400 pounds, it probably is exercise. Walking up a flight of steps is probably strenuous exercise when you're that big.

VR weightlifting would be lit.
>doing pull-ups, now your doing them on the side of a building so you don't fall
>you're deadlifting heavy ass steel beams to save a child
>doing squats, suddenly you're atlas

Sounds fun as a game but I would get to distracted by all the moving parts to focus on lifting.

Some game can be good for light cardio. I broke out a sweat playing superhot for an hour.

Attached: Tyrone.png (225x225, 198K)

Beat Saber with custom songs gets pretty intense. I want to try it with really light wrist weights. But 30 minutes of hard songs gets my heart rate up and my delts burning.

>wanting to do hours and hours of light "workout"
>not even remotly fun

just do some HIIT cardio and then use the time you saved to do stuff you like while having burnt the same amount of calories

whats the deal with this guy and fitness talk? is he trolling? he always looked the same, fat fuck.

He's clearly a fitness guru. The American bloat lord

Attached: doggo_burger_king.jpg (639x639, 70K)

He's bear mode bro

Boogie's smart as fuck

>Bulk for 30 years
>Cut for uber body

The vr boxing sim "the thrill of the fight" is certified to burn 15 calories a minute so that's pretty good. I played it for a couple rounds and the next few days my back was shot.

It depends entirely in the kind of game but considering dance can be cardio there's no reason VR can't.
Pair it with a VR treadmill and you're great to go.

How else can you even gonna get juicy calves?

If you box in real life you burn more calories.

I wouldn't doubt it, but the sim isn't bad at all I'd you dont want to commit to actual boxing.

>doing pull-ups, now your doing them on the side of a building so you don't fall
Hey, I tried that once

Attached: pull upn't.webm (368x510, 2.94M)

based grave poster

is he okay?

Yeah he’s fine.
The drop is only 6’2, it just looks a long way because he’s 5’10