So why haven't you gone to the gym today user?

so why haven't you gone to the gym today user?

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Today's my rest day and a new expansion came out for the game I'm playing

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I did upper body yesterday. My knees are in bad shape so I'm skipping leg day until they heal.

A fucking work trip, I'm stuck in some small hotel in a french town.

Did some core stuff tho.

I'll be there in about two hours.
Today is a heavy chest day so I wouldn't miss it because I love working out chest.

Rest day.


Thursday is rest day user, besides, I need to play Diablo 2.


Cheat day, plus it's almost bedtime and I can barely move from all I've eaten I might puke

We got the water service cut in my building and don't know when is coming back. Can't shower at the gym because didn't pay the extra fee because I live next door. Don't wanna sleep swept up so I'm moving todays trainning to the weekend.

I haven’t gone for like 3 months mate.
That doesn’t matter though, because I have reached all of my fitness goals long ago and I look better than ever.
I’ll start going again as soon as the weathers cool a little, just as I did last year and a year after that.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are cardio days for me, but I slept in til 8 and missed the only cool part of the day.

So I might have to do treadmill running or something, which is awful because the treadmills at my complex have a shitty internal breaker that always blows when I try to run 10mph at an incline. So no sprints.

But user,
I just got back.
And then ate KFC to counteract any progress I made

>playing online games / games in general

never gonna make it manchild

Because it's 97° and 78° humidity.
Also I'm at work.
>hurr having fun is for betas

out of curiosity what kind of work

Shipping/receiving/inventory at a factory that makes abrasives like sanding belts, discs, etc. If my office/hut didn't have AC I'd probably have killed myself. I hate humidity.

Joke on you, I'm currently at the gym.

Haven't been to the gym in a year and I still look decent. Feels gud.

I just woke up

Rest day. I might go to the pool tho I joined LA fitness and they have a pool. Would be good cardio

Rest day, wish it wasn't since I have been eating way to many carbs the last two days.

i feel so fucking tired after work so I usually try to get a half an hour nap inbetween but sometimes i sleep through. It furiates me greatly to miss because of that but i dont know how to fix the tiredsom state i experience.

I go to the gym monday wensday friday

Excuses, excuses

Jokes on you, I’m going in 30 minutes.

Cause I like to go at 10pm cause there isn't too many people and I don't have to worry about waiting.

Plus I want to go at the same time so people who do that as well get used to seeing my face and maybe I could make some friends that way.

Rest day, did some walking for cardio today. Might go for a bicycle ride soon desu. I'm fat but getting better.

I go to the gym at night because I'm at work right now and I have to let my phone recharge so I can listen to music while I work out. Usually go around 7pm

I just came back from the gym

I was just there

its 105° right here and i still went to the gym which is a 45 minute bus drive from my house.

Based Ritsu.

I'm about to right now, actually.

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But I totally did, even though I don't know why. I hate existing. *le fedora tip*

Its closed for renovations and I had an exam.

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I'm about to
Gonna try and hit a rep pr on bench wish me luck bros

my hemorrhoids are preventing me

lord have mercy

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I haven't been to the gym in a month
shoot me

Home gym master race here. Deadlifted like a madman just one hour ago.

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He probably ded form a papercut before crashig

Going after work, stuck here

My shoulder hurts.

I've been arguing in a bait thread ever since I got home

Went for 9 days straight as I had to come back home from uni yesterday and I had a rest day/meetup day with my friends. Starting tomorrow i'm back to my normal schedule (5/6 days a week)

Because I tore my rhomboid and it hurts to breathe. I'm going tomorrow though.

Waiting for the "open" business hours to end and when the doors lock unless you have a key chip to get in late or super early so it's less busy

Hurt my back a few days ago. I've been doing some rehab exercises?

i do fullbody workouts every other dat so no gym for me today

is this actually you bro

I can't afford a gym membership.

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2 hours sleep last night. Just skipping rest day Sunday and moving all my lifts up another day