Itt: we badly draw in ms paint exercises which names we dont know and others identify it

itt: we badly draw in ms paint exercises which names we dont know and others identify it

Attached: watsname.png (820x518, 13K)

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Duel swingball

thats whats on the end

Attached: watsname.png (237x339, 1K)

dual cable curl, there's a shit ton of different names for it.

Couldn't you have asked your stupidass question in the QTDDTOT?

Attached: exercĂ­cio.png (712x630, 17K)

barbell antigravity reverse pushdown squats

The virgin DYEL-cycle vs THE CHAD FULL BODY LIFT

One of my favorites, desu

Coverage Extensions

Attached: 1513375926236.jpg (675x500, 58K)

childrens monkey gym bars

Guys guys is there anything that is the opposite of the squat? Like barbell row is to bench press and pull up is to ohp. Is there any thing where you have to pull your legs toward you? Like maybe locking your legs into something and hang upside down and reverse squatting? What muscles would this work and would it be useful?

Attached: 1530140833395.png (1876x1200, 83K)

Just squat lmao

Attached: path4719.png (580x815, 38K)

Attached: 1527230531392.gif (320x362, 1.99M)

>the virgin squat vs. The Chad Poo in the Loo

Hanging leg raises is what you are looking for, works abs and I don't know how you can make it weighted. Strap a plate to your feet somehow.

Glute ham raise?

Make it "barbell reverse antigravity pushdown squat" and It'll be BRAPS for short

Ah I see. So the squat works the quads and lower back, would the weighted hanging leg raise work the hamstrings(and abs like you stated) if you brought your heel to your ass on each rep?

someone have the ms paint f the guy who rubberbanded himself to a rack?

what is this squat variant called

Attached: chad squat.png (960x540, 27K)

double dumbbell base squatting with what looks like uneven weight

crossfit squat

uneven double duel-legged leg squat

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Why do boomers do retarded shit like this at the gym?


Reverse crunch, works the glutes.

From my understanding, yes. I think it could work like that but you would have to try it yourself and see, I've never done this that way.

Cable cross.
Glute ham Raise

are these those 'skull crackers' ive been hearing about

double cable curl
dom mazetti
double dumbbel bosuball balance squat
glute ham raise

Good luck, I may be the only person who does these though so be warned.

Attached: Whatami.png (1583x721, 35K)

It's a russian leg curl. And it's fucking hard you dumbass. I do it because I'm a gymnast...but I also have a wicked hammie/butt because of it - I bet you cna't even do one


Attached: 1514434951117.jpg (540x263, 41K)


wood chopper

guess this one

russian twist?

Attached: Untitled.png (680x463, 10K)

Hip belt squats

can't draw this because i dont want to burn this image into my mind

Attached: 33d44a0dcf79ae1a59803ab3d286a61febe73c808628f09313adf8c730f4f447.jpg (625x709, 112K)

inverted dumbbell shoulder pulls