Why do you hate this site? are they normies?

why do you hate this site? are they normies?

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They want your money for little to no result

Why do people wear bodybuilding.com shirts? Is it like a badge of honor for normies?

Those fuckers all look good. Better than Jow Forums

Most who look good are /fraud/ing hard, and if our /fraud/s are any example, it's only like 10% of them who even look better than a natty gymbro.

Look at how cancerous tripfags are on Jow Forums. Now imagine if everyone was a tripfag.


Too expensive you can get it cheaper by buying in amazon

Because you can't get away with having a shit body and talking shit at the same time, whereas on Jow Forums you can. Hell, most people on this board aren't even Jow Forums but still give trash advice

Pretty much any forum that doesn't have general anonymity and/or has fucking rep/points/karma shit is going to be absolute cancer. It attracts all the attention hungry fags who would just get attention on instagram or something but they are so unbearable in real life that they can't cut it in normie social media.

im here at starbucks and theres a v cute girl with a bodybuilding.com sticker on her laptop

give me one good reason to not get into bodybuilding.com forums, Jow Forums

Women don't go on forums to get laid son, they do it for attention. That being said, normies don't ever visit or post on the forums, they just buy all of the overpriced branded products.

They look like roided out faggots

every person I see with a BB.com shirt is some skinny fat dyel who runs bro splits

garbage routines.

no they get them for free when they order (((supplements))) probably

You must be ripped and have worked out for 15 years that's why you come to the holy grail top of the line fitness website here on four channel

I usually see 2 DYELs at my gym per week wearing them, why the fuck would you? I don't care if that shit is free, you look like a massive faggot if you wear one. Can you imagine walking around wearing a Jow Forums shirt?

Forums used to be pretty good and civil 10 years ago.
But now for some reason people constantly resort to namecalling and moderation anywhere is ridiculous. Trolling is tolerated and unpopular opinions get redacted.

I don't know why but it's probably aliens or we've entered the end times.

Because they lift

I agree. I feel better asking people if they're feeling lucky

bodybuilding.com is just a place where fat fucks shill their retarded supps

>people talking about bodybuilding.com supplement store
>people who don't realize the misc exists

hmm wow you're all new aren't you

They're retarded. Dudes were fighting wether the week had 7 or 8 days.

misc used to be good

misc>Jow Forums

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yea in 2011-13. It trash now, threads stay on the first page for like an hour. Mods killed that place.

>Jow Forums shirt

Is this why girls don't talk to me?

What about optimum nutrition shirts? They came free with the whey.

>DYEL faggot



t h i s


Someone please post the monkey shirt

What supplements on amazon will give me a free shirt? I always run low on shirts.

what about this shirt?

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their super cheap

at least the misc anime thread is good.


why do they type so retarded

> brb
> negged
> phaggot

You can get a shirt when ordering for a certain amount and their shirts are hella comfortable

I dont hate it per se but I was banhammered since people thought I was a LARPer, and there is no reversing it

how is that any better than


This, half of them fell for the 7 day christcuck/Jew meme.

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No chance she actually uses the forum...

Sometimes I wear one, it was free and is not half bad quality ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i have a feeling the web in general went downhill after '14.

loliterna get the fuck out of here

Since the smartphone epidemic actually. It’s easier for retards to have access to the internet now.

Based fitmisc OG

I wasn't too interested in their workout plans, but appreciated them being made available to the public. However, that is no longer the case. Requiring a subscription for workout plans that use to be free is pretty stupid.

Don’t know about the workouts but every time I land on that shitty website they try to jew some money out of me. It seems like every article is written in such a way that it’s more of a sales pitch instead of an actual informative piece. I’d rather read C&P or Greg Nuckols’s stuff than waste my time with “THE REASON YOUR BICEPS DONT GROW IS THAT YOU’RE DOING TOO MANY CURLS WITH THE WRONG PROTEIN SHAKE - BUY OUR SUBPAR VARIATION HERE”

spotted the dyell

This. Downward spiral since '07

absolute shitcunts

Gotchu senpai

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I never browsed bb too much, but from what I observed, it's not that different from Jow Forums, at least in terms of atmosphere.

It's not, Jow Forums post 2014 is trash

Half of the misc were probably 4channers anyway - not just from Jow Forums though.

The entire mainstream internet has really gone to shit, hasn't it? At least here it'll never change, r-right guys?

imagine caring this much about what other people think of your clothes you cookie cutter

>Sometimes I wear one, it was free and is not half bad quality ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
