What do you guys do for Core/Abs?

What do you guys do for Core/Abs?

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Squat angrily


I never eat vegetables or fiber and then i take really hard and painful shits.

fuck your mother until my stomach feels sore

I love her show

Molly is better


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Roll outs
Leg raises
Cable wood choppers
Russian twists
Kneeling cable crunches



she is the reason i lift

Channel full of waifus [spoiler]including brad[/spoiler]

Molly is wife tier

Suspended leg raises
Side to sides

Fuck you Carla top tier.
Probably fucks like an animal.

Attached: gQ7mnC8.jpg (1120x1012, 115K)

"side to sides" meaning like a twisting back and forth motion while holding a medicine ball. I'm not sure if that's actually what this exercise is called.

both look good but molly is much cuter

Legit how often do you actually need to work abs? /fit always says it's just bf that counts

I do it every other day alongside my normal workout. But I'm a climber, not a bodybuilder, so my priorities are different than most of Jow Forums.

Suspended leg raises
Suspended knee raises
Sit ups
Leg raises
Weighted side twists (???)
jogging two miles
(attempt) sprint a mile

I do the running first.

Planks everyday and sprints once a week

>get back on diet
>eating out on keto is too expensive
>try to spark interest in cooking from highschool
>start watching cooking shows to try to spark an interest in cooking
>end up falling for the Bon Appetite chefs and the Japanese chick from Tasty
>don't even watch for recipes anymore
>new fantasy gf is artsy shoe gaze pastry chef with a jew nose

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Called a "Russian Twist" or something

How much do I have to lift to get Claire gf?????

Not sure if it's some YTer you're talking about or the daughter of ms olympia who posts in /fat/

from what ive heard you can train abs pretty much every day.
the reason for this is that the core is in use all day, so it recovers faster and it requires constant stimulus.

the calves work in a similar way, everytime you walk you use your calves so they have to recover very fast

Claire > Molly > Brad >>> Carla

Planks and weighted crunches.

>Carla lowest tier

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i'd do an ab workout after every session

I do a few minutes of planking after stretching, but before lifting. Normal plank, side plank on each side, and most importantly hollow hold.


I wonder if she knows she's an absolute milf

Attached: bonappetit_the-very-best-fried-chicken-sandwich.jpg (265x470, 17K)

Abs are just kitchen lighting

5x20 GHDs in 7.5 min
50x10 isobikes in 10 min

Sore for 5 days

Don't think she's out of her 20s desu
Also high school pics courtesy of /ck/

Attached: claire.png (3041x899, 2.83M)

>check /ck/
>food personalities you hate
>5 posts shitting on Claire
>no one calling bullshit
Worst board

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Solid 6.5

get a load of this angry virgin

Ab Coaster
Seated crunch machine
Both really easy on the back

Planks, Ab roller, Mountain climbers, L sits

idk what else to do really?


Vin > All

ohhhh wish she would sucki on my penne ohhhh

I do weighted decline situps, I mostly do them as an accessory to help my core for squats/ohp/deads but I think they help aesthetics as well.

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How many and how long did it take you

Noice, mirin
What do you do for body hair?

3x15, a few months. I cut and did a lot of cardio too

Thanks is bro, I just buzz it.

how much weight, how many reps?

is the rightmost pic with a pump, or are you flexing?
pls respond

asking because i do weighted situps too

3x12, currently at 55lbs. and i don't have visible abs

3x15 with 45lbs, and yeah I had a pump.

Punching bag. Punch and kick and punch and kick and punch and kick until I feel like I’m going to throw up. And squats. Squats by themselves are probably better for your core, but punching will burn a shit ton of calories.

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Deadlifts, squats, dead hangs, and leg raises

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Dragon flags or dragon Flys. Forgot which one. But it is definitely the superior exercise.

all I wish is that Brad wasn't married and didn't have kids so he and Claire could be together

A routine based on lots of axel loading (squat, deadlift, row, ohp) and being 10% bodyfat or less.

Feel free to waste your time isolating your abdominal lining which has so little growth potential due to its structure that compounds are far more than enough.

>muh EMG studies

Doesn’t mean shit.


two mommies is best

I don't think he's married, I didn't see a wedding band in the latest video
Also I guarantee he and Claire have fucked at least once

Squats, deadlift, press (i.e. nothing)

I love this method. Neck and head vein gains also.

Hanging leg raise with straight legs, I do this more for my lower back health than abs,

landmine twists, landmine twists, and landmine twists.
Ab wheel, plank/side plank, leg raises.

Dragon Flags and decline situps

he's married with two kids

why she got rogue's hair? is it natty?

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i do these. 6 sets (20,20,20,15,15,10), alternate days

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Ab wheel 2x25
side planks

I'm where you are in the first pic bro. Did you do hiit cardio? And 500 deficit?

Brad is goat tier waifu, want him to make me bucha and a camp fire

babish mogged by brad who got mogged by vincenzo
rip binging with reddit

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Vin is the true chad

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How did I into /andy mode/?

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I expected Vin to be bald

This is the Jow Forums + /ck/ crossover I didn't know I needed

>also, forgetting about Andy

>ywn have a qt Baker wife who makes you sweets and let's you nuzzle into her warm bosom

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be 5'2


Tbf, Babish would get mogged by just about everyone on Jow Forums.

Planks, guy at my boxing gym does a pretty brutal ab routine too, but that's only useful to be able to take body blows better.

I do sit ups on this followed by an ab roller. I want to do more core stuff, but my problem is that I always run out of time. By the time I get out of work, hit the gym, do my lifting and running, I only got 10~ minutes for abs before the gym closes.

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Daily reminder that situps, crunches, and all variations destroy your transverse in a bad way, and will lead to back problems and a beer gut when you're older. Russian twists are arguably the worst for you. The only ab exercises you should be doing are static or full-body like ab rolling, isolation is going to fuck your shit up.

Am I the only one here who likes to cook but hates /ck/ because it's full of fat faggots talking about fast food? Jow Forums guys need to know how to cook if they wanna get anywhere but /ck/ is just terrible

Hanging leg raises are GOAT

we should have a general for fitness related cooking, but autists will complain the same as with martial arts threads, because anything that is not powerlifting or roids is not Jow Forums related.

Former chef and baker here with a minkr in nutrition. I used to post diet tips and recipes all the time but 90% of the responses were, "not enough milk" and keto fags losing their minds over being told too much protein is a bad thing. Fuck advice. I come here for the banter now.

it will just be autists eating dry overcooked chicken with broccoli x7.

Muh meal prep.

yea Carla is a pig alright...


>sprint a mile

I thought jews were supposed to be shapely?

hanging leg raises and an ab wheel I made

[citation needed]

Fucking Harvard?
The military?
A pretty general overview.

Dude, it's not hard to imagine that curving your spine the wrong way for an exercise (which is exactly what all other exercises recommend against), is a really bad idea. I've got a beefy eight pack and all I do are statics and cardio.

>new fantasy gf is artsy shoe gaze pastry chef with a jew nose

How dare you, my chicken with broccoli is juicy as fuck with a lot of great flavours.

Your chicken and broccoli tastes like dicken and brocco-D

How dare you

One thing these studies do not address is form which is undeniable important.

>I've got a beefy eight pack and all I do are statics and cardio.
[citation needed]

There is no form in which your spine is not bending in an unnatural way and where your hip flexors are not one of the dominant groups being hit. It was also clearly stated that torsion and rotation to the spine in any exercise is dangerous and unhealthy. There is no "form" that will save your back if you want to do situps or crunches, and twists are completely blown out of the water. You wanted citation, so you got 3 sources, and now you want to cherry pick on whether or not they identify fucking form as one of the factors. If you're so adamant on working your core like a retard, be my guest, but you've been informed that your back and core will suffer for it.
>[citation needed]
Be a faggot all you want, I'm not posting pictures in this thread.