My girlfriend keeps pushing me to be a glovefag while working out because...

My girlfriend keeps pushing me to be a glovefag while working out because, “it doesn’t feel good when you touch my body”.

What do I do, I don’t want to be that dweeb with fingerless gloves and a weak grip at the gym.

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use powder or google


lmao my ex said she loved my rough manly hands

maybe instead of gently caressing you should should grabbing and slapping

Dump her. It's not about how your hands feel, she doesn't like you touching her.

Use lotion.

>real women need rough hands
Then clock her

Bend her over, rip off her panties and stick it in while saying, "Does that feel good, you slut?"

works every time.

>My girlfriend


You don’t have a girlfriend or any kind of friend

Almost every girl I've ever dated loved my rough hands, even before I started lifting. I've worked construction my whole life.
I even had an ex who would spend hours pinching my callouses until she fell asleep.

Tell that bitch if she wants soft hands she should date a woman.

>it doesn't feel good when you touch my body
tell her to shut the fuck up and slap her ass

you aight white boi?

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No say "if you dont like my rough hands date a bitch boy" make it seem like you are the superior Male


find a new girlfriend, clearly this one wants you to be some pussy ass glove wearing bitch who gets laughed at by everybody

Did you tell her how people will laugh at you if the see you with gloves. If she doesn't understand after that then shes not worth it

Never gonna make it, friend.

>having a gains goblin

You ain’t doing something right with your girl if she honestly cares that much.

clearly you have weak grip or the bar wouldn't be slipping out of your hands that much, so just wear the gloves pussy

>glove wearer
>small-ish hands so i got a pink women's large pair i found for 25% of the original price
>dont give a fuck
LMAOing at insecurefags ITT

>I care more about what randos in the gym think more than my girlfriend

You guys have strange as fuck priorities

>caring more what some bitch thinks than Jow Forums

unironically never gonna make it

>gf deadlifts baby weight
>still has calluses
Nothing more unattractive on a girl except maybe strong arms.
>inb4 wheyfu fags invade

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Hold the bar properly...

file them down with an emery board

tell her to stop being a faggot

Take care of this shit unless you want to rip that shit open one day and have blood all over the barbell. Start cutting them with scissors before they get worse. Works for me great

>this thread

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Just moisturize, as long as it's not jagged and feels like a serrated blade you're fine

My ex used to complain. I rub my hands together, letting the callous's use use them sevles as an exfoliant. Use lotion after if you want

Tldr act like kike

quit larping, you don't have a gf. Go buy a bunch of 2 blade disposable razors. Shower in hot water for 15 minutes, shave off your calluses. It's easier than it sounds, just run the razor backwards after every few shaves to clear the dead skin from it. Smooth hands, but the skin stays tough and won't tear like baby hands. 10/10 would recomend. I do it every two weeks when calluses get big so they don't tear.

Start moisturizing you faggot.

Try saying no, pussy. Your girl wont respect you if you don't stand up for yourself

learn to grip properly faggot

it must suck to be you

>Shower in hot water for 15 minutes, shave off your calluses.
This is best, if youre clumsy get a pumice stone and buff them off. Use lotion every day, preferably get a pair of soft gloves and put lotion or Vaseline on before sleeping


If your hands are like that you are gripping the bar improperly. Or you're a brainlet with a labor job

Tell her it's a result of lifting and if that's a problem, then too bad.

My ex said the same shit to me. Then she cheated on me. Have fun OP

Yeah sure sleep with your gloved lotion hands wtf weirdo

yeesh, yikes!
what a bunch of insecure baloney

Moisturize, you winged faggot

Orbital sander with a fine grit sandpaper works well to buff off those calluses too

Use this and a pumice stone and you're golden.

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The only correct answer ITT

You're just self conscious that you wear gloves because you can't able small blisters on your hands. I also bet your bf loves it when you jack him off with your smooth silky man paws.

You're all fucking dumb, just touch her with the back of your hands. Solved.

You are a bitch if you can't handle sore hands.

Why should do you want this man you lose his callous clout?

it's a thing, I did it when I was younger (am female though so less concerned with looking faggy like this dickless chimp)

Moisturizing is for faggots, faggot

please be in London


faggot detected

There is no such thing as a Jow Forums romance user

this is asinine

>"Does that feel good, you slut?"

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I cut mine out with a knife once they get too big, it's free so idgaf

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Girls never complain about my callouses because they naturally smooth out somehow.


Join us. Being a glove fag is the way to go. Your reasons for not being a glove fag just show that you are an insecure faggot.

That autism. Jow Forums approved solution.

Get a girl who loves callouses

Wearing gloves in the gym is fine. Just make sure they match your purse.

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If she stopped using makeup, would you ask her to start again?
Using gloves while working out is like her applying makeup.

Moisturize your hands and clip your callouses.

This... How retarded can one be

>I don’t want to be that dweeb with fingerless gloves and a weak grip at the gym.

Wear a glove only on your right hand. When anybody asks just say, "keeping this hand soft for my lady" and then wink at them.

Touch her with gloves on
Plot twist


humour underrated

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Just stop being a bitch about it and use a goddamn glove. Are you really so insecure you gonna lose your gf over some " I'm afraid of what people will think if I wear glovesss boo hoo"
You guys with your fragile egos are pathetic...

Seriously, just USE THE DAMN GLOVES. Look at that hand for fucks sake.

The insecurity level on men who refuse to wear gloves to work out because people might think they're homossexual is really something to behold...

Do gloves really get in the way of grip strength that much?

that is one of the saddest hands ive ever seen, why wouldn't you at least apply lotion? do you enjoy having calluses?

Shove your cock down her throat to shut her the fuck up.

get a pumice stone and get to work

No, grip strength is determined by muscles.
You can actually increase grip by textile gloves.
Less slipping which lets you focus on keeping your hand closed.

What this guy said.

Jesus christ dude get some lotion

>Handlet dicklet manlet griplet with pink gloves LMAOing at anybody

I bite mine off. Does that make me more manly?

Just bizarre


get rid of her she's a gains goblin

Come for the hentai, stay for the plot.

Get a pimpstone and grind those calluses down when in the shower. Otherwise you can also shave your calluses off with a razor or callus shaver. Im doing strongman and nothing is so irritating than having your calluses grow to the extent that they form a shelf for the farmers handles to rest on and by the sheer weight this shelf rips right off mid lift. Keep the calluses small for your own sake and for your girls. They dont help you with any lifting anyways.

Trim your fucking calluses, god damn.

cut them off, use a foot file on the remains to smooth it out(works extra well under running water) and moisturize

Wear gloves no-one really cares. I've worn them on and off for years and im the biggest guy in the gym. Mainly because i play guitar and the callouses get in the way.

Gloves gives you a worse grip though for deads and farmers, if you care about that. Otherwise I think you should maybe wear gloves.

Or just use moisturizer every day

some fedora tier shit right here

Gay. My gf likes to pick my calluses sometimes. She’s a weird bitch...

I had never heard that until this thread. Regardless i say on and off but i haven't done for a few years since i started using chalk, it stops most callouses and helps with big lifts. But the point is i wouldn't look down on someone using gloves, is there a sadder thing to care about?

what's baby weight? a-asking for a friend

>having a gf
uhm this is a gay board, friendo

don't do this, you don't want soft skin you want to reduce the amount of crusty skin but keep your hands tough.

Keep filing them down and use some form of hand salve rather than moisturizer